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The maids
tug away the bed sheets
tainted in ***
and one night stands
It's me,
the bench

The one who
let you nestle
your scraped knee
atop my wooden boards

The bench
that watched your parents
interlock their lips
from prom to
the sound of bells
those wedding bells

The bench
who would adorn
your family

the bench
who would mourn
your family

I have almost
withered away now
time is almost over now

But replacements are fine
I see a badge on this new bench
"Dedicated to you and your family."

I am happy now
I can die in piece now

I am the bench
and I loved you so
I am just a story
waiting to be written
but too afraid to be read
How she sat there
with movement in her head.
A churning of learning
the ways to get ******
and slaughtered by
other people's
sons and daughters.

And how I sutured a gust
of her brain exhaust
into my chest, into my lungs--
I breathed her like I was
******* the end of a

Her hands ran like busted tires
as she massaged my temples,
revving her voice,
my ears on her
suicide door lips.

There is no green light
in her red light country.
light a match to the dry eyed heart
bring back the romance
bring back your heart
while there is life there is hope
you've been through the darkness
now come back to the light
the world needs bold hearts like yours
bring the love you have in you
bring it home
light a match to the dry eyed heart
bring back the romance
bring back the light
Life consists of four seasons ...                                                                                     In Fall , it becomes windy ...                                                                                     In Winter , it gets cold ...                                                                                                 In Spring , it blossoms wonderfully,and                                                                     In Summer , it's ripe and pretty ...                                                                                       That's life around us ...
I found a ribbon.
And without thinking,
I took one end
Into each hand.
And I tugged.
It made little sounds
Like it was twanging.
Over and over again.
Then I stopped,
And saw
That it still looked
Brand new.
And this
Didn't seem fair.
That an object
So inanimate,
Could withstand
So much abuse.
When my heart
Was felled
In one blow.
But then I saw
A little string
On one end
Of the ribbon.
And I pulled.
It started to unravel.
So I pulled
And pulled
And pulled.
Until finally,
The ribbon
Wasn't a ribbon.
But a pile
Of tiny stings
Just sitting in my hand.
And I felt better.
Because now
My heart
Wasn't the only thing,
In a thousand little pieces.
 Mar 2015 Little Nightingale
 Mar 2015 Little Nightingale
I become afraid
of the sun -- I just wanted
love -- she burned me twice.
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