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 Feb 2016 JAM
L Gardener
Let these words touch you and pull you in close.
Feel me grasping at your body with feverish passion.
Hear my breath on your neck.
Could these words ever make you feel how much I need you?
My fingertips dancing across your skin letter by letter.
Each sentence wrapping around to embrace you.
The empty space between each word, a longing to kiss you.
Love in writing.
Bob is cool,
Bob has a pool.
Bob has a house,
Bob owns a mouse.
Bob is you, Bob is me,
Bob is everywhere we see.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Ami Shae
I'm having a really hard time
understanding our world these days.
I feel like I am just losing my way.
I keep thinking I'll get it together,
that my mind is stronger than this,
that soon, very soon
I will somehow overcome
the overwhelming desire
to just
Honestly--I am just so tired
and so fed up with life.
It seems that the human race
has for the most part
lost its collective mind
and the morals of mankind
are falling into the toilet.
I would just hit the handle
and flush it down,
but the **** thing is so full
that it's blocked
and the sludge
just swirls endlessly
--nothing is being accomplished
except to keep people churned up
and fighting against one another.

Nothing makes sense anymore.
The cruelty, the stupidity of the campaign for Presidency (***, if Trump gets elected, our country is DOOMED) his hatred and
the uncaring hearts that follow him all swirl about this land &
are enough to make me want to just give up...
 Feb 2016 JAM
Poets Vocab
 Feb 2016 JAM
Your vocab is a shortened text
a message in a bottle
thrown into the winds of forever
 Feb 2016 JAM
Vindictive viral inception,
Sneaking in my thoughts pretending
ta be the Ego inside o’ me
No!Free! Digo me,

WHEN,WHERE,HOW, WHY? come the questions
“No answers” quoth the clouds as they transfigure by.

I am done defending why
I don’t think I need to take my slice of the pie.
Take a look; exclaim ow, oh my
I got a piece of SKELL truth in my eye

Sincerely instead of me, so trickster
this shadow amphetamine

But my light is gone
A denser Vibration I adorn

One of Absorbtion,
no reflection ever
since this inception

…of attachment
…of suffering
…of another love

So in love it tears me apart
So in love it wears my heart

so instead of being asleep
I’m desecrating thoughts, tainting delete.

Making others worry and weep
as I sweep my gaze

From external to internal
infernal extension

referral to station
impatient inflation
we stand together in the dirt o’ the nation

so in love I seem to flirt
So in love I always hurt

I read the text on the screen….and **** NO!
It can’t mean…eye look, I scream.

Shock sets in, while I’m translated in the hug of a friend.

We lock eyes and she knows why…
Darkness sets in and she helps me cry;

tears from near realized fears,
tears from the suffering

desire steers.

My boy is in trouble
I’m in a hurry and on the double
this information noose is too tight to *******…and my throats so t.i.g.h.t I can’t taste the air. This isn’t fair! What a cruel affair to send me into such disrepair.

Mental suffering burns like a flame, so I use cigarette burns to tame
the Pain in my heart…………..fading away.
My body cools off and with a different pain I can face the day.

So often I pray for the day where my loved ones can stay in zion with me, oh wait hypocrisy risin inside o’ me
please state, the ideas deriving me, Caged in my psyche, found the lock, but lost the key.

gotta get outta my mind, gotta get outta my body
opaque and dense, and way late for defense
Wee wait in such suspense for LIFE to dispense, of us and our love.

WhyohWhydotheseideasresideinme, if i leave my body will i be free, they think you justgottado1morethingtosee.

I just hope to god they don't try again.  I just can't take that part of the plan....
Please live. and be glad for it.
 Feb 2016 JAM
Artificial intelligence has always been around
its just far too intelligent for us to grasp.
 Feb 2016 JAM
If they landed on the lawn
and a door opened?
to be fair,
I would tell them to come back in a few million years
and we might just have evolved enough not to take advantage of them for our own gain.
 Feb 2016 JAM
The Abyss
 Feb 2016 JAM
"Battle not with monsters
      lest ye become a monster,
          and if you gaze into the abyss,
             the abyss gazes also into you...."
                    Friedrich Nietzche.

The struggle with inner demons
      old as time.
The darkness that sometimes consumes
        and cannot be avoided
            must be tamed, controlled.
For I am not the victim
     yet - if the monster is not constrained...
       I leave a trail of victims
          the innocent.
In my heart - that is a true sin....

"The purpose of life is not to be happy.
It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate,
to have it make a difference that you have lived and lived well."
       Ralph Waldo Emerson
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