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844 · Dec 2022
Toni D'Leangelo Dec 2022
"Look at all those birds up there bro. Must be nice to have a view like that."

"What do you mean ?"

"To be able to see anything. Everything."

"Why do you wanna see everything ?"

"I mean , I don' t know if I WANT to see everything but it' ll be nice to be able to ya know ? They make me jealous sometimes. Most times."

"They ?"

"Birds. They can just....go ya know ? Night , day , rain , sunshine. They have this....strange freedom."

"You DO know YOU' re a bird....right ??"

"Hardly. All I can do is run."
669 · Jul 2019
Toni D'Leangelo Jul 2019
Once the sky darkens and
when the world sleeps...
let's fly.

You're not awake to see it but I'm truly a spectacle. When the darkness covers the sky and moonlight cascades what's below, you're missing an anomaly. You're gonna miss my flight. Dodging the trees and hunting the prizes that hide in incognito, meanwhile I'm just coasting. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still surviving. I'm still flying.

Earth awakens with the sun
and I bloom from beneath the shadows
gallantly roaming the blue
looking down at where I once was
eager to stay up.

Regardless of will or reluctance, you pay your respects to what soars above. You know I'll thrive from your revere, or lack thereof. The dominance remains. Along side the clouds I'll reign. No pressure. No pressure. I'm still thriving, I'm still flying.


Beauty is one thing but this one is stunning. It's majesty and it's charm are really something. Simply poetry in flight. Sailing the skies, scaling these heights. As fresh as the air, it's refreshing to stare. He's his best when he's up there. No pressure. No pressure. I'm now gliding. This is flying.

This is a tribute to
The Owl, The Eagle, The Crane.
The Thinker, The Strong, The Triumph.
This is a tribute to
The little Bahamian boy.

This is a tribute to me.
Toni D'Leangelo Jun 2019
So I'll write about you.
A lot of feelings I denied about you.
Every other night I fight about you.
Got a lot of pain inside about you.

Not enough crying I do.
A lot of ******* hiding I do.
A lot of ******* lying I do.
Last night I tried to cry about you.

So let me write about
everything you got me tight about.
The petty things you wanna fight about
but all my heavy **** you making light about.

Always got insight on **** you wanna be right about.
You focus on, who's right and who's wrong
that's not even what the fight's about.
I know, you want me to be quiet now
because I got your *** on trial now !

I know that "hot seat" got your *** on fire now !
I done brought it to the table
time to dine now !
I know what you're feeling inside now.
I'm ******* up your pride now
but keep that energy, why you being biased now ?!

I'm done "letting it slide" now !
Ain't letting **** fly
I'm done playing pilot now !
See, you done sold a lot of dreams
but I ain't buying now !
And you done told a lot of things
don't be quiet now !

So, after I write about you
after this, fight, about you
and after all this crying I do...
tonight I won't cry about you.
422 · Jun 2019
Toni D'Leangelo Jun 2019
Haven’t written in a while.
Haven’t listened in while.
I’ve been missing,
you’ve been missing,
we’ve been missing for a while....
Trek, trek, trek.
Swim and sink, eat and drink
think and think...
another drink, drink, drink.

I feel every part of this. Resistance is futile. I embrace it now as it changes my many faces. I feel the old fade with the oxygen that leaves my tomb. Beauty is a thing of the stars now; a bunch of pretty lights I’ll never be able to seems. My world has shrunken but is now far more complexed...since I have grown into a smaller being. My life is beyond pleasure and pain now....

How is it that my mind expands more
and I understand less?
I no longer imagine life
but I clearly invision death.
Worst feels like my best.
Bliss feels like my stress.

“That’s only The Devil” they say,
but  I know I’m apart of the blame.
“Pray about it. Ask God for guidance”
I have yet to call His name.
I fall asleep in the dark
and awake in the same.
There’s a man in the mirror
my reflection feels estrange.

I write because it’s apart of my fight. It’s when I feel the strongest. It’s been quite some time since I’ve done this. I died. I’m still dead....I’m just alive this time.

421 · May 2023
I Had A Crazy Thought...
Toni D'Leangelo May 2023
I had a crazy thought...
not like "**** someone" crazy
but it' s still somewhat crazy.

