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Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Its quiet here, the only sound is my footsteps tap tap tapping on a narrow silver path, I can look up and see stars falling like tears but look down and see a nothing that goes on for years. I run for miles on the narrow silver path the silver reflects my desperation I need to get out. I'm running and running memories chase me like dogs I can't get away my feet just sound wrong. Silver turns green, I'm in a sad grotto blond hair, blind eyes sit by a gold tree she's silent and screaming I know she sees me. I sit and awake in a wave of dark clouds in a blood red liquid that serves as a ground I walk and walk my feet splashing Scarlet until I see her dancing, a crying blind harlott short black hair streaming to nowhere beautifully tradgic she dances like magic. I close my eyes and i dance aside, waiting hopefully for the moment we die.
Jesus Christ! This poam *****! I just really needed to write something
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
I could sell you the sky with rain from the heavens.
I have lights made from lead and a heart made of Cole
Don't trust a pretty liar who pretends to be whole.
I'm so confused, can someone just shoot me?
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
So naive, so whole
She smiles as fireworks burst in her eyes soon to sizzle out surely to die, because her smile will then turn to a cry.
Eternally happy
Eternally in love
She's lost in the moment
This poem is stupid but I've got nothing else rn, sorry
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
The solar eclipse,
the feel of your lips.
Your long brown hair in the cold Misty air.
The contrast turns dark as we kiss in the park,
but an eclipse surely fades, and your lips cannot stay
So you cut your hair and left me there, in the park dreaming of that short time that you really did care.
I like to scream at the stars at night it makes the sky just seem less bright
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
I'd love to be fixed but I've given up hope. "It's messed up" I get that alot from the pope.
I'd love to love to like my family has told me but I'm sick at the thought of a guy trying to hold me.
Am I wrong?
Am I broken?
I'm lonely for sure,
But as a lesbian in Utah I don't get much allure.
Idk weather to laugh or cry at this poem, so I'll just apologize I guess?
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Muted colors dancing in the rain
Bring memories
But memories bring pain
Oof I am not a poet person but I can be sad too lol
Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Im back
Eating chocolate cheetos on your couch
I'm here
To invade
Your happy ending like the villan I've always been
But what
Are you gonna do
Cuz I'm never leaving you alone again
I'm here
I'm hurt
Get ready to sin
I'm trying so hard to be confident and cool and blah blah blah but FRIKIN FRIK that hurt
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