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 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
OA Agusto
We are all black roses
The only thing is
Some of us were born that way
And some were burnt.
When the sun says goodbye
I crave the stars upon
There’s nothing to deny
On earth’s nowhere to settle on.
September 21st, 2014
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
You lay here beside me, I'm warm in your embrace.
We talk of our future and discuss poetry.
You look into my eyes and declare your love for me.
You kiss me softly, and then I wake up. Alone.
I am the photo my visions take.

on memorization
the mother
has to believe
in god
for god
to have
a safe

the boy is dirt and noise. is hindsight’s

loneliness, meet maker.
I'm afraid of the future, I'm afraid of the past.
I'm afraid that you don't think of me, I'm afraid that I'm on your mind.
I'm afraid that you like her, I'm afraid that you love me.
I'm afraid to be alone, I'm afraid of crowds.
I'm afraid to be happy, I'm afraid to be sad.
I'm afraid of you, I'm afraid of me.

This is what i deal with, all of my anxiety.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Bree Anna
I lay here in the dark of night
Misty fog around my eyes
How could you **** me?
Crush my soul
You evil devil
I’ll let you know,
I see you on the streets,
and on the train.
In strangers’ faces,
I see the pain
Your footprints show
throughout my life
They follow me
into the dark of night
I wrote this one in October of last year.
I'm right here
Waiting stupidly for you
What if I'm not waiting for anything?
My heart can't handle that
Are you
Doing this
I've seen death in the neon electricity that
warms the hearts of the generation following my own.

Watching them pocket it away with crushes
and heartbreaks, holding it closer than necessity.

These words I write glow in the neon lights
that are very much hypocrisy and the end of me.
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
 Apr 2015 Tina Marie
Everything is glowing like
Xmas, but there are no
Presents, there is only the
Looming cloud of death, hanging
Over us all, casting a gruesome
Shadow that no one can escape.
It reaches out a single hand, resting its fingers
On the earth. Suddenly,
N**othing exists anymore.
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