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 Aug 2018 Woman
 Aug 2018 Woman
i could grow daisies in your lungs
for they are filled with the purest air
that sometimes we share
i could grow tulips from your head
for you have imagined more fields than you can fill
maybe the one we count the stars in
i could grow roses from your eyes
for they would just add to your rosy vision
rosy enough to make me seem like enough
could grow nothing from your heart
for those fields have been over plowed
for the waves of your chestnut hair don't reach
for i haven't a clue what flower is worthy
worthy of trying
trying to prosper where other's have failed you
i fear my love not being enough
enough to wield blooms for you
for now
i hope daisies are enough
or calla lilies
or dahlias
maybe violets
perhaps even sunflowers
 Aug 2018 Woman
 Aug 2018 Woman
I miss,
staying in my room,
on rainy afternoons,
making each other wet.
 Aug 2018 Woman
Alessandra Vargas
whatever you do
for yourself
shouldn't disappoint others

if it does
they weren't meant for you

you deserve someone
who'll be there with you
while you aim for the stars

even if they like
to keep their own feet
on the ground
 Aug 2018 Woman
Salma Elaouni
I need a cigarette
I want a pitch black coffee
And a cigarette

I need a window
On the 7th floor
And an empty flat
Streets with chaos and corruption
Allys with secrets that stink
And you out of my head

I want a wounded room in the middle of a clutter
Where the cracks speak the terrors stuck in my throat and silhouettes with night stories.

I want you
Right there by the corner
Where I can inhale you in the dark and steal your scent like a gem I could keep on my chest.

I want you
Out of my body
Yet it is windy
It is dim, lonely and hallow
It is pulsing and it is late
Late enough to sit by the window
Sipping at that pitch black coffee
Waiting to be saved by the morning
Or a cigarette.
I do not even smoke yet here is another poem about him
 Aug 2018 Woman
Story Time
 Aug 2018 Woman
Two steps and you're into the room and onto the stage - who will be the hero and who will be the villain today?

And the watcher sits with a set pen while another ghoul moves in his general direction

(I'm sorry but your persona can only be understood by something specific based on its projection - a slight cringe and an eye twitch)

And the drinks were fifteen minutes late - thus comes the fate of all fools, to get caught up in a moment with a villain you want to **** and what's the catch?

"I'll swallow your soul!"

In the time it takes to form an opinion the watcher became a writer and a warrior - before the coffee was ready

He tipped with the blood and ichor of his foe (whoever closes will be underpaid tonight), he set his gore-stained pen on his notebook and took in the room and all within

Ready for the next day
Inspired by events that took place in a local coffee shop.
 Aug 2018 Woman
 Aug 2018 Woman
You belong to a group of people who are the world’s most hypocritical. You follow a god that supposedly teaches love and compassion yet you have shown me that there is little room for those two qualities within your soul. Instead of living in harmony with others you exercise dominion with an iron grip. If I didn’t know any better I’d think you were taking the phrase “…next to godliness” to heart. You are a sheep that grazes in a pasture of guilt and fear. I can share a roof with my father, but I cannot fathom how anyone could share one with you.
 Aug 2018 Woman
Winter Heart
 Aug 2018 Woman
There are some who may prefer a cloudless sky and the touch of a warm sun. These hearts are similar climates, and you may find them at no great distance from the equator.

Not mine.

My love is for the sedge and moss covered upland of frozen lakes, where the cold white blanket covers the steppes. Peace is found here, among the ice and whispered within the biting gale as it travels over her skin.

Her chill breath touches me, and I am not driven away.
For within my chest beats a fire as black as space between the stars.

And I go unclothed, as the caribou carry me across the frozen land.

I am the horned god.
Like I said. Frayed hair dipped in barbecue sauce. I can't even.

— The End —