Like ,
I' d probably have more visitors if I went to jail
but I' m here alone in this apartment with not one friend to stop by just to hail.


I had a crazy thought...
not like "suicide" crazy
but like "What would they do if I die ?" crazy.

Like ,
They' ll probably cry cause I' m gone
but they won' t smile cause I' m here.
Reminisce on the "times that we had"
but what time did we share ?
Probably say things like
"You' ll never be forgotten"
with a cry so tender.
I' ll never forget all those years wondering
if I' ll ever be remembered.


I had a crazy thought...
Not like "revenge" crazy
but like "Then again..." crazy.

Like ,
what would it do to you
you know...
everything that was done to me ?
What if I made you think
your life was in my hands
cause it was fun for me ?
make your battles seem not so tough
and even with your efforts supreme
I' ll make sure of this theme;
"It' s still not enough."


I had a crazy thought...
not exactly
"they' re all the same" crazy
I DO recall this pain.

Like ,
you left cause I hurt you.
And yes ,
I AM sorry I did.
But how come you couldn' t stay cause I helped heal you ?
Because I' m sure that I did.
Is there a better man for you than me
ya know one who' s...
"safer" ?
Someone who can fulfill your "Nows"
cause you just can' t wait for later.
What happens when your "Nows"
are gone ?
Will I come to mind ?
Will you be reminded that man
you' ve always wanted
was in me the entire time ?
Did you forget something
even a few things ?
the plight
from all these fights
last all these nights
and yet
in spite of
the fright of
this traumitized man...
he' s still trying.
He was barely surviving when
life ,
friends and family
all went by him.
Frightened for his life
cause he was dying.
cause the heart inside him
was now divided.
Emotional chaos.
Mental riots.
It was never quiet.
****** sleep.
******* diet.
He should speak but he' s silent.
No confidence in confiding
In there mind
"He' s too big ! He' s a giant
there' s no need to pacify him."
They deny that they denied him...


I had a crazy thought...
None of this is surprising.
378 · Jun 2019
Not So "Guilty" Pleasure
Toni D'Leangelo Jun 2019
Ahh...that feels good.
I don't care about being liked.
Who cares about being "right"?
Don't need to be understood.

I don't care about you.
Ahh...that actually feels like a "fix".
I didn't ask to be treated like that
so no need to ask why I'll treat you like this.  

I know, this is a bit rude.
I know you think my words are a little brash.
But shut the **** up though
because I didn't ask.

I could justify this energy.
I COULD give you the "why".
but I'm not gonna, so if you wanna leave

But ! If you're one of the smart ones
the ones who actually get it
through all of these ugly slurs
you'll actually respect this.
You'll already know
there's two sides to every story.
You just haven't read the side that's selfless.
378 · Oct 2021
Invalid PROOF.
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021
Have you ever heard ,
"Your facts are wrong !" ?
I have.
Has any of your proof ,
been proven wrong ? neither.

Pardon my manners ,
Hi , I' m Stupid.
Toni D'Leangelo Jun 2019
Congrats you !
You did it !
You won.
How does it feel ?
You must be proud...
cause you're an *******.

Being the deciding factor was such the priority.
Casualties of war, such a small price for authority.
Here's a message to you, the ******* majority...
"Please shoot, cause I'm shooting back." signed, The Minority.

We're not the victor,
don't give us your spoils.

This ain't no "up rise".
This is the end to the compromise.
In the defense of The Antagonized,
we're not responsible for this divide.

We're not the victor,
don't give us your spoils.

We trusted the secrets.
You were trusted to tell.
We wanted to talk.
You wanted to yell.
We wanted to move on.
You wanted to dwell.
You destroyed our heavens
and created our hells.

We're not the victor,
don't give us your spoils.

