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410 · Nov 2012
Love note
The voice Nov 2012
You probably don't know who i am
You know my name, and know somethings about me
But the fact that you don't know
And that matter the most is
That I love you

Since the day i met you, I have seen so much
I have learned about the word sacrifice
I have know what it is to love someone so hard
Sometimes tears come out.  
Thanks to you I cant sleep at night without,
checking my messages to see if you send me something

Your eyes have taught me that they can pull up a smile,
At any moment and in any occasion
I know that your eyes can't see my love,
But mine can find comfort in yours

It is not a lot, but I am happy
Just knowing that you are there makes me happy
Because no matter what happens I know that I can go to you

I love you
You might not know it yet, but I love you
more than anything else i have ever loved
I write this to you because i wanted you to know
That out there somewhere there is a girl who loves you
And thinks about you day and night, and dreams with you every day.
410 · Sep 2014
run to me
The voice Sep 2014
What can I say in this moment?
Its really not like there are any words
That could make a difference now!
It not like there is anything I can do
To change the facts
The only one who can do something
so why don't you?
Why do you stand there
waiting for me
You know I am chained
you know that I m being held back
and you it clearly
Why are you letting someone else
look for the keys
why aren't you the one doing it
You know where they are
you know I belong to you
you made me
but he's the one that's looking
he's the one running,
and you?
why are you just standing there
I cant run to you
life I used to when I was learning how to walk
I can't defy the laws of a mother
like I used to when you both were together
and I admit I like him
I love him
he earned ever second
every smile
every inch of depth of my love
but I haven't given him all of it
because im saving a small piece for you
Please don't make me regret the time
I lost with him
trying to look for you!
He's here,
he has always been!
Where are you?
Where have you been?
409 · May 2014
Love is....
The voice May 2014
She's 16
and she thinks she knows what love is
She sees love in those soap operas
as the battle between the protagonist and antagonist
She sees love in the fights her parents had
And the kisses between her mother and a new father
She sees love in the words of
Ill stop loving you if you do that
And in the words
If you would love me you would do this for me
Well, this is how God showed me love
2000 thousand years ago.
I crucified him
Denied him
And cursed him
But today he gives me a second chance to keep on
Fighting for him
Love is forgiveness
Patience and perseverance.
Love is the thought
That there will be someone
That there IS someone out there
And God is preparing him
That out there is the one
that will not leave
and that will not have conditional love
But in order to be that way,
he has to love God more than even me
Because he will only know love through him
She came to realize,
love isn't chocolates and rainbows anymore
But love doesn't have to based of fists
or what you will done
It is based on what God has already done
408 · Feb 2015
The voice Feb 2015
What does it mean to be free
I mean truly free
Not the type where you have not chains on your hands
And call that freedom
Chains can be upon be
Without been able to be seen

Chains can and will take the form of
Liberty to trick you
So that you will not fight but be weak against the odds

Liberty is merely a wish
You can never be free in this world
You can never be safe and sound
From the tears and the cries of hatred
And simply by your own regrets
405 · Feb 2015
The voice Feb 2015
He approached me and said
I did it for her
I cried on the inside
Praying deep inside he will not notice

Maybe I did want him to
I wanted him to notice
The pain he causes every time he says
"It was for her"
It felt as if he reprehended me
Saying it was not for you

He said, she was his motivation
The reason for his heart yet to beat
Yet in my confusion
He has another
Can love do that?

Can love allow such a hypocrisy
Can love allow him to love one yet be with another
I would not know'
Or I cannot speak with experience

She loved him too
She cried when she found out
She was devastated and I comforted her
It hurt me like a blade piecing deep into my heart
But I stood strong for her

It hurt to know that he loved her
Was with another and I
I was alone

It hurt to have to stand strong
While seeing here cry
While I pretended not to care about him
I prefer to think it is not love
Because it would hurt more

But honestly I do not think it is
Because love is pure and he...
And she...
He said he would sacrifice everything for her
Yet pursued the like of another
And as they stood together

My friend cried and I died
I was jealous
Not only at the fact the he loved her
Or that her was with her
But that they could express their feelings openly

He asked,
You liked me, and I hurt you
Yet you do not hate me
And they said not to care
And I did not hurt them as much as I hurt you
Yet you don't hate me but they do

I said nothing, I said
It would hurt me more to hate you
But I really wanted to correct his sentence
He used in proper tense
He spoke in the past when it is really
The present!

