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when I am longing for YOU
Yet I try to smile
When I am in front of YOU

You know my truth
You know my secrets
Does not my LOVE secure YOU?

We've seen life at every pace
We know our LOVE will
End life's mad-rat-race

Because, because...
We know we have only LOVED each other
From time to eternity
From that time we met till infinity

Forgive me for LOVING YOU
Do not even say sorry
Because even though
We are not with each other
God/dess - NATURE will
Make all things right for us

Just be with me in soul and spirit
And I'll give you my HEAVENS
YOU keep little BLISS for me
I will shower you with glory
So let us rest in PEACE

None of us knew
What we were born to become
Thus, with your LOVE
I am trying to become YOU
The way you want me to

I know both our hearts
Are breaking into pieces
Like glass shards
Piercing our beings

That's what happens
Yet, we continue LOVING
In all our IMPERFECT perfections
And the calm that LOVE bring within us
Keeps us bonded in the threads of LOVE

Forgive me for LOVING YOU
Do not even say sorry
Because even though
We are not with each other
God/dess - NATURE will
Make all things right for us

Just be with me in soul and spirit
And I'll give you my HEAVENS
YOU keep little BLISS for me

I haven't had my heart broken.
But I have thrown it against another person
and broke it myself.

He would've looked handsome in wedding photos,
but even more in a suit and tie
on the other side of the divorce court.

He would roll up his sleeves like a lawyer.
He would say things like:
You ruined my life when you got pregnant.

As if babies were something a woman conjured inside
herself out of lovesickness and desperation.
A snare in which to trap a man like him.

But instead I broke myself on him like surf on the ramparts.
I foamed and spat and washed myself right back
out to sea again.

And all I have is a notch on my map, marking
a shallow harbor,
a few torn sails
and an empty womb.
 Mar 2019 Victor D López
It breathes memories into my charcoaled lungs
The calluses on my palms
The ever lingering self doubt following my every step
Its heart beats in the herb garden on my balcony
Pulses through my broken alabaster skin
And quakes in the grooves of my cracked ribcage
It sleeps on the folded fitted sheets in my cabinet
Stirring restlessly at the smell of stale beer and fresh tobacco
It awakens with a jolt whenever it smells blood
Its stretching into my pinned back colony hair
Weaving its way through the secret stories
Into eardrums saying "you must **** yourself to get out"
This ghost of my family
Whispering commands into my ears
I am only now hearing it's voice
Because I always believed it was mine
This goodbye is not reconciliation with the voices
It is a resurrection of my own.
 Mar 2019 Victor D López
As long as I can remember
I had this friend
Only, I didn't see her
I only felt her touch

At first, no one else saw her
She blended in with me
We appeared as one
And maybe we were

Over time, she grew impatient
She got louder, stronger
She'd rage and throw fits
But they still didn't see her

She learned to scream from my lips
Shutting me down
She took control over me
And I hid beneath her

She told me she'd protect me
And I believed every word
She had always been there
So there she ought to stay

Until she grew so loud
Others began to see
She shoved me so far down inside
And told me she knew best

Every thought, feeling, action
Was under her control
She held a toy gun to my head
And convinced me it was real

When she grew too loud,
Everyone could see
I didn't know
What was wrong with me

When I finally had the power
To put her in her place
She begged, clawed, and fought
Using every bit of strength

But I won

Now she sits quietly
Able to offer advice
Only when I ask her
Does she ever take control

Slowly but surely
I've found my way out
Of the cage she created
Deep within my self
 Mar 2019 Victor D López
I'd rather cut the cord
Than hang myself with it.
 Feb 2019 Victor D López
sometimes you just
gotta sit down and write
just grab the apple
and take a bite
just take a leap
into the dark night

if you want to be a poet
you gotta write poems
let the words go
wherever the wind blows em

sometimes your lines will ****
other times blow you away
but stay firm on that writing path
don't be led astray
by laziness and perfectionism
saying you can't do it
don't give in, knock em down
push yourself right through it

let the poem be what it is
let its rhymes ring true
knowing as much
as you're writing the poem
it's also writing you
success comes
through failure
improvement comes
through the grind
go ahead
write bad poems
they'll make you better
in due time
 Feb 2019 Victor D López
Ever since you left
I’ve been wondering
what it’d be like if we
were just parallel lines
never destined to meet
instead of two rusted cars
with broken brakes at a
crossroad without signage.
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