We gave you a community.
You and all your unwanted could have lived here.
You had the fairness, the compassion, the love.
We were in your corner,
all of them.
We were unwavering.
You had us in the palm of your hand...
so you crushed us.
So here are the fruits of your labour.
They're not so fresh.
You're left with the flies and the stench!
I hope this taste stains your tongue
and the odor scorches your nostrils.
After all,
you've earned it...

the spoils.
274 · Dec 2019
I Feel Like I Hurt You.
Toni D'Leangelo Dec 2019
I feel like I hurt you.
I know I didn't
but it feels like I did.
You're making yourself feel like I did
so now I do too.
You think I feel nothing for you
so you think you're nothing to me
but yet and still,
I feel like I hurt you.

It's not my fault that you forgot
that I'm a risk.
But see you "forgot"
so at one point,
you knew.
Don't act like you're in the dark.
But most importantly,
don't act like I put you there.

You won't see this.
And it wouldn't matter if you did.
After all of myself I've shown you,
you still act like you don't see.
So reading this would be pointless...
for you.
For me,
this is the barrier between
the disdain that I feel
and the "*******" that you'll hear.

I want to love you...
With everything in me.
Enough til it kills me.
I want you to be my prize.
I want it to be you woman
that I meet at the end of this road.
I want,
for you to be the "good" part.
I really want that.

But I can't love you woman.
Not now, not here.
Not yet.
If I tried,
it won't be love.
It'll be scorn.
It'll be resentment.
It'll be the cold and harsh.
It'll be the "*******"s
and "I don't care"s.
And that's one thing I enjoy the most

It'll be everything but ***.
I can dedicate my body to yours,
be your high at day's end
with good, strong and close ***.
Give you my mouth and manhood.
Taste you until you feel delicious...
and "this" still,
wouldn't be ***.

That's not my hunt.
We make it ***
when you make it ***....woman.
You're not a little girl.
You wanted me to know that.
So don't act like one.
I know,
It's easy to forget.
You do it all the time.
But you can't forget this...woman.
You didn't give in to me,
you gave in to yourself.
You just chose me as company.

You invited me in
and I filled you with goodness
and my forsaken seed.
So now,
you feel like this story writes itself...
or atleast you hope it does.
But there you go,
playing "little girl" again.
This story didn't write itself,
these are your words on these pages.

So here I am,
stuck in a story,
that you've written for me.
as the pain you feel.
And even though I didn't want a story,
even though we never needed one,
Im the chapter you just can't wait to close.
You did this,
all of it.
And still I Feel Like I Hurt You.
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021
to finally feel the bliss of
245 · Nov 2024
Hypo Hunting
Toni D'Leangelo Nov 2024
This is the hard part.
Knowing that in a moment ,
my living determines who dies next.
When there' s no "blood thirst"
that' s the real danger
...considering context.

This is the hard part.
Being reminded of those claims.
'A ferocious Marksman'
somehow scared to take aim.
Whether the prey is ready or not
what will it change ?
When I should be set to ****
I fret the pain.


Now this...THIS is the hard part.
Now He' s talking to you.
Let it be known
there' s no way out of it...only through.
Nevermind all that was done
be inclined to know what you' ll do.
If the guess is that you' ll walk away
and wait for another day...
will it be true ?
What if another day never comes
and you don' t even get a clue ?
And now all is dark , so dark
you can' t feel Me
and I don' t see you.

That will be the hardest part.
Being amongst the dead
but none of which I' ve killed.
Regretting the one time
I should' ve taken a life
and a shackle kept me still.
This is no painkiller
very much a tough pill...
I am now the prey
and they ,
hunt for thrill.

This one here...
this is REALLY the hardest part.
In comparison ,
all the other parts seem fine.
Grappling with this question...
I' ve spent a lot of time.
A lot of time.
Hypothetically ,
if I never win the hunt ,
if I never take it' s life ,
when it' s all done...
My Lord , Will You Claim Mine ?
189 · Nov 2021
Stranded In The Living Room
Toni D'Leangelo Nov 2021
....the wilderness has a modern touch
these days.
175 · Apr 2023
To Live , Is To Fight
Toni D'Leangelo Apr 2023
L ike a thief in the night ,
I t came.
F aint entry yet fierce intention.
E veryone is at stake.

I' m
S cared.

W eary from our woes we all share
A deep need for...
R escue.

L ook at your guns and ammunition.
I t' s all primitive.
F or what' s really out there
E ven the strongest calibre is no match.

I' m
S ad.