I did not like you,
I never stopped liking you!

Never mind, I did like you
Now, I love you!

But what know I about love
I am only 17
True Love story
401 · Jan 2013
The voice Jan 2013
All you
Have to do
Is believe that
You can do ti and
At some point you will
Maybe not over buildings
But yes over all the others who
Did not believed in you and those
Who gave their back to you for long.
You can fly with big white wings of success
401 · Feb 2019
The voice Feb 2019
Aside from the black nail polish,
My own personal act of rebellion,
I see my father's hands.

I have my mami's nose,
and eyes,
and lip shape,
and even her forehead.

We have the same forehead,
But my hands,
When I see them I see my father's hands.

Maybe I see them in an attempt,
to portray an image of his existence,
To acknowledge that he actually exists
even though he hasn't been by my side

My hands are darker than my mother's
They are slightly chubbier,
Even the darker little hairs that decorate them,
They do not look like hers at all,
so naturally, they have to look like his.

I am more reminded of him when I grip them
So tightly I almost cut the flow of blood.
So strongly the blood rushed to blush the tips of my fingers

The rage. The anger. The reminder that I am your daughter
That I carry your last name
That I am still and Forever will be,
a part of you
and you a part of me

I did not choose that.
I did not choose the anger or the love

When I have you in front of me,
I will take these, my hands
that look like yours
grip them tighter than ever before
with determination in my eyes,
aim and...

I learned how to box in an attempt,
to shape these hands to be less like you
Fighting hands, unlike yours
Strong hands, much different to yours
Passionate hands, contrary to YOU

I wear the black nail polish, to remind me and you
That these hands are yours,
tainted by the dark melody of the last kiss you gave me
Before you let me walk away.

I wear these hands masked by power,
but deep down a reminder that I am a woman,
Despite my hands being like yours.
A reminder that had you stayed,
I would probably not have the education I now have.

I look down at my hands and see yours.
Despite the black nail polish, they look like yours.
With a layer of love, willing to forgive and love
But unwilling to Forget!
This is what happens when a professor asks a good question in class. "Whose hands beside your own do you see when you look down at them"
399 · May 2013
Making love a decision....
The voice May 2013
My friend told me to stop thinking about him
My heart heard: think about him
My friend told me that he is not worth it
My mind heard: he is worth it
My friend tolde me to forget him
My heart knew that was impossible
My friend told me that I deserved more
My mind heard: I deserve him
how to decide whats better for me
390 · May 2013
My own little world
The voice May 2013
I don't wanna miss what matters
I wanna be reaching out
Show me the greater purpose
So I can start living right now
Outside my own little world, my own little world, my own little world
Mathew West,
Good song, dedicated
389 · May 2013
Should I...
The voice May 2013
I want to know if you will come back
I do not want to wait for you if
you don't plan on coming back
I don't want to risk something for nothing
I love you, I miss you, I'm here for you
But if you are not feeling it for me
then what can we make out of this

A Relashionship is of two people not one
I need you, I can't do it by-myself
All i want to know, is
Should I wait for you?
Or are you not planning to come back to me?
387 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
Somewhere far from here I feel your hands over me getting closer. I can't see you but I can feel you just like the wind. I can't prove you are here, but I don't need proof of your love. I know your love exists and I know that love is real. The most pure love I know. There is much to loose but there is also much to win. I won't loose this opportunity to follow your path and follow you. God, I am here awaiting your presence and your love.
387 · Nov 2012
Reality: In the end
The voice Nov 2012
Sometimes I feel stuck,
I feel like I have to fall
But that is not an option
Becaus I know that falling
Won't make me better

I know that falling is not a key
I won't open any doors at all
I know that the steps I take,
Are worth something
Maybe not now
Maybe not here
But somewhere and at some time
Those steps will tell my story

I am tired of stopping
I am tired of falling
For love
For friendship
For fakes
I won't fall again

I am strong enough now
I know the difference between true
And fake
I know my reality now
I know where I am headed too
I am heading to victory

