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Frozen blades of grass
Snap, crackle, pop beneath me
4 a.m. silence
Magic in a touch
Gentle caress of a sound
Hearts held enraptured
I'm not lost, I'm not found
The reflection of me watches
Your reality, my mirror
Quiet now, settle down
there is a test to take
I look around with a frown
from a tummy ache

I know I need to use the loo
so I politely raise my hand
I wonder if she'll construe
my need without command

Look up she does, but ignores
my look of desperation
Returning to her desk drawers
adding to my frustration

I stretch my arm as high as I can
and begin to wave and bounce
She lifts her head, another scan
and cares not one ounce

***** this I think, I need to go
and that's just what I'll do
As I stand my bowels say WHOA!
and let loose right on cue

Leave I did, straight out the door
for now I must get clean
To the office I implored
to call mom for my hygiene

She arrived, straight away
with questions myriad
Once in the car she did survey
"You started your period!"

I hung my head, face all red
embarrassed through and through
I had to let her know instead
I shat my pantaloons
Infinity held
Rise and fall of precious breath
Inhaled and expelled
My body
Was the battleground
Of hand-me-down emotions
Awoken by birds
gaily proclaiming spring
for at least a day
Unrelenting noise
Life's symphony set to LOUD
I forget to breathe
I bid you farewell
Twenty seventeen
For all that you were
And all I have seen

For miles of trials
The tears and the smiles
Shredding piles of files
No longer worthwhile

The joy and the pain
The loss and the gains
Sustain and retain
The truly arcane

Without delay
Clearing away
All the decay
Blocking doorways

For all I could do
In your hullabaloo
To learn how to imbue
My impending breakthrough
Early morning fog
Obliterates everything
From my mental reach
Down the drain

Tears in rain

End of rope

Strangled choke

Cellophane ghost

Dead air
Deaf as a post

Hands up
White flag
Signal surrender

Legal tender
In the trenches of war, in the dark of the night
Three soldiers grab cigs and a match to ignite
The first one inhales and passes the flame
The second one does exactly the same
The third one however is already dead
Having been sniped straight through the head

Light one if you please and two if you must
But never a third or ashes to dust
I know it makes sense to not waste a match
But on the battlefield there’s always a catch...
Constellation of prospect
As we grow, we expand and as we expand, we grow. Likewise our consciousness. Four years of expansion in a single night is dizzying. The force pinning me to an uncertain reality that feels softer, smoother. Spinning by in periphery and yet perfectly still dead center. Time stops and I watch. This moment contains all moments.
55 word micro storytelling
Pervasive silence
Lurks out of fingertip reach
Tippy-toed stretches
A moment of peace
No bigger than a thimble
Strategic retreat
Presently present
Flow of time irrelevant
The moment is now
The sky fills with pink as the last yellow blinks beyond the horizon.
The sounds of children getting in the last frenzied half hour of it-tag and hide and seek trail through the air as little eddies of laughter and secrets.
The birds full throatily serenading the last vestiges of sunlight and the hum of the crickets growing clear as sunsets final stretch relaxes.
And the breeze.... oh the breeze! It comforts like a mothers hands. It is just a touch cooler than the overall temperature and it is blowing like a playful lover.
I stopped mid stride and stood for 15 minutes just listening to the music of twilight and feeling the caress of it all across my entire being.
7:41 pm on a summer night, I succumbed
To See
To Hear
To Taste
To Touch
To Feel
To Love
To Live
Clap of thunder
Applause of the heavens
Natures approval
Fall up
Sink down
Hello love
Goodbye frown
Pounding like a drum
Each cough the hit of the snare
Explosions of white
I feel your absence
So profoundly;
It settles around me
Like early morning fog
And obliterates
Everything else from view.

I feel your absence
So profoundly;
It is ever present
Like a pinched nerve
Or a contusion
Of memories

I feel your absence
So profoundly;
Like a closed circuit
That becomes open
No electrons flow

I feel your absence
So profoundly;
I'm losing you in pieces
Your smell dissipates,
And your essence fades
Digested by time

I feel your presence in your absence
I have this aching need to consume you
To wrap myself around you like a vine climbing lattice. Entwining.
I have this aching need to consume you
To let my eyes drink you in like a swig of whiskey swirled and rolled on the tongue. Savored.
I have this aching need to consume you
To become your personal space. A hairs breath apart. Enticing
I have this aching need to consume you
To let your voice tease my ears making my body stutter as it races down my spine like a lightning strike. Smoldering
I have this aching need to consume you
The visual clue
To my imbalance
I have this question, a simple query
Perhaps I’ll see things a bit more clearly
But why oh why such a big belt buckle
Is it simply to get a chuckle?
Does it double as a dinner plate
‘Round the campfire when you’re up late?
Does it shield you from Iroquois?
Tell me, tell me, please cowboy
Perhaps a chastity belt detector?
Or maybe even an S.O.S reflector?
Does it help you sit up straight?
Or is it to attract a mate?
A mirror for when you shave?
A shiny headstone for your grave?
I really don’t mean to annoy but
Tell me, tell me, please cowboy
There is a difference between
minimalism and simplicity.

