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 Jan 2016 a
Tia White
These Days
 Jan 2016 a
Tia White
Time flies by these days so fast.
You better make sure the moments last.
Enjoy the little things in life while you can.
Like the laughter of a child or the love a friend.
Take the time to enjoy what is given to you.
Things like sunsets, rainbows, and skies of blue.
You never know when they can be taken away.
Because time flies by so fast these days.
And then
In a single moment
You were the oxygen I breathe
I found it hard to believe
That I might die without your touch
Just your presence and your scent
Was more than enough
But a tiny drop of your love
Could never be too much
Flying above the plain of my existence
Floating not falling
Searching for a new kind of substance
Or just another calling
Something to take me higher
Above this place you call reality
This angel in my ear is a liar
But this cloud of smoke is heavenly
Surrounding me
Taking me in under it's wing
A light dusting of white
To calm the insanity
And that's just the beginning

Inside there's a growing need
Branching out through my limbs
Starting with some stems and a seed
There's no lack of pseudonyms
Call it whatever you can think of
It takes me to that place I need to be
Maybe it's a new kind of love
Reaching unknown depths inside of me
Cascading with dreams of sanity
Planting roots in my core
It's almost calming
Knowing when I can't handle anymore
And when I wanna keep flying
 Jan 2016 a
Lachrymose and Lies
I must be a ghost
And that is why only
can see
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