Giving up
And looking back
Are not on my list
I won't step back and I will make it
BEcause in the end it will be worth it...
387 · Dec 2012
Is this true? I wonder...
The voice Dec 2012
Sometimes I cry
When I cry I might look like I'm three years old.
Sometimes I fall
When I fall I might act clumsy like a two year old
Sometimes I whine
When I do I might seem like a baby nearly born

I'm not perfect an I prmose you that I will never be, I love my life the way it is. Not because it seems good but because it is the life God choose for me. I like it because it reminds me of reality and true feeling.
383 · May 2013
The voice May 2013
In the morning i hope to see the darkness
in the night i hope to see light
simply because at morning i find hope and i want something that tells me it's real
what can be more real than a storm in a sunny day
AT night i see the problem and i want to see something that tells me it will get better
So contrary to what usually happens
When i have it I want more want i don't I want less
383 · Dec 2012
Family, My brothers
The voice Dec 2012
The smile i have is for you
I see you fighting
Like brothers.
One is taller the other one younger
You both make my life fun

One want help
the other does not to help
How funny they look
Suddenly they see me
Just cracking up in laughter

Then walking slowly to me, I notice
They are about to start....
Tickling me
379 · Nov 2012
I need you
The voice Nov 2012
I want to forget
I want To let you go,
But the fact is that my heart
Is to attached to you
I have fallen love
I have died in your arms
I have not seen the light
Ever since I saw your eyes
I can't look back
Without wondering were you are
I can't breath without feeling you close
I can't try any longer
And more
I can't walk without knowing your at my side.
I can't see the distance I walked
Because I see you instead...
378 · May 2014
The voice May 2014
Let this be the last time
You did this to me once
And to my friends many more times
I thought I could trust you
I thought that you were honest and sincere
That is why I told you
That is why My friends told you
I gave you the other cheek many times
And I let others pass
but do not hurt her
Do to me, anything
Hurt me again and again,
until my heart is numb of too much pain
But let her be.
She is not strong enough for that
And it is time you stop hurting others
Please, let me ask nicely
And rudely
You only let us know your opinion
by shouting it,
Let US be Happy!
Im sorry I you can't be
but that not her fault
that is not our fault.
377 · Dec 2012
Thin Line
The voice Dec 2012
I hate you
I love you

I met you, I saw you ask a dangerous virus
I didn't believe were you even real
I thought you were some type of bad joke
I thought you were some kind of sad mistake
I met you, and i saw you *** less

I met you, i was disgusted, until i got to know you
I left this life for you
I loved you
I couldn't believe how much you meant to me
I couldn't believe that all that time you were there,
You were actually the only person who loved me.

