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  Dec 2014 Yasmin Greenfield
Dark Jewel
To all...
Stop trying to change someone,
Who doesn't want to change.

Stop giving chances,
To those who abuse your forgiveness.

Stop walking back to the place,
Where your heart fled from.
Stop trusting those,
Whose actions are wrong.

Stop giving your all,
To a person who gives you nothing.

Stop fighting for a relationship,
That leaves you alone.
Standing inside that ring.

Most of all,
Stop breaking you heart.
My step mom gave me a photo of this and I thought I would post it because it is so true. I worded it differently to add a rhythm.
Who am I?
you'll never know
my skin can be as white as snow
or my face can cause a fright
with a soul as dark as night
perhaps I am a maiden fair
with a wild heart of a mare
And the most amusing part is
I can be a dude, named Chris!
The point is, you'll never see my face
On this strange and wondrous place
(PSP) Public Service Poem.... for those who live under a rock and aren't aware of the caution needed when online.
My reaction at seeing you for the first time
was like blowing up a dam; the water pouring
out in a wave of destruction, quickly filling the
shallow channel that had been dug, not expecting
such a wonderous natural disaster

I knew I would lose part or all of you if I didn’t
dig deeper into the earth; bloodying my hands,
gasping for breath so as not to lose a moment
of your beauty or share it with another wanderer
waiting to swim upstream for your love

You allowed the force of your existence to crush
my life beyond all recognition while your worries
waited patiently, drifting slowly behind the deluge,
hoping not to be noticed while my senses exploded
into a thousand pieces

You denied me my breath, my sight, my thoughts,
my self-control; there was nothing I could do
except become the rapids themselves, no matter
the rocks or sudden current changes that made
my prior life no more than a tree torn from it's roots
  Dec 2014 Yasmin Greenfield
she is so lonely
sitting over there
in the corner by
her so called friends
are more worried about
than about their friend
who’s hurting herself
and hiding from them
she’s dropping hints
but no one picks up
they simply don’t care
she’s been hurting for so long
that she’s numb inside
she doesn’t feel pain anymore
she’s used to it and used to
being ignored and left out
the only time that she feels
anything is when her eyes
lets out floods of tears

she, is me
I hate the way I cause you pain.
Making teardrops fall like rain.

I hate the way you make me think.
clouding my mind like I'm half asleep.

I hate the way I feel so weak.
I always feel like such a freak

but though we both make clouds and sleet.
we must try to stand on our feet


is what we have.
this bleary endeavor will not last forever.
I promise <3
  Dec 2014 Yasmin Greenfield
To be drunk on love
Is to be glorious in feelings so high
that one can reach them with a whisper

To be drunk on life
Is to be joyous with all that you have all that you are
And all you are not

To be drunk on drink
Is to be wary at what you say and do
And if not suffer the consequences.
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