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 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Scarlet Niamh
I never thought it would be like this, but
writer's block has become a person, and
you are him. You take my words in a wisp
of the wind and they whisper away from
me. I put my pen to paper and the
ink turns invisible as I move, for how
could I write something beautiful about you
when you are capable of being every word at once -
an entire dictionary with only one meaning.
~~ We don't need to use our voices if we can laugh. ~~
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
erik lubbe
The wind speaks
The wind listins
The wind carries my voice
The wind feels my voice
The wind carries patterns
The wind carries messages
The wind is my friend
The wind is all
The wind speaks to me
The wind is my only friend
The wind carries codes
Remember the wind is all
Wind is all the wind speaks
Doctor, Doctor
I've trouble with my eyes

Then take these blue pills,
That's what I advise

Oh Doctor, Doctor
My bones are all sore

White pills I prescribe
They'll hurt you no more

But Doctor, Doctor
My heartbeat is waning

Take red pills for that
You'll soon be regaining

Please Doctor, please
My mind fades away

For that I have gray pills
You'll be sharper today

Its quite shocking Doctor,
My ***** is murky

Take these yellow pills
They'll clear it by Thursday

I mope around Doctor,
My mood's really flat

These rose colored pills
Will take care of that

You must help me Doctor,
In bed I'm a flop

Then try these long capsules
They'll liven things up

Tell me please Doctor,
What's inside these pills?

Why medicine, of course,
To cure all your ills
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
there is someone in my mirror,
someone i know well.
its bones are cracked
but it feels no pain.
its lips are black
and eyes are gray.
every now and then
it tries to escape,
it breaks the glass
and cuts its face.
and when we met
it had new scars,
that never hurt,
and never bled.
it counts my words
and then goes mad,
if my hairs are not
perfect on my head.
it tells me where
it tells me when,
and then goes mad
if i don't obey.
it wakes me up
to check the door,
and then goes mad
if it's locked once.
it moans and cries
if i knock three times,
instead of four
which is fine.
it whispers softly
when i walk,
to make sure
my steps are all
carefully counted
In the town of Forgotten
One might always forget
But our story unfolds surrounding King Hatchet
He was an evil and determined king
King Hatchet would often have thoughts being the one thing
“I am the King to whom you must respect otherwise, a very high torture sting”
The citizens of Forgotten weren’t surprised of the King’s words
The message echoed out, and it was heard?
But who would defy the king?
It was a man named Defender
He called out King Hatchet to come outside the castle
Now anybody who challenges the King is automatically put to death
But Defender was a skilled warrior, and reigned as a champion
However, King Hatchet knows all about Defender, but doesn’t care how skillful Defender is
But let the challenge begin
It will be death to the finish
Whoever is the victory will be distinguished
So King Hatchet and Defender picked up swords and commenced in the fight
There were cheers on both sides being sheer delight
Swords grasped together, and when Defender pierced the arm of king Hatchet, there a scar and some blood
Yet, it didn’t cause the blood the pour like a flood
However Defender was steadily swinging his sword in not missing a beat
It was determination in there not be a defeat
Suddenly King Hatchet felt to the ground, and Defender had his sword at King Hatchet’s throat
The message, “Defender was the greatest swordsmen throughout Forgotten”
But Defender let King Hatchet live, but only after announcing, “Defender had won”
Cheers from the crowd’s
The hourglass of victory
A chapter that prior could have been considered a mystery
Once upon a time, storyline far more than any book could ever tell
A moment in making a child’s heart’s swell
The closing chapter ended with dreams into the night
But for now good night, sleep tight, and don’t forget to turn off the light.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Jade Lima
When the eyes of everyone around you are filled with hate, how do you ever make your escape?
And i guess i'm at fault too, but i know it's not all my fault.
This feels like subliminal assault.
Well i guess all i can do now is try to make an escape.
But i can't help but wonder what's left of my fate.
I just wish i could find friends who can see me for who i am.
Maybe then i wouldn't be stuck in this nightmare, dreaming of other plans.
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Maja C
I'll Still
 Oct 2016 Bluebird
Maja C
You may tread on me like lifeless sand
Barely another coast to be claimed
But then like a sandstorm I'll still rise
You may try to build a dam on me
Or build a cage around me
But I'll still flood your city and fight like a beast
People may insult, cage, and use me
Without knowing that a quiet little breeze can roar like the greatest thunderstorm
If you see someone that looks like a target
Seemingly waiting to get shot
They are usually the best archers, with sleek arrows and steel bows made of wit
So if you tread on someone like lifeless sand
Just another coast to be claimed
Know that like a sandstorm
They will rise
Shouting at an empty room;
Even echoes do fall silent.
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