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rk Jun 2020
i've always been told
that i am a greedy lover
allowing love
to eat me whole,
devoting myself entirely
and expecting
the same in return.

i let you swim in my veins,
before burying yourself
inside my bones.

my kisses
will burn your skin,
and leave pathways
of where i've been.

i will breathe you in
forsaking all oxygen
injecting you into my blood,
desperate for another fix
so completely addicted
so completely yours.
- press your teeth upon my flesh and ******* beating heart.
rk Jun 2020
despite fighting fate
despite time
luck or chance
never being on our side,
our memories still dance
wrapped tightly
in a ghostly waltz
like dead stars
in a cosmic boneyard
their light shining brightly
even the darkest of nights.
rk Jun 2020
on nights like these
i gaze in wonder
at the star filled sky,
thinking that the constellations
dwarf in comparison
to the ones in your eyes.
i stare at the moon
and she reminds me of you,
i can't help but wonder
if i ever cross your mind
if the memory
of my touch in the darkness
makes you ache like i ache,
or if you sleep peacefully
without a second thought at all.
rk Jun 2020
soft summer rain
gently falls
as morning candlelight
dances against the window
the scent of amber
and thunderstorms
hang in the air
while my memories of you
play like a vintage film
sweeter than cherry wine
and sun kissed honeydew.
- loving you was such a treasure.
rk Jun 2020
the moon comes by
and tells me
about you.
how she created your eyes
from the sea itself
and your bones
from the dust
of forgotten stars
kissed by saturn,
before sending you
soaring over my horizon.
i gaze at her in wonder,
knowing i will never find
the words to say
t h a n k  y o u
for sharing you
with me.
rk Jun 2020
you may not be mine
but i still remember
that the only way
you can drift off to sleep
is to the gentle murmur
of clementine
pulling you under
with her whispered promises,
and how your fingers
would always find themselves
pushing the hair from my face
as you placed your headphones
to my ears in the dark.
these are the moments
where i come back to you,
stained by your love
like red wine on fresh sheets.
rk Jun 2020
my pull towards you
was instant
and all-encompassing,
as if i'd been
living in darkness
and you were the first
splashes of colour
i'd ever seen.
i wondered how someone
could be so beautiful,
how i could be so lucky
to wake up and see
the ocean
dancing in your eyes.
in those moments i knew
my heart would never
burn for anyone,
the way it ached for you.
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