W hen will rescue come ?
A nd what will it bring ?
R ather , who will it leave ?

L ong is the battle.
I njured are many....uncountable.
F rightened we should all be because
E vacuation is not up to us.

I' m
S tuck.

W ade in the warfare.
A bide by it' s laws.
R each the end.

L and of the Living.
I 've heard stories of such a place.
F inding It is the mystery , yet
E xistence of such a place is the pursuit.

I' ll
S tride.

W e' re all in danger and desperate.
A bsolution is a gift.
R ealize and remember that gift.

Imagine what' s hidden in the shadows and the sounds buried beneathe the earth. What if you saw it all ? What if you heard it all ? What would you care about then ? The world is a big place with mighty mysteries. It' s scary to think of what we haven' t experienced...but can. It' s scary to know , how "easy to ****" we all can be and it' s even more intimidating to realize what we' re all afraid of is all afraid of something else. Something mysterious.
170 · Mar 2023
Watching The Rain
Toni D'Leangelo Mar 2023
Sitting as close as I could
watching you
as if I' m stalking you
as you' re going and going
like the clock is too.

You sedate me.
**** near make me
feel somewhat like a baby...
small and under control
and less crazy.

You' re like a chief
Heavily respected in these streets
or a cup of tea
something to enjoy as you read.
Big and small
at the same time.
Only few can be.
As cool as the breeze
something to enjoy as you breathe.

Thank you
for making things feel fair.
As it relates to me
having a shared experience
seems rare.
You help me feel like everyone else
Cause if you ask me
"Do you ever get tired of being different?"
Toni D'Leangelo Mar 2023
"Suicide just may be easier if you' re able do it twice." - Passenger

What if death feels ,  good ?
Not euphoric....just good.
No state of ecstasy ,
not that kind of novelty.

Think of laying down ,
on a freshly-made bed , after a tiresome day.

Think of that first sigh of relief.

Envision the back of your eyelids
as all noise becomes no noise.

Feel your aching bones and stressed muscles softening against your comforting linen sheets.

Who knew , nothingness , could be so rewarding ?

Now ,

imagine your reality.

Is it against comforting linen ?

Mine feels swaddled in hand-me-downs.

In case of an emergency ,


Hope , that the "emergency" was just a false alarm.

In case of an emergency ,


then wait.

"Patience is a virtue"

but patience brought pain....




I never could accept  emergencies.

My mother having a minor stroke as I watched helplessly....

Finding my father ,
collapsed in pain unable to move...

Having a gun aimed at my head as I slept....


Going broke.





My heart stopped a few times ,
in a few ways.

There' s always some unfair compromise
with the promise of anxiety.

What' s the first thing you' ll do if you found out there' s no remedy for your emergency ?

I' d really like to lay down.

Oh by the way ,

I' m a Christian.
Toni D'Leangelo Sep 2020
I like,
not needing a reason to eat you.
It's comforting.
So "comfort food" is appropriate.
It's crazy how,
you always feel like the right answer.
The right answer for boredom,
the right answer for sadness.....
It's almost like,
I see you more,
I feel you more,
than when I'm actually hungry.

I know the damage that it's doing
but this is all I've come to know.
It's like,
I can't function without you
or maybe something isn't usual.
And I've been strickened
by repetition for so long that,
"usual" became my crutch.
I'm scared to need you
because I know how good you feel.

So I consume you,
while "It" consumes me.

I'm not even hungry....
132 · Mar 2023
Don' t Fight , Toni.
Toni D'Leangelo Mar 2023
I shouldn' t fight
because I don' t want to
because I' m scared to.

Because if I do fight...
I' m going to
hit you really ******* hard.
Because I don' t want to fight
and you choose to.
So I' m not gonna sorta kinda hit you...
I' m gonna really ******* hit you.
And I don' t wanna **** you
but I might
on accident...
and I can' t live with that.
I don' t want one fight
to claim two lives.

So please
see my peace.
Believe it.
It' s real and I promise.
It' s pretty much free.
Don' t fight me.

