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Adam Childs May 2014
The skies glow , in a deep blood red
The air stands still , infused with a black mist
As we feel  her stalking ,her clenching fist
Dancing and playing in the night
As she lies beyond our sight
Preparing to make a great fright
Like a ghostly phantom she floats
Freely  in the darkness of our
Unconscious mind for she is the
Great Goddess Kali

Pushed forward by the power
Of the sun on her back , and
Thirsting for destruction
She rages and ravages
Without remorse , or question
Or even second chance
She ploughs through all
Breaking hearts and parts
As she sews a new start

There is no great master
Who is anywhere near faster
As even the great Shiva's knees buckle
As he  lies felled and vanguished
We are lost in darkness ,
dazed and confused
As she blots out the sun
While  we are washed in the
Flames of her ferocious fire
She cuts away black matter
From our dark hearts
And decapitates our
Many false faces

But honored are the souls
That meet her highnesss
Her greatness ,Kali
And dared are those
That look into their darkness
As we are bathed in the coolness
Of her silky  blue  skin  
Quenching our boiling hearts
Brave are the souls that
Dare to look into her eyes
And find a soft milky mothers eye
That carries and holds us through
As she cradles with her eyes

As I bow , my ego falls
And my Love seeks
The Great Goddess KALI
This might not mean anything if you do not know of KALI she is worth discovering :-) I wrote quickly so I hope it is ok
Adam Childs Apr 2014
Frustrated by these tireless wars
The world rages against
As I am plunged into battle
Caught in the many hooks
As his red eyes burn into me
Their desires seek all of  me  
I just want to be free

As the empty heart craves
All their worldly possession
Can they make a personal confession
Filling lives full of glory and triumph
Many materials rattle and clatter
As echos fall in the hollowness
Of an empty heart

Prodded , provoked and paraded
My enemy draws and clenches
As he seeks to take and take
Greed seeks the juice out of me
My pride , my dignity

Stripped by the world of
Everything , I hear my heart beat
As I am drawn to the edge
Of fire and conflict
Torn by Love and vengeance
I am consumed by the world of

But deep in my heart
Lives a silent beast
A shiny blue dragon
That sails with the doves
And roars a white peace
The world has its great feast  
As I sit ,  to look and  see
My surrendered violence be

As my peaceful heart melts
And drifts away from
The worlds  blistering battle
Many lost men attack
My abandoned Castle and  
Stamp on my garments of war
I have long since left lying
I look at the world of the dying
As the world rages
My soul slips into the
Realms of expansive bliss

For I have chosen
Some thing the world
Can never take
Not sure how this turned I hope at least the message comes across ok
Adam Childs Apr 2014
Weary of spirit I drift side ways
As my sails have lost all wind
In the mundaneness of my life
I repeat year by year
For I am a stuck record
Mechanically moving
Devoid of all emotion
I search for the thread
To my lost heart
In this daily grind
Of everyday routine
I find myself hypnotized
By the repetition in my life
My half hearted eyes
Blind to the treasures
That God bestows
For I demote myself
To a passenger in my life
For I am rung out of joy
And can no longer fill my flute

My mind bleached by the
Dazzlement of this world
I am left feeling empty
Of this worlds unhealthy fuel
As our souls secretly search
To burn away our reptilian claws
In the fires of fossil fuels
Like Edward scissor hands
Our hearts bleed for love
All actions made mechanical
We are the robots of our time
As the world seeks to make us
Into unconscious engines
Driven by the power of profit
Both in our minds and theirs

In the long range monotomy
Of this tiring life
We do not seek to run or hide
As we stand like giant rocks
Holding our own space
Carved by the weather of time
We remain the governor
Of our own lives
As all elements fall within us
For God holds us within his strength
As he fills us like balloons
Replacing all that
The world took from us
Like mountains we are pushed up
With the forces from within
As we now see this world
From a new height

As we descend the mountain
To meet the world
We are met by our many comrades
Our four legged friends
For these are the work horses
Of our time
Who show a tranquil dignity
Within their work
As they serenely
Embrace their own dharma
With a soft grace
That angels may envy
For they lead the way
As I sit and surrender
For I am a passenger
Who enjoys the view

