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Nov 2021 · 71
The heritage
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
We are all interoperable! Clumps of hair cling to us at the gates of the inner, much-lost Spirit! We dream of finding a home while chasing the way of our selfish career and prosperity! Hypocritical, well-moved moods change everyone into cared-for thank you people! Who nods at the real play all selling himself for kilos and grams and his prestige squabbling! They deliberately subdue the refreshing knowledge, and the nourishment of the more curious spirits can only extend to another private life of Celeb sensations!
He who dares to confess in verses, when he kneels down as a sign of his faithfulness, immediately laughs with a simple wave; remains a target! The multiplied phlegm-tangled style is becoming more and more twisted by itself: those who have forgotten the Human Law and who are fair are already trampled on by indifferent arbitrariness. Idiots, giggle-etudes jingle throat-brain, hysterical kittens, whose only desire is to be able to show up in a deliberate-syrupy reality show with a self-promoting *** gesture! - All of us
they got lost between two points of light; With Sisyphus architecture, the tabloids and the public media are also constantly thinking about brainwashing! Sick pink will not be a balmy bronze brownness for bombarding bikini fairies lot, but even the teenage chick looks wrinkled in the artificially generated rays of solariums and thus conserved mummies! Even under their enchanting bikini line, vanity cellulite rashes occur! Easy-to-forget bachnalia ****** are struck in a whirlpool jacuzzi; but who can honor immortal love?!
Your little one, who has had a cigarette in his angel's mouthpiece, is potted in darkness, and irresponsible carelessness can give birth to new criminals.
Nov 2021 · 65
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
As a airscrow-tied, tender chubby clown, it was better to remain ourselves than to shape a mortal body into a kneaded, gorilla-brained Adonis titanium! The difference is still striking and undoubted! Even so, your lack of self-confidence can get over quickly! Just as celebrity monkey gingerbread jammers are proudly proud of themselves, their vest tearing is the culmination of their enjoyment - it is probably not a salvation to be overwhelmed!
If Man does not make sure of his formable flexibility! A trumpeting child terror tensed everyone if it only appeared in the whirlwind of V.I.P. parties wishing to rampage! Behind the mixing desks, the exotic ***** ladies were mixing a noise machine and the perfect cocoa could be ready, like the appearance of ****** wishing to rampage: pocket Stallons with phlegmatic frills texts had just boasted quite a few times among the bumpers!
Moods go down in the rampant ramparts of overheated ***** games and the bride is still an ideal place to make peace! - The radical exile of the personality in the face of totally crowded pop culture! Man's artificial Beauty is often unheard of to see with his heart! In quarreling fun, they are already there that the intentional poisoning of happiness has also become a pleasure! Life in perpetual party-baron invasions and raging diesel noises is not enough life insurance!
A single, lively, tiny sparkle leap is enough to get naive chirps losing their minds into a cheap series of overnight flirting adventures with male gorillas! "It will slowly come to pass that people who are easy to forget will grow out of each other in boredom, and they will have the only joy of rejoicing if they become back to ordinary!"
Nov 2021 · 77
The prayer of Truth
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
A crumbly tear of the Universe should never be ashamed! Conscious tenderness is not a spice of piety! It’s scary to think about it already; Cosmoses in the afterlife cold, if intentionally left alone child-orphaned crying can only circulate soul-seeing roe deer! Soul maps lack a place where they can still feel, everyone has had and will have **** bad days! All the merit of a man boasting in courage is in the minuses if he does not protect the True Beads falling from the sight of his eyes in soft pain!
Many retreat behind the mounds of their exaggerated, squeaky stubbornness; the breathing petals of the Spirit fall precisely because it could hardly have been immortal Dear who could have grasped the sad stigma spheres of Truth in the palm of redemptive harmony! Because who knows for sure that there is a surplus in the World, and it can only be a burden, whose problems are deliberately swept under the rug and cannot be understood - the Guardian boasts suicidal thoughts! Anxiety is strained in your organs!
As a fierce conspiracy in human hearts, an assassination swirls and prepares against the Honest, who were still able to show their true feelings! Because who is smooth-skinned can only be facelessly free?! - Who likes to wear sunglasses in the juice of dusk sacrificed with blood petals hides himself and hides to show his more personal values! ****, shapely posers would not be needed; the deliberate idiots laughed at each other's barbarian-uncombed shows, everything was reworked by the false, artificial liver gestures and the egoistic topos of liking.
Nov 2021 · 67
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
In the midst of the constantly ***** tempers set on Spear Hill, the Being-Sensing Man must retire! Feel the tension in your body! The dumbest show of strength on this earth is when the phlegm **** creates mold flowers blooming from a killer quail! In flooded brains, the bob of knowledge can rarely jump into the stem! The optimized horizon may be strangled by the open port; a weeping sluice squeaks rusty around the necks: a sense of constraint - perhaps - only tortures free thinkers!