I hated you, then I love you
A thin line separated us
A thin line got us together.
368 · Aug 2014
See the... Positive
The voice Aug 2014
I am afraid
I am exited
I am wounded
I am healed
I am new
I am different
I am many things
One of them IS NOT
Yes I've lost
but I have won
the experience
The bravery of the fear
The fun of the excitement
The lesson of the wounds
The hope of the healing
The discoveries of the new
The greatness of differences
But you can choose to see it this way
Or see the negative...
365 · Feb 2014
The power of one word!
The voice Feb 2014
I heard once that words were powerful
I didn't understand why.
All I knew was that mommy was good
Lying was bad
I guess I underestimated the power that one word had
The risk was taken
The word was said
from the moment it left my mind
on to my mouth then out in to the world,
it was already the beginning of storm.
Funny how you can yell fire,
it being a lie,
Then everyone laughing because it was a joke.
But when someone says the truth and it affects them
they come after you as if you were a runaway criminal.
What I am curious about is why?
Why the sudden threat
One word began this feud
and an apology won't make up for it
I guess again,
I overestimated the power of forgiveness
I thought everyone no matter what
deserved the benefit of the doubt
it was probably that I said a word
that was simply to dangerous for the case
It wasn't my intention to offend,
or even judge
That is not my job.
All I wanted was to prove the truth!
Not the one sold in movie theaters,
or in worldly books
But the one that is absolute
and the only truth that saves and justifies
As much as the truth was yelled
from the top of the lungs of so many,
no one cared and no one listened
No one reacted no one act
No one ever did anything about it
Until it was simply too late for anything
I tried to find a way to show my point of view,
I thought I could make it be worth the while
Change them, and help them
But they hated me for what I had said
I understood the power of words
I understood the power of one word!
It seemed almost impossible to me
Why were the so afraid to know him
One small storm
was the cause for starting
one huge storm!
the word being
I now know that the demons around were scattering just at the hearing of his name and the people around knew that but wouldn't admit it!
Figures!!! ;-)
359 · Mar 2013
The highest
The voice Mar 2013
I got tired
of this race
I couldn't just keep running
All i had left was hope
And that hope made me yell
Because there is nothing grater than him.
He died to save me and he lived for my victory.
He prayed for my sinful nature
And he always stood up for me
He never gave up on who I am
He knew my capabilities and he used them
TO make me better
I have lost the strength in flesh
But in spirit, it is only the beginning
There is not much hope in the eyes
But i know that what is seen is not all that is possible
For a poor man sees the place he lives at
And he knows far from there that there is always more.
There is always someone higher than you,
And if you think you are the Highest look Again,
He is higher than you,
My Lord, My God,
He is higher than any other living soul
He can reach the highest of all distances.
359 · Dec 2013
Them both
The voice Dec 2013
He said he loved me
But never got a chance to prove
She proved she loved me
But never got a chance to say it
He left and then came back
But when he did he always ask me about me
She was always by my side
But she never really asked me about me
We are a family and sometimes it's hard to decide
I love both of them
But its hard to decide
One of them left
the last time I saw him
But he never came back
There is one man
He was the most special man of all
He was always there
He never left even when I pushed him away
He proved it and never stop saying it
When the sun came out
He told be "Here is your gift"
It was a new day
When the sun came down
He told me "Here is your peace"
And I rested all night long
My father left
But Jesus came
My mother never asked
But Jesus already knew
I cant judge him for what he did
Because I'm not perfect
I love them both and I wont choose
But I will do s pray
Equally for both
Not so that they ask for forgiveness
But so that they forgive themselves
So that they understand that he died
On a Cross
357 · Jul 2014
The voice Jul 2014
the lights go on and off
and then on again
but no, not the ones hanging on the ceiling
but the ones that come from within
ring ring
yes the phone just rang
ring ring
a little scared to answer
tell him, why don't you,
Why you were scared
tell him the reason for the mess
"yes, im fine"
sure lets keep up the lying
after all its the best way
"he left early to work"
oh please, not even you fall for that one
so you are mad,
just cuz he told you the truth
"he would never"
no, cuz he would always
tell him, you know he can help
more than you will let him
beep beep
that's the car outside
"um, i have to go"
sure you are worried now
there he is and what happens
if he sees you talking on the phone
with another man even if it is your own brother
beep beep
u know what happens when u keep him waiting
and its more than just a black eye
but its no longer just his fault
but yours for letting him!
a man should treat their woman like a fragile glass cup!
355 · May 2013
You an I
The voice May 2013
Years ago I would have welcomed you to my life
With open arms
And a sweet smile
Years ago I would have ran to your arms
Hugged you and let you carry me around
Under the moon light

I needed you back then
I needed your words
I needed your arms
I needed your heart
Not quite finished
352 · Dec 2012
One journey
The voice Dec 2012
I left and went missing
I ran into the woods and got lost
But now I found my way
I walked and ran and flew
And I got all the way here
It was hard to do this and it made it,
An unforgettable journey too

