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 Dec 2018 Tori Jones
Grace Conde
I hate you,
the way You
make my Heart
twist, dagger in my
chest, sinking, sinking,
my lungs slowly filling, Your
smile the only thing that can save
me. I Love You I'm So Incredibly Sorry
please come back, because without You, I
am Nothing: You are my sun, my moon, and
All My Stars, but I am so tired, and if I could find
a way to push You Out Of My Mind for good, I would,
and how I wish You were Dead, because I am screaming,
but No One Can Hear Me.


I Hate You, my throat burning with Vivid, Unfiltered Hate
for You, every time You Let Me Down, my mind
already bound with your empty promises, my
dear, can't You see? My heart beats for You.
And when You take me in your tender
embrace, slowly putting me back
together, I can finally breathe.
With You, the world rights
on its Axis. Please don't
Hate me, I'm so sorry
I Love You.
 Dec 2018 Tori Jones
Grace Conde
I cling to
searching for
a Sense of Self.
I weave
Myself with
colorful string,
taken from
I need someone
to tell me
Who I Am:
my likes and dislikes,
my ambitions,
my dreams.
I can be Whoever
Want Me To Be,
but please,
don't leave,
because Without
I am Nothing.
 Dec 2018 Tori Jones
Autmn T
I abandoned all of me to make room for you, and at the end of it all, I lost you too.
Undone sentences
that die between lips.
Soft skinned cherry  
lips bitten by teeth.
Searching for sweet
and sour company.
Pleased by pain
and haunted by time.
Ticking clock in the night
recalling sunshine
landing on hips of gold.
Melting beauty
upon the sheets.
Mirror, mirror on the wall
where's the perfect lips of them all?
 Dec 2018 Tori Jones
I wish you'd never told me.
Now I'm laying in bed,
torn between feeling sorry for myself,
hating you,
and trying to move on.
As I lay here I think back
"I like him,
I don't know if I could love you as more than a friend,
if our relationship can get deeper".
Why did you say it then?
Why did you tell me my feelings were reciprocated?

You doused my burning heart in water,
and now there's no glow at all,
not even a flicker.
an old post breakup poem I never got around to postin til now
You’ve closed your doors
For the time being
Sealed shut your windows
Your walls
Closed the curtains
To blind my eyes
To your breathtaking
I don't remember when I wrote this but it seems alright so I put it here
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