In this new centered self
I relax and recoil within
My strength renewed
I learn the effortless embrace
My work ethic renewed
My open arms , feel the open hearts
Of our humble steeds
Who still the sea's
Of our ruffled minds
As I seek to return home
Dropping in to find my heart
Within my mechanical self
Enriched I feel
As I hitch hike on Gods glory

Finding our heart within our work
Can be the hardest sea to sail
But the greatest
For accomplishments sewn
In the hearts of men
Will beam in the sunlight
Of righteousness
While those thrown
And discarded on shallow dry soil
Will shrivel and die
Though I may sometimes stumble
Sometimes finding my stride
I remain on the path
Too and within my heart
In work

For I Love my life
In all its shades
As who am I to bring
Condition into life
As I push my food around my plate
Like a fussy child
For now I seek just to sing
Hi I wrote this when feeling a little uninspired at work a couple of years ago  I apologise if it seems a bit dreary just thought i would put it up to see what some of you talented writers thought . not my best but always interested in feed back
Adam Childs Apr 2014
As I pass through the wish e washy
Politics of my superficial mind
The many false faces
My eternal being remains
Frustrated by the ineptitude
Of my political , dishonest mind
As my oceanic being is covered
By a sheet of crusty cold ice
The great masses  in my being
Feel disconnected and disillusioned
By the elitist aspects of the
Political mind who live on top

But as I begin to feel my internal council
A silence from  within vibrates with
As the many chattering politicians
Scurry and busy themselves
I begin to drop deeper,  to know
My many political shapes  
How I dream to know the many
Characters of my political being
As to understand the lawmakers
In is to understand my life
Where do I find the honest council
And who are the corrupt  lying voices
That whisper in my ear and make
Secret deals behind closed doors
Far far away from my conscious mind
Who is that mischievous characters
Always causing trouble the black adder

Although I do feel large and honest
Politicians within my soul
For they all sit around a long table
That stretches from my solar plexus
Up into my deep open chest
Dressed in light blue I hear them
Tirelessly working shuffling
Their many papers
Recording and studying making their
Many decisions and communicating
With all my many distant parts
Finding a new intimacy with my self    
I unlock many doors within me
As I search to please the
Great masses within my soul

On entering the outside world
My being shuffles past the many
Black adders with a chuckle
As he begins to enjoy
Their mischievous ways
My political mind becomes
Purified by the the emotional
Depths of my being , as I am
Infused with a deep ocean blue
From my bottomless heart  
As my path in this world
Becomes lubricated in a rich oily blue
Like a giant blue whale I effortless glide
And as  I meet the other I stand
Within my my golden heart
As my depths live on the outside
For I carry my heart on my sleave
As I search for the other a thousand
Golden streams from my heart
Descend into me
Penetrating all of me
To find all my honesty
As I seek to unlock the other
By unlocking many doors in me

The political mind can be mischievous
But it can be a great servant  
When in touch with our deep blue depths
And the golden threads leading to our heart
Well this is different see  what you think probably to long but i do  seem to really  struggle when asked to shorten them . Maybe i should leave them in the oven longer
Adam Childs Apr 2014
I am the firm solid earth
The ground i feel to walk on
But i fear many waters
Great  vast oceans
For they smash against my edges
As they seek to drag me down
And **** me in  

I hold tight while closing my eyes
For I feel the wind building
Seeking to ******* away
Turning and twisting me
Against my lost self
Blistering and attacking

I fear all fire for it
Spits and burns my skin
Breaking and pushing me apart
As it unsettles my restful self
Destroying and consuming

As my soul clings to self
Like a frightened child  
It screams for fear
Of its own life  
For i seek nothing
But my own council

As my soul fears lose of self
In the many day dreams
That others bring to me
Like a ferocious dragon
Jealously guarding his
treasure laden lair
I hoard all that is
Precious in me

But I am the stubborn earth
That pushes all away
As time passes I discover
My many deep caves
That lie within my mountains
As I rest in the comfort
Of my own home