I did not know that part of the road was
The laughs and the cries
The roses and the vines
The peace and the noise
Both good and bad had made this journey
A hard one but sure to win
352 · Jul 2013
The voice Jul 2013
When I was smaller I wanted a relationship like Cinderella's, At age 10, I wanted to fall in love like Belle because she saw a prince and not a best. At age 14 I wanted love just that!!! And at age 15 I realize I was loved since the beginning of time by one king. By the one who made me, who called me from the ashes, who rescued me from the world, who broke the chains that hold me. Now I don't want to choose my relationship, I want him to choose it, once I am ready because wont make a mistake in whom he chooses for me! Meanwhile I will live to please only God in my youth, in my talents, in my mornings, days night, in all my life, I am completely his!!!!
350 · Nov 2013
Those... @ Trial
The voice Nov 2013
Time passes by and nothing changes
one promise has not been fulfilled
Time continues to destroy hope
and Yet no one seems to take a step
Everyone is still waiting for the storm to pass
But they wont notice that it will also hit them
They are too afraid
To do anything
To fight
To speak
To try!
Fear is the enemy of the brave
But those who look up with faith
Those will win
Those will do anything
Those will Fight
Those will speak
Those will try
Look up and worship your God
Because only with him will you have victory
Only with him will you find courage
Inside of Fear
God bless those who Believe in him
Those who believe even if the cannot see!
341 · Jul 2014
i love you
The voice Jul 2014
My heart need of you to keep on going forward
My mind will never be the same
because it has your name in the center
My life has changed for the better
I cannot control this feeling
I simply love you!
338 · Nov 2012
I have gone Mad
The voice Nov 2012
I cant seem to understand
Is it me
Is it you
I cant really see the reality
Am I flying
Or is it just the wind
I don't know what is real
Is it that I am walking
Or just moving
Probably its my imagination

Is it possible that i am going crazy
Crazy for what?
For what could be
Could be that i am changing
Changing my future
Future mess i wont clean up.

Could it be that is not love
or just an illusion.
I have gone mad
The voice Nov 2012
I waited
I really did
I did not move
I did not leave
I stayed there
For so long, Maybe too long

Everyday was the same
Just waiting and waiting
It never changed
It was too hard for me to do so but I still did
Now you decide to come back
After fifteen years
and now you come
It is hard to live this way
Knowing you might have forgotten
Or just thinking that you did not care

Maybe you did the right thing
But now it is to late
I am tired of waiting
I am tired of hurting my self for you
Thinking it was my fault
Thinking I was the reason for your departure
But now Just now It is to late
Too late because now I know
I don't have to keep waiting anymore
335 · Mar 2014
A broken chain
The voice Mar 2014
(Please read entirely)
Her life began to become the dark room she always ran away from
The memories in her mind were the reminder of who she was
The times she spend in the darkness of her room,
Were now the reminder of what she became
And the sparkle in eyes,
Were only captured in the pictures of a younger age.
She tried to hide it with a smile
With a nice compliment
With a positive attitude.
But there were times when she was alone,
when she couldn't and didn't,
want to think
or remember
and much the least,
she didn't want to let it become her present
But how could she find a way to erase it from her mind
How much must she do,
to let the memory die!
It might have taken many things:
Suicidal tries
All types of pills
and anything
like cutting
and self-hurt
it didn't matter how she tried
or who she was,
She let the memory become a daily nightmare
She let it become an obsession
Until she met someone
He wasn't like the others
He wasn't like anyone else
Because no one else did for her what he did
He was a king,
and became a peasant for her
He was the ruler,
and he excepted rule for her
He became hated,
and loved his enemies for her
She rejected him so many times,
Yet he put his life in for her
When she found him
She was too blind to see him
So he gave her sight
When in the water she was cleaned
And she wanted some to talk to
he gave her his spirit
so she could hear him
They talked together
In a language that only he could understand
In a language where her true feelings,
were the words that came out
She had no need for blades,
No need for pills,
No need for nothing else
She was free from the chains
Of lies
and many more things!
He gave her everything and his name is Jesus
He is the father of those who need him
The son on those who want him
And the holy ghost for those who must hear him
He is the only things she needs
For anyone who feels like their life is beginning to become the nightmare they always tried to run away from! In the name of Jesus I hope that someone understands the power his blood has.
333 · Dec 2012
My journey
The voice Dec 2012
I made a promise to my self
That i would be better
That i would change
That I would do something new
I broke that promise

Who will know
I promised my self
No one can judge me
But, if i was selfish enough to break a promise to myself
Then i can be selfish enough to break the promises i made to other people.

I promise.....
I wont promise anything anymore
A promise are words that can be lost in the air.
I will do what i set myself to do

Even if i do it alone
Or when the world is against me,
I wont give up on this journey to be myself
333 · Dec 2012
The voice Dec 2012
Some people leave your heart, but when they come back,,,
What do you do?
Do you welcome them back
Maybe interview them see why the're back
Do you turn on them like they did on you
Do you run towards or away from them?
Are they worth more time?
What should I do,
Wait and expect another heart broken or instead expect a better ending?
How do you deal with a person coming back to your life!
332 · Nov 2012
The voice Nov 2012
You carried me
You fed me
You were always there
You sacredness time, fun, freedom and a life time
For me

I know there is no one out there,
who would do what you have done for me
No one else would correct me the way you did
No on else would help me up every time i fall

There is no one else who would work,
24 hours a day for me
No one out there would know how to say no,
to what is not best from me.
I love you because you have done it possible for me to,
Actually be happy and be safe.

