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 Oct 2016 Bluebird
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Tooth grinding rhythms
spun dizzy by solitary kings
Watch the dollars climb

Enamel lost for moments like these
sanity on the counter top
No conclusion in it's beginning

Swollen mouths slowly splattered
spill mad plans at dawn
******* for organisms
sleep with procrastination
No walls broken
no justice served

Familiar biology is the culprits crutch

Written word is the madman's haven

See through it all in these strange silences

Hollow glances for the caregivers
who paint these spaces gray  

Knowing nods for the wallflowers
Who melt into plaster backdrops

A sound subconscious falls short
Collect the notions for motion

But haste makes for unresolved sunsets

Lost time on a sideway
a good find for the straggler
Dusted off and put to good use

A path well trotted
A ride well worth it

No time for cruel gazes
no time for criminal persuasions
Master plan lost in red blue cruelty

Crumpled mass underneath the arches
resigned and malnourished
Hoping for a sane tomorrow

Wish it luck

Knowing no soul deserves indifference

Life rides come random in these moments and this passenger was car sick

Taking moments for consolidation helps make time tolerable

No sense for the creator who builds castles without walls

No sense for the observer who watches world's die
Insomnia makes for strange days
Call my name while you sleep
And I will lend my ear
Talk to me in your dreams
I will hear you loud and clear
Cause I am still around
All your troubles I can see
Yes I do listen to your prayers
So please carry on speaking to me
My body has now gone
Physicality exists no more
But the soul lingers for ever
Of that you can be sure
The chills that you often feel
Or the creaks you hear at night
Its just me dropping by
To let you know that I'm alright
I see happiness on the horizon
It's been cleared from high above
So rest your weary mind
Cause I'm still here with you my love
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Are you trying to make me ill?
Because this is a recipe for disaster,
When I can plaster on a smile at will,
Is it understanding that you're after?

You comment on my weight,
But you cannot control my way of being.
Yet, my lungs still deflate,
And the the blood from my heart starts weeping.

Perhaps we were to switch places,
You were I and I were you,
Then maybe you'd understand all the faces,
I have to wear in front of you.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Jude kyrie
Fractured Genders
Jude writing as a woman

I was probably 14.
That awkward age of self-discovery.
For a girl and perhaps also for a boy.
I guess confused.
I guess troubled.

In my daydreams, I always saw myself
as a boy.
A strong virile boy.
Saving  beautiful princesses from
prison towers.
Fighting dragons
With only a sword.
A smaller skinnier version of Xena.

That's when I asked myself the biggie.
Am I a lesbian?
Do I want to be a man.?
I dated and kissed teenage boys.
The more i kissed
The less of a lesbian
i would become right?.

At college, I kissed a girl for the first time.
It was not what I expected.
Her face soft and lipstick was fire red.
She drowned me
with the smell of gardenias.
Where was the stubble
the smell of sweat
The faint taste of stale tobacco.

Then I met him
He was beautiful and toned.
So gentle he made  me cry.
We hit it off right away.
He fixed up the small apartment i had.
He placed flowers in every room.
Washed and ironed my clothes.
For my birthday
he baked me a chocolate cake.

I lay next to him in bed
I wanted to tear his shorts off
But he would not let me.
I am not ready he said softly.

After a while I became
the daydream power  boy again.
Would you rather date boys i asked ?
In an effort to break the ice

He looked at me with his
beautiful gray eyes like ice.
I have never met one
that I like enough, he said softly.
Well do you think we could
find you one together?
My ivory tower prince  needed rescuing.
Well he said softly
I am rather in love
with you right now
If that's ok with you.

That night we made love.
I fell for him so deeply.
And I became the sort of
a power figure in the relationship.

I wore sweats and jeans cargo shorts and
He did not care.
We made love every night.
And I knew we had both
got fractured genders.

But we were in love
And love does not care
about genders or
how differently
it is expressed.

It is just love
And love always
Exactly what it wants
From all of us.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Electric Trees
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Her hair reminded me of electric trees
Vibrating in waves of soundless lightning

Her teeth were suns that blinded the moon

Each word she twiddled on her tongue
Reminded me of the day she whispered to the forest

That she would trudge along alone

I find myself a fool for wasting light
Living in the shadow

Of her purple flame

When the dust of her old hums finally fade
And the music she brought spins scratches into stone

I’ll ask to where she twirled her head

To find herself in those smoldering orange eyes
She spun away on a silent gray morning

To lug her fire back home
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
"You have to catch up"
they say
and ' they say an awful lot'
Wrapped around a shared time zone
wanting so much to connect
a poet raises their voice,
" Can we sing together? For one moment in time?"
But time has flown so much since your request
and now you must ask for something else.
A man plays poetry on the bark of a tree,
knocking a flint to imitate a Woodpecker.
And the woodpecker of the forest sings loud.
A child has a dream of writing poems,
"and his poems sing like a bird"
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
i am the shattered glass, cold on the ***** floor
swept and disposed of because i can't be used anymore.
my pieces are scattered, ruined and cracked, unable to be fixed, unable to revert to intact.
i am a tainted shard, scratching and severing all that i touch
with jagged edges, i seem to pierce and graze the ones that i love.
pieces of me have dispersed left and right, pieces of me that i cannot retrieve nor can i rectify.
and after you swept me off of the cold, ***** floor
you simply selected another glass, so you could break it once more.
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