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She controls her laughter,
lets it slip from the edge of her mouth,
the corners of her lips lift ever so slightly,
then, she makes a sound,
seamlessly, her fingers graze my thighs,
smoothly, her eyes meet mine,
and in her eyes, I see my reflection—
aflame, abashed, and fiery,

She is the answer I’ve scoured the world for,
and yet, she, herself, remains a mystery,

Ah, I see,
She controls her laughter
as easily as she controls me.
they talk behind your back
you can feel it like knives in your skin
it's supposed to be love not hate
what can you do
never ending cycle
My footsteps,
like finger tips
on a piano,
play a
lonely song.
Trapped inside this pen, I write the words but they never show on these pages
Try as I may I know the ink has been dry for ages
Bottled up but never sent,
The water in which my darkest insecurities flow does not make it past the dam that builds up as a lump in my throat

It’s depth, which was once only two foot deep, has now become fifty and I am left to drown in self pity

That was until you, a wandering deer, took a chance in the currents that had claimed many before.
i spend my days
pouring myself into the cups of others

only to find that
when it’s time for myself
to take a sip

all that’s left
in my cup
is the remainder of a girl
who gave too much
self care is extremely important. most days I fight my depression by putting smiles onto others faces, but forgetting about my once bright smile.
Dear Reader,
if you're reading this
it means
I'm dead
as a paper


to be etched
with the poem
I tried to write
so many times
when I was me-
Talking while someone listens
is called healing
I laugh
Because it's funny
No, it isn't
Because I'm bleeding
"I'm laughing, I'm crying, it feels like I'm dying" - Melanie Martinez; Pity Party
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