And only passengers can get to the island of the dead on Kharon for money!
To see the bronze-brown excitement of attractively hot bikini swans: their muscle gorillas thickly lubricate the arch of their shoulders with factor sunscreen! And everyone who may have remained a Seer wounded, with a chubby body of Sisyphus, is at all times forced to suffer delusions; their existence Death-pointing, targeted arrow! - In the age of trying TV ideas, when a person is deliberately guided and turned on! In an alamus, receding silence, only the silenced Watchmen can only be awake!
The mood of handcuffs is cheering! Homely Chaos can rarely shine with skillful stars; big chunks of self-telling, parrot people are feeding the good people with soft-smeared press releases! Set aside, truth-tellers choose the deep layers of suicide in self-hatred and self-restraint so that we can stay on our own! - Who is the greater hypocritical leech in self-exaltation?! Paprika and guided around the neck, the executioner's loop is strained; so swing them ghost-wind mother-born naked!
It is a pathetic duty to cast vital signs from your isolated mood block; in a city that once flourished and was a shelter for cultures Infectious disease is infectious! If you don’t take care of your brain’s treasury, it will dwindle daily
Nov 2021 · 67
Projected encounter
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Pulp-threshed, deprived-brain gorilla brains, muscle gorillas still charm; it may not even be necessary to mix! Who started who on the *****?! With shameful, sanda promises, who could have shocked the eternally hopeful hemispheres better? Does the universe fire of our childhood still shine up there? The last advertising light of the Silver Age is just yet, but staying so hard! Vivid, solarium-stained meat masses are shouted like cult sculptures of health!
A barren search, and the researchers began digging in a disgraceful way to even save what seemed like a cheap century of time left to us! Already all cheap plays, mutual deception; as a tumor spreading as a metastasis, re-create the thunderstorm wheel of History with its own laws, only that their selfish and irrefutable lies should gain new votes! A knife knife also proved to be a small number of pumpkins worn around the necks! To adjust the arc of decline, it is still advisable in someone's bubbling, bottomless rage to always hit his denied compliment!
Repeated defeats have goosebumps on the backs of many, though they could have done so instead of trying to decipher the lack of resources! The Living is still sorting ******* crumbs! When does the actual Light leak through idiocy?! A curious heart if you really want to start exploring, so that a wise researcher can find the silly, parade-like make-up make-up under the thick, chubby layers of meat, peeling off the hearty, human layers! The circling nodes of the Spirit show everyone their individual paths as a passable threshold! All crossroads branches; happiness is always just the first projected encounter!
Nov 2021 · 60
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
For lack of a better person, people with a charismatic heart, with their slapped morals, they are all guiding themselves in a web of petty lies! Everyone's own, vivid echoing voice whispers the judgment in their brave-bold-listening ears: every repulsion, trampling is already legal and legal! And the fact that little people are miserable is a big fish pipe responsibility! In the Garden of Eden of Others, the life of phlegmatic celebrity jerks grows with disgusting success! But you can still live!
On the side of Barbie dolls in luxury speedboat categories, with back-moving biceps and barely hazelnut brains, Titans stretch! Everything is played, falsely disbelieving! The unruly heart is already bleeding a little more! Miss zero tolerance Dear! Just be careful Sweet! With its shapely garlic **** and stiffening heels, the gutted manhole cover is also a life-threatening area!
It is so self-contradictory on every level of denial Being that in its grotesqueness it is more mournful than pitiful! Greedy initiates foolish actions only so that he alone can win in the camp of unlimited usable credit cards! "Names that have been overthrown in the dark are forgotten by intentional, useless rogues!" It’s hard to turn from the Avitt era of the undead to ensure his survival, he carries out laws to his liking and breaks loopholes!
He is entangled in his stupid traditions with a deliberate propaganda purpose; it also tends to gnaw at its semi-preparatory future, except that it does not have to continue to agree! And because he always thinks that behind his victories, which he believed to be lasting, there is always the assured danger of the fall of Prideful! "That's how the famous Nobody lives today!" They are eagerly awaited in their hearts when they can joke with commonplace, cheap simple sentences
Nov 2021 · 67
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
My brain’s active feast is still a billion, mocking trouble-creating and destructive at the same time! Stake-no I should prefer times when I can only play for the pleasure of the game! Out there, in the minds of the Celebs chirping in roaring chaos, the thinking intellect lies on a deliberate wasteland! The jerkishness of the **** and the irresponsible quiver that handles it already torturously; dead money Future can't knock in the camp of the unrelated either! Fearful fear sets a rope for my greedy nerves and I should go through it alone!