As much as I don' t want to fight
I find myself being apart of one. Sometimes I wonder if it' s my fault.
Which is strange
because I don' t wanna fight.
I wanna be heard. Yes.
Understood ? Absolutely.
Validated ? ****, at least sometimes.
More often than not.
But I' m not trying to
"win one over you".
I want us to both win
because like I said
my peace is real.

But so are these hands.
Don' t fight Toni.
132 · Oct 2021
Requesting Air Support
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021
I' m out.
No more ammo.
No more troops
but a whole lot more war left.
I' m scared man ,
like SO ******* scared....
but I' m brave though.

Ain' t nothing comfortable
about bravery.
Bravery ain' t nothing but fear
being used as a weapon.
But I' m out.
No more mags.
No secondary.
No frags.
No back up.
Just....a wait.

Imagine battling ,
and I mean BATTLING....
the elements , the enemy ,
and the 'Mona Lisa' of tragedy
so candidly and effortlessly
staring back at you.
Now take that imagery ,

Now imagine ,
the safe souls ,
in there safety nets
ever so specifically critiquing
I' ve never seen ***** bigger.
If you know EXACTLY what to do
in this fight ,

The thing about war ,
someone ,
is in danger.
But only a soldier runs to tyranny.
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021 be stuck at home
with nowhere to go
or no one to see ,

with all the freedom in the world.
122 · Oct 2021
The Dry Flood
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021
Coming to swallow
everything in it' s path ,
rushing into whatever
is capable of containing it ,
the villagers are at their wits end.

Their efforts to secure
their "precious valuables"
are short yet stern ,
but their committment is unwavering.
Absolute heroes.
Anyone ,
would marvel at such heroism
for such an obscure act until.....
those "precious valuables"
are exposed
and highlighted alongside ;
their "precious" allegiance
woven with an unbreakable
The villagers are much more
sinkers , than swimmers.

there IS a God.
A God that DIDN' T send an ark
because He DIDN' T send a flood
that the villagers could drown in.
No ,
instead He Sent a flood
that the villagers can stand in.

But yet and still ,
the villagers are nothing
without that ark.
Toni D'Leangelo Mar 2023
I always liked cars ,
but lately I' ve come to love them...
especially mine.
He' s not "really nice" but
he' s mine.
For that ,
I' ll always love him.

His name is Bruizer...
Bruizer Jones
...and he' s my car.
Not my first.
Hopefully not my last.
He' s my companion.
He' s family.

"Good boy"...
is what I would say
as I rubbed his dash.
Lord Knows he' s been through it.
And Lord Knows ,
I' ve been through it
...but Bru made sure
WE , got through it.

Most , if not all , would say
"It' s just a car".
Well ,
he' s making a lot of people look bad.
He stayed.
He fought.
He helped.
He assured me.
He carried all my ****.
I thank God for him.

Bru taught me the joy of driving.
And even as fast as he could go ,
with his tiptronic transmission an all ,
he taught me the joy of going slow.
He help me appreciate isolation.
After all ,
That just meant more "QT" with him.

I laughed with him.
I cried with him.
I clutched onto my life with him ,
cause I almost died in him.
Of course ,
he can' t laugh
or cry ,
but with listening skills like his...
he doesn' t need to.

I wish I could do more for him ,
everything the others didn' t.
I owe it to him.
He went to war with me...
and made sure I made it back home.
I know people that can' t do that.

Anyone that truly...REALLY knows me
knows that their dreams ,
become mine.
So if Bruizer could dream ,
I' d like to believe he' d dream for

Really Nice Music ,
on A Really Nice Road ,
cause he' s been A Really Nice Car.
114 · Jul 2024
Messages From The Mirror
Toni D'Leangelo Jul 2024
"Hey there, Mr.Polished !
Look I know you' re all modest
and don' t like the extra attention.
I' m just stopping by to pay homage."

"Acknowlegded. Thanks."

"I haven' t said anything yet.
How' ve my compliments already been abolished ??
Can you at least hear them out please...
I mean they' re all honest."

"Look I don' t wanna come off as snobbish I' m just not interested.
I don' t really want it."

"Naaah man...something' s wrong.
That was a typical response but something about it feels uncommon.
Are you okay ?
You don' t seem so...solid."

"I' m cool."