To live minimally is an action.
To live simply is an art
By not changing and adapting
You force others to make a change
You may not like
Ambiance accentuer
Dalliance delicous  
Voyueristic ventures
Eyeing expeditious
Natural nutate
Tantalizing tides
Urges undulate
Rejuvenating rise
Intoxicating incantation with
Numinous notations
Gravitation gyration and
Scintillescent sensations
From the perspective of the tree we are but a quick blip in their time. A generation appearing as that of a fly. Around for a minuscule amount of time like the house fly to us.
Just posting some scribbled thoughts from long ago
In every present
There is a future
In every future
There is a present
I awoke to a dull thud upon my face. The hand of your left arm haplessly flung as you slept. The thud must have alerted you as well because I heard you catch your breath and hold it while quickly turning to see what was amiss. And as you comprehended you let out a very soft "Oh!" and then quietly declared with the absolute wonderment and surprise of a child come Christmas morning "A Human Being!" and promptly went back to sleep.
I can feel the breath
and life of this space
through the eddies of air
that saunter across my wet skin,
leaving trails of crisp cool footprints
placed with the delicacy
of a whisper
I am not a lost thing
and neither am I found.  
I am mostly the kind of thing
that goes up instead of down

A quirky little something
And yet nothing all the same
Wild and unfettered
A flame that can’t be tamed

A fish that flys up in the sky
A bird that swims the sea
I am the odd one
In the middle of the three

A tiny little something
Like a freckle or a spot
Upon a field so clean
Ignore me you can not
Honestly I don’t know why you even try
The marriage dissolved
like alkaseltzer
in a glass half empty
of water.
It fizzled fast
and left behind
a bad after taste.
Ultimately thought
It did help me
get back to me.
I am the tears
That fall from your eyes
I am years
That have said hello and goodbye
I am the silence
Between the breaths
I am the alliance
Between life and death
Every time I blush
Turn red and gush
How the blood does rush
To show my royal flush
I **** at poker but I’m all in
Let life enthrall you
The wind caress you
The sun kiss you
The water cleanse you
The moon soothe you
The wild call you
The stars guide you
The fire warm you
Let all of it tempt and nourish you
Stop judging it and find a way to play
We are all just kids in big people's bodies
So close
Skin of your teeth
By a nose
A hair's breadth
A stone's throw
Not quite
Don't I know
The duality of too much and not enough. I have heard both often. I'm too kind. I don't stand up for myself enough. I'm too sassy. Too friendly. Talk too much or not enough. Too smart. Too dumb. It goes on and on.
Everyone is individually a work of art and as any artist knows if you show a work you created there will always be a critique of what can be changed. It is a never ending cycle and it will never be perfect enough to suit everyone. So be unapologetically you. Be brave. Confidence in yourself is one of the most attractive things.
Look directly at them
For move they never will
Until your gaze is averted
Silently they ****
Blink and you will miss them
Encroaching ever near
Though they appear there weeping
Don’t believe their tears
Every time he smiled
I was awash in
I like the strain of the choke
the leash on desire creates
I'm never worth the time
It seems
To invest in, in any way

Unraveling seams
Silent screams
No matter how I splay

I fail to see
What you see in me
Based on words you choose

Unless of course
I'm your dead horse
Hanging from your noose

Dragged around
On the ground
Through the muck and mire

Gripping blight
Unseen plight
In shadows, I expire

Loveless love
minim shoves
Kept at arms length distance

What must I do
To get you to
Notice my decaying consistence

Actions and words
You infer
Splinters of remiss

What it shows
In my woes
I'm easy to dismiss
I adore you with ardor
I can't
get enough
of the art
that you are
Glass confessions
Fragile honesty
Entrusted to your
Choking squeeze
Bursting glass candor
Insulated confetti asphyxiation
Defiant Resistance
Mis-paced and misplaced jealously took every midnight confession or moment of deeply persoal sharing and twisted it, squeezed it until it shattered. Then when it was most convenient you slung those pieces as weapons while I was left choking on the glass dust particles of pulverized trust.

You underestimated the power of my lungs.
I can't wait to have my
Knocks Socked off!
I wish I knew a thing or two
Or even three or four
Of everything and nothing
Between less and more
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