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 Jul 2020 Shadow
Windy Days
 Jul 2020 Shadow
On days like this
As wind blows hard
When branches crack
And trees get scared

Dramatic skies
Change oh so fast
The cloud cathedrals
Rush on passed

And hear I sit
All warm inside
From vicious winds
I try to hide

With tea in hand
I stay indoors
Covered by
My dogs big paws!
 Jul 2020 Shadow
Solitary Tree
 Jul 2020 Shadow
The oak down by the river
Drinks cool water from the Earth
It’s done so since forever
When it’s acorn gave it birth
It’s stood there through the centuries
Adding ring by ring each year
But if it had the eyes to cry
I know it would shed tear
For this used to be a forest
It’s friends and piers stood tall
But axes and the wind of change
Made his family fall
But I’m not by standing
I will not let this tree
Stand so proud and lonely
It can rely on me
And so with ***** and saplings
I place new friends near by
So this ancient wonder
Can breath contented sigh
 Jun 2020 Shadow
Kym Relo
Wait, wait
 Jun 2020 Shadow
Kym Relo
I understand
I understand
I understand
Yep, I get it.
Don't worry

Wait, wait,
Why don’t you understand?
Wait, wait,
You’re leaving?
It was a misunderstanding…
Wait, wait,

Why is it always me understanding?
 Jun 2020 Shadow
My fate
 Jun 2020 Shadow
If my fate is to love you
From a distance
Then I'll burn for you
Like a star in your night sky
Bright, steady, reliable
Until the end of time.
 Jun 2020 Shadow
oh you
 Jun 2020 Shadow
oh, you let me down
this is as far as i can go
oh, you make me sad
what a sad world you've created

oh, you hurt my stomach
you're one with my pain
i just need a scapegoat
i don't need a name
 Jun 2020 Shadow
I hope you’re still feeling peaceful
Some place where you’re safe
Separation is an illusion
You remain forever
A message to my inner child. Written (2016)
 Jun 2020 Shadow
Have you ever felt so happy you could fly
Have you ever been so upset you could die

That’s what you did to me.
You broke me.

Right in two,
But I still love you.

Have you ever been so in love you could cry
Have you ever loved me so much you could try

That’s what you did to me.
Then you left me.

On my own.
All alone.
When you broke me.
Or maybe I broke myself
And you just didn’t bother to pick up the pieces
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