Thank you mom, for being my mom
332 · Apr 2013
The voice Apr 2013
What it feels like when you cant run as fast as the others
When you can listen as well as the others
When you cant read as good as the others
When you feel like you are not as good as the others.
But there are people who have lost their privilege to even walk,
and they have finished their race
People who cant hear anything at all but they know how to understand
Some who cant see at all to read, but they try to find themselves a way
They have a smaller chance than us,
We have an advantage to them
Yet they have been in better places than us
We needed faith, something they had and we didn't.
Trust in someone stronger than us.
All we needed was to put who we were in the power of God in order to succeed
Some people go down and a person gets them back up,
But with that, another person as strong can turn them back down
But if its God who pick the person up, then no man as strong as it is can throw him below.
331 · Mar 2013
The voice Mar 2013
He gave me that opportunity to choose, between one side or the other one,
But he did not realize that it wasn't something a person could just decide from one day to another.
He did not know how hard this entire thing was.
His words are still crumbling up in my mind and surrounding my veins!
Maybe i am not ready for this decision, all i needed was more time
Just maybe i needed some more knowledge
why cant he just understand that i am not ready for all of this?
It s not very hard to wait at least some time
He cant put all this pressure on me like if i could handle anything that comes to me.
WHat can I do to tell i am not ready to decide between mom or dad, i love them both and its not a decision of two minutes. He should understand my reason and listen to my opinions before he makes me decide
The voice May 2013
You cant go around the worlds saying you are a leader and being a follower
You lead with your thoughts ideas and innovations
Not someone else's way...

Perfection does not exist, but trying to be better that who you are does exist
You can tell someone that they have a needle through their when
You have one yourself (Bible)

There are things that have to be done, so do them
There is no worst fail that the time you don't try
Figure out what needs to be done and do it before you think about a new task

Time is consuming and dedication is the support you need
You can't promise many dreams at once and then disappoint others
Think about what is more pleasing to you not to others who look at you

Love the game you play
Play the game you love

My teacher in 6th grade once said,
"Choose the job you love and you wont ever work a day in your life"
And that "History repeats its self"

I did not understand this until the time when i got hit by that reality!

The most important of all is to ask God for empowerment in all of these,
To achieve that goal that rests in your heart
327 · Nov 2012
We Sin
The voice Nov 2012
We all sin
with oour tongue
We say things we used
Against or towards someone else
I have said things
You have said thing
We all sin.

We say so many things
We hurt others
We all judge other people
We disagree with what we disagree

We might not be able to hold it in
We defend our love
We defend our beliefs
But that is a sin

We sometime think it is nothing
But somewhere and somehow it is.
327 · Dec 2012
For what?
The voice Dec 2012
I want to survive
I wont give up
I'll keep trying
But the question is FOR WHAT?

For the crumbs
For the waist
For an impossibility
For something that doesn't exist

I don't want what's left of it
I want it all
Yea it is true:
I won't be easy
But you bet I'll try
An if I don't make I'll keep trying
And if I never make then
I wasn't meant to be.

I don't want to waste my time
How do I know when it's time
To leave and not turn back
How do I know if I'm doing the right things
How can I know
325 · Nov 2012
You are my friend
The voice Nov 2012
There are road that lead us
Roads that take us
Paths that change us
And everything goes around
Know that I am here

You are special
You are strong
You are someone beyond everything
I have seen you heart
And I know it is pure

You have done mistakes,
But who hasn't
You are someone I would never forget
You are a great person that can change the world.
To my best friend Eva
The voice Nov 2012
I am here
I gave my apologies
I tried to be better
I tried to forgive
Maybe i never got a chance
I am sorry again for being that way

But it had been too long
I wasn't getting any younger
I wasn't expecting a present for
Christmas or my birthday
Just a card or a memory to have and keep

