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Lavender Menace Jan 2020
Is it wrong?
To be so sad
About something so happy?
Why can't I understand?
That things end
That I'm less and she's more
Welp oof I wish I wasn't such an emotional ***** geuss I'll die than
Lavender Menace Nov 2019
A lie,
A look,
That's all it took.
Moved on,
And what did you expect?
The rope
Lost hope
The scars on my neck.
Ouch! that hurts....*still* hurts
Lavender Menace Nov 2019
I didn't ask for stars,
I never wanted the sky.
I got that and more anyway,
You never said why?
You loved me,
I tried
To warn you.
Do do do do do do do do, Elmo's woooorld
Lavender Menace Aug 2019
Please stop talking to me your breath smells like death, your creeping me out and without a doubt if you come any closer to my face I swear untill next year you'll be in a brace.
Srsly tho guys, if you don't want to do something or you know your too young, don't do it, because that could mess with your entire life, don't be afraid to hit the dude. That goes for guys too, it's uncommon but I know it happens to everyone, consent is important
Lavender Menace Aug 2019
All of you ****, get your own life and stop commenting on mine
I really don't care about poetry at this point thank you very much
Lavender Menace Jun 2019
Love = addiction.
There is no such thing as real love. If someone says that they love you, they're lying. Please remember that they would always take you for granted, they'd always sacrifice you for someone or something else in just a second.
No one really loves anyone.
This trap that I'm in is eternal torture.
Please God in heaven, end this suffering!
Free me

                           ­      I

If I could end this all or restart the earth and change just one small action in one small drop of time and death, alter this world that I have been trapped in, maby things wouldn't be like they are now.
Can emotions dissapear?
Can you please stop this fear?
Can heaven hear my tears?
Does love really last for years?
Emotions stay forever.
Even god can't end your fear.
Heaven hates your tears.
Love is fake.
Deal with it.
Welp, I've finally managed to rip my own heart out. If I die this week it's okay, I managed in the same situation, so can you.
Lavender Menace Jun 2019
He knows.
He knows that I'm already bleeding I've already fallen,
I can't defend myself when it comes to him. It would be so easy for him just break past my paper walls and tear through the weak, burnt, charred fleash and muscle and bones that had protected me from people like him for so long, he could easily just rip through it and pull out my glass heart and crush it in his fist, the tiny bleeding shards would fall from his hand, scraping it up and drawing drops of metallic blood from his hand, the tiney red sparkleing Cristal shards would fall down, down, down. And as fast as the light would fade out from my eyes as my soul would slowly evaporate, the shards of my broken crystal heart would hit the floor. The remanders of my heart, my life, my love, my being, the beautiful remanders of an ugly girl would shatter like glass on the cold hard stone floor. drops of blood, bolth mine and his, would blossom into tiny pools of beautiful red. The pools would spread, yet never touch. As the dark red stains spread across the cold floor. I would die, watching pooling dots of my own blood and tears, and his, his blood, his tears drip dropping to the floor that I die upon. My last sight would be the sight of ugly love and beutiful death. He would walk away, just like they all did. The toxic, evil of man would be the one to finally gain the victory of ending this wasted life that I have lived. I know he wouldn't even think about it. he would soon forget, about me, about love and about death. That is what love is, it's a slow painful death that you unwillingly bring upon yourself, all of these fools are allowing themselfs to be dragged into this, they're idiots, all calling it "love" I should be happy that he hasn't destroyed me like the rest have yet, but I know he could and he would be The very last.
You wanna peice of me? Let's fight, go on cake my day. Lol
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