I begin to call upon
The many ocean
To rest against my side
The wind to lie upon me
And the fire to rise up in me
For in the sanctuary of my tomb
I am consumed by the richness
Of all that surrounds me

Dust is lifted from me
As I am now as much
The vanishing wind
As the Anchored heart
Blown through the air
I smash against all  my sides
And  fall as rain on mountains
carving valleys and canyons
Or I am absorbed by fire that
Presses and pushes

Slowly I begin to guide
The many external forces that shape me
With this loose and loving cooperation
I become my own  craftsman
Learning to embrace all elements
And truly let go into the world of relating
You become the artist  of
Your own face in this world
I hope this makes some sense just written it so i feel a bit close to it , I am a funny earthy stick that  probably enjoys his own company a bit to much but would be very interested if any one can relate to this .
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Hear the LION'S ROAR
As the many indignant souls
Find themselves restored
In his majestic presence
As he rattles the very fabric
Of this world as many
Broken men become renewed
Their fractured parts
Collect in the melting ***
Of the Lions stare
So let us all dare
To live life like a Lion

Lounging in the sun
Owning and surveying
His beautiful life
Storing great forces
Reservoirs of strength
To pounce and punch
Soft pads of silent stealth
Gather for all his wealth
His appetite strong
He honors every parts of self

But there is no where
To hide in the cats eye stare
As my many fumbling phoney selves
Dissolve in his melting glare
As I am shamed by a look
As I approach life like a crook
My procrastinating belly exposed
In my lack luster display
As I breath a contempt
For my precious life

Standing strong in stature
And rich in golden shine
Radiating with a presence
Of Absolute rule
The air washed with
A bristly respect
A natural pride
Beams with a beauty
Freed from all that is false
His being effortlessly
Embraces the fields
Of his own nature

As I am silenced by
The strangle hold of this
Bitter dysfunctional world
Tightened by a
Multitude of silent gestures
I sit to listen
I feel my throat burst
My gagged tongue freed
My choked throat
Beams like the sun
As I softly delve
In to the LION'S ROAR
An open infinity
Cuts my many collars
Releasing my self expression
As a thousand trap doors
Open in me

Learning from the loving LION
Our self expression freed
And our appetite renewed
We live a new adventure
Adam Childs Mar 2014
Lost at sea we sail our ship
Bashing and crashing the waves go
I suddenly slip and trip
As the ship changes course
Bewildered and confused
I find myself floating at sea
Many voices scream and shout
Adam Adam ,comeback comeback
I splash and thrash
Trying to stay afloat
And return to the boat
They throw their hopes ,
ropes and floats
Painting a golden future of hopes
But they fall , like the heaviest lead
Even like rocks hitting my head
As waves crash and bash
Currents pushing me further
Their calls becoming softer and softer
Don't give up ,Don't give up
Splish splash the waves lash my face
As they all fall beyond all my hopes
I sink drink in the sea of hopelessness

As I am lost and drifting
In this sea of hopelessness
All strength and hope exhausted
No longer able to resist
I find myself far far away
From the hustle and bustle
Of this greedy world
All my hopes abandoned like a sinking ship
I start to hear the very faint sounds
Of the giant great blue whale
Miles and miles away
Callllling me back Callllling me back
eeoooooooooooo eoooooooooooo
As they call me back , He and she
The Kings and Queens of the ocean
Ruling with a peace and serenity
For they own the ocean
My soul becomes revived in their presence
In this sea of hopeless abandonment

I see in the distance the many
That clinging to their hopes
Like children and their teddy
And in their many hopes
They will engage much fear
As the marriage of hope and fear
Will be complete and celebrated
With denial as a special guest
As opposites always attract
Fear shall follow them
Like a hooded stranger
Down a narrow alley
On a lonely dark night
While they hold tight I let go
As they contract I expand
For hopelessness has no fear
Neither no master
As it gathers up the sky's
Collecting the winds of time
And towers and fly's high
Like a great Lion roaring over fear
Or great dragon turning fear into cinders
With fiery flaming breath

I now embrace my hopelessness
For I know less is ness
My feminine tranquility
How I adore you
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