"And I' m Fool.
Tone...c' mon man.
I' m just trying to provide some solace.
I' ve learned how important support is
...cause YOU taught it.
Honesty too.
And you just lied and I caught it.
I' m not asking you to be flawless man.
Just be honest.
Just be honest.
Whatever it is you' re thinking
I wanna know what that thought is."

"You first."

You seem...hollow.' re out of thrill and you just had a really tough pill to swallow."

"Hmm. Almost."

"What' re you carrying man ?
What' s the cargo ?
Are you using again ?
Emptying more wine bottles ?"

"No. No empty bottles."

"Then why do you look like this ?"

"Look like what ? A role model ?"

More like the "old" model.
Don' t treat me like I need goggles.
I can see just fine
and I can read too...YOU...
just like a novel.
And what I' ve read so far...
is that there may be a problem.
And if YOU have problems...
then I have problems.
So I' d appreciate it
if you' d help me solve em.
Start talking."

"I' m not when I look in the mirror. It has nothing to do with looks. I think it' s fear."

"Fear ??
Do know what you made it through
that past year ??
And you sittin here talkin to me about "fear" ??"

"I' m glad I made myself clear."

"Toni ? YOU...scared ??"

"*****. Yes."
109 · Aug 2021
Toni D'Leangelo Aug 2021
"Is prison , for the criminal or is prison for the one who commits a crime ?"

I' ve heard many times ,
"There' s no such thing as a stupid question."
That' s subjective.
Too broad of a spectrum ,
too many variables if you ask me.
But what I DO believe ,
is maybe some questions
don' t have an answer.

Now that I' ve introduced myself ,
I' m ******* tired.
I' m tired of being alone
and I am ******* tired
of being tired.
It feels like
I have to enter a God Forsaken ,
just to get a TASTE of luxury.
I don' t gamble.

When you hear "luxury"
you' re probably thinking
"Big house."
"New car."
"Nice clothes."
Those are cool ,
but the luxury I crave ,
is comfort.
Comfort and sleep ,
a whole lot of sleep.

The late Myles Munroe once said
"We want power."
It' s why we chase fame and riches.
None of that feels like me.
None of that IS me.
I just want ,
to not be so ******* used.
I want ,
to not be constantly manipulated ,
and laboured
and tested
and tempted
and tortured
and stressed.

Notice ,
I said "...the luxury I crave"
not "the luxury I chase."
I' m a firm believer in ,
whatever has to be chased
simply doesn' t want to be caught.
But a man can dream.

I commit crimes ,
but I am NO criminal.

I' m just ******* tired.
105 · Oct 2021
Toni D'Leangelo Oct 2021
The thing about Betrayal....
it' s most potent when it' s a surprise !

93 · Sep 2020
The Line
Toni D'Leangelo Sep 2020
**** man !
Can this hurry the **** up ?!
How much longer do I have to be at the back ?!
And what the **** makes these people ahead of me so ******* special ?!
They don't even look like they've waited a day in their life !

All I ******* know is
"It's not your time."
"It's not your turn."
When IS "my turn" ?!
Do I even have....
a ******* turn ?!
I spent 25 minutes standing in this ******* line !
My feet hurt man.
My back is tightening up.
I'm cranky,
**** man !

I just wanna get to the front.
I just wanna get what's for me.
And no,
not so I can hurry up and leave.
so these "minutes",
would feel like actual minutes
and not 25 years.
69 · Nov 2024
The Apple & The Fall
Toni D'Leangelo Nov 2024
He felt the Sun before the Shade.
First came the Ripening...
then came the Realization.

Pome fruits are not the same
as Citrus fruits.
So an Apple ,
will never be an Orange.
So a lonely Apple
amongst many Oranges ,
will forever feel foreign.
Maturing through
droughts , drudgery and
fate-filled storms without warning...
a fruitfulness was forming
as the distant Tree
stood dormant.
With no other fruit
hanging from it' s branches ,
it seemed growing Apples
was no longer important.
As to "Why ?"
One can only assume
what reasons are in assortment.
But what IS clear ,
the field where it landed ,
years away
from the Tree that formed it.....

The apple , does fall far from the tree.

— The End —