I am sorry that i had no way of knowing if you
were still there or if you left
I am sorry for not being patient enough
To say 5 more years just for you

But someone else came
He hugged me, like you never did
He took me and protected me
Like you never did
He saw in me something you
Never saw
He was there waiting for me
And i took my chance and found in him
That i do not have to wait for someone
That someone has to wait for me
And it is up to me to not take long

I am sorry but he was more than you ever were.
To my step father
317 · May 2013
You left
The voice May 2013
I noticed that your heart is as hard as a rock
It is nothing compared to when i met you
What happened?
You were the person who comforted me
who smiled back no matter what
The person who tried to make me feel better
What happened so that your smile would fade away
I was too much for me, that you would leave so suddenly...
Please come back to me, the one person who is waiting for you
317 · Apr 2014
My first love
The voice Apr 2014
My first love was you, Jesus
My loves was you
In the darkness where i stood,
the lights were off
my heart was dim
And as u got closer i pushed you away
But you never gave up
Because  you love me
and wanted me for you
And with your love and your mercy
you won me over form the world
And you gave a name and
you turned around
You gave a new destiny
I was destined for death
I was destined for misery
But gave me your life
And no am destined to eternity with you
I am destined to your purpose
And i will always love you
Because you loved first!
314 · Mar 2013
My savior
The voice Mar 2013
He saved me,
He rescued me
I was falling, deep
Deeper than any other time
I knew that i could not take any more
out of all the times I sinned
I lied
I robbed
I left
He never let me down
He was my friend, back then
Now he is my Savior
My king
The one almighty all powerful
the one who never judged me without mercy
It was his hand, and his power
The one who set me free, and I read i see,
that's not all he ever did for me
His love has been the biggest out of everything
No material thing can top who he is.
John 4:9,  In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
He died for me, and i shall live form him!
The voice Feb 2013
It seems like
Time takes long to get here when you need it most
And it gets here fast when you need it to be far away.
Sometimes I wish it could stop for one minute
And turn the small hand in reverse
To that moments I let that person walk away
I regret so may things
But all those things made me stronger
I believe the promise God made me
That for every tear of pain
If I followed him and his words
I would receive ten times the happiness!
The bEggining of my poem. Performing it at a slam in a month. Hopefully!!!
312 · May 2014
Can't forget
The voice May 2014
I wish I could forget
The memories that condemned me
But since I can't
Ill let them teach me something
Rather than let them destroy me
And besides, the Lord
Will help me through it all...
309 · May 2013
he died
The voice May 2013
He died
Fifteen days ago
"Why did they hide the truth from me"
In Mexico
"Why so far from me"
my grandmother's brother
Someone i loved
And i miss
The voice Nov 2012
I am lost
I began to walk on the road
I kept walking
I was just looking down
I did not notice the path I took
And now I am lost.

I can't find the light
God please help me
I know you are there
You always are
I know you will find me
I know how pure you love is
I know you will lead me

I am lost,
I can see any more of the light
But far or close in distance
I know you are walking looking at me
Helping me
and guiding me to a better place.
The voice Nov 2012
I am here
Sitting down
Just me
All alone
Will you ever come
Whats going on

I have been waiting
seconds to minutes
hours to days
weeks to months
and to years.

But i am still here
Waiting hoping dreaming
Will you arrive
Should I keep waiting
What if when I leave
You arrive
I wont miss out
Or will you even dare to come

OK I'll wait 5 more minutes
Or days, or weeks or years
Just five more
No harm can be done with just 5 more

I am still here after five more years
It was not worth it
You will never come
My hopes are down
Where were you
During those fifteen years

Where were you
During my birthdays
During my graduations
During my celebrations
During my success
During my tears
I waited fifteen years.
And it is to late for me to keep waiting for you
Someone else already took you place...
To be continued...
301 · Dec 2012
Thanks </3
The voice Dec 2012
I messed up really big
I realize my mistake wasn't
making the error,
My mistake was:
That I loved you

I gave you my heart
You promised to take care of it
With your life

You lied
I tried to forgive
But you broke me
And you killed me
Now thanks to you I am:
Stronger and cant trust anyone
with the heart you broke
And even now some crumbs
Are missing!
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