The tabloid populist culture can still grow into a deliberate imperial water head! And like any ostrich head stuck in ignorant sand, it will surely burst sooner or later! You can play dust-lost at any time by playing your cards! A crimson, sluggish blush runs across stomach-turning poker faces and cramps his grinning wrinkles! After everyone's greedy money box, the runner is loitering! It is becoming increasingly difficult to recognize Human Values among the frusks parade in Armani suits and Gucci bags!
A pensive prisoner is also the one who sells his bombing body for the eternal, fame moments of Being, and he, too, could not learn the rules of Morality! In a tertiary life cage, warthogs are rubbing their noses to careers! The fever roses of conscious shame still tremble on the faces of Golgotha-walking people: the fact is soon recognized - they can do no different: if they want to prosper, they are bribing themselves out of necessity! Those who are called to the right and who struggle with decency are all on the crumbs - who was once Alfa and Omega alone is now being looted!
Who has grown his indifference armor, he also wastes a monster every day in his doubts.
Nov 2021 · 83
Alchemy of the Universe
Norbert Tasev Nov 2021
Curled up in a sweltering darkness, in a half-cut pretzel, an eternal-child man chuckled innocently! His superstitious sweetheart was desperately trying to calm the heartbeat of a harassing volcano! The sweaty pearls of his skin testified instead; like an orphaned little child moaned so that the vicissitudes of his wounded soul could be heard! "The universe-feeling *** guest play with its lily-bodied lily body on balmy scorching nights was the immortal Dear as a Mother babushed her teddy bear boyfriend growing up in Eve's costume, and she didn't mind if the all-pervading honesty fell to the surface!"
In the twinkling moonlight, they fell asleep side by side, even in their allegiance, innocent and heart-touching children, who became one in the protection of selfless caring love! Her raven-black hair fell on the petal face of her sweetheart, and her audible rest was soaked by her babbling heart; his apple face shines in caressing whiteness so many times he was open to kissing and the hesitant knight had to concentrate strongly, in the heat of their immortal lips, to be able to breathe evenly!
When they wake up together with forgiving mischief, they wash away: they cherish our nasty, naive-childish secrets! Their faces: An open hollow wound in which it is as if they are both looking in a mirror, the heart-touching and eternal minutes of the night that has happened shine! - Romantic emotions were not forced to their knees by lies or overwhelming interest! “Like a conscious shadow born of a snow-white wall — apple-white-pounding heartbeats in silence!” Two soul-petal rooms opening into each other
Oct 2021 · 56
Internal travel
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
It seems like a single transition between Order and Chaos; with burning, violet-branched eyes, the Universe winkes, while the other closes his superstitious eyes and seeks order in his expelled brain! In the depths of the Spirit, one who seeks conscious cognition can sweep with romance! Between tear-jerking, heart-cherishing moments, any eye optics can fool you when you see with an open-hearted non-soul! After all, everything can permeate the sure One-emotion of love in everyone's petal-heart must be an aphrodisiac!
His name-no leaves a clown-boy mask on his face; who has been repeatedly vulnerable to the blows of the Storms of Being, repeatedly reluctant to burn himself and rather accepting hermit impotence in order to be able to fend off petty, useless calculations for sure! Whose being constantly courtes the fearful heart of the Universe is shattered by interest-centeredness! The two soul-*****, which perceive vigilantly under our foreheads and guard carefully from their sockets at once, only jump out of their truth as a sincere lost witness to the Truth!
Happiness can also be hibernated! If not merely submissive, they are judged by Judas kisses, because every Soul mirror is deliberately blinded when exposed to sunlight, and therefore it is a difficult task to boldly touch the sandy-girly essence of vanished but recallable childhoods under icing, ultra-hot Goddess bodies! "Perhaps that's why I was a pessimistic witness to this phlegmatic superficial existence!"
Behind crowded, happy detail puzzles, I penetrated to the greedy roots of the depression base; the unity of details broken in the kaleidoscope of dreams also reassembles at any time! We bathe in the fire of flammable passions when you can feel the true reality of our naked non-being and find yourself worthy
Oct 2021 · 53
Party Life
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Syrupy comedies playing in the mirrors of blindfolded eyes deliberately fill our wild instincts! A blade and murderous gazes flash orphaned, and the prodigal son also enters into voluntary hermitage, as he may resent the chatter of prophecy! I witness two servants of my destiny: I leave my knighthood and my Spirit in this way, because a catastrophe of fiery intent has settled in the human eyes, and the phlegmatic slogan of sensations, celebrity chirps simultaneously dazzle and enchant the masses of people! Soul psychosis infects in riots of masses!
The new, all-encompassing, five-minute fame, like the plague, targets and breaks out! And in crowded people there can never be a spark of human tact; in the mirrors of backwaters, it would still be good to discover by hiding the empathy that is the hardest to earn! In dazzling strands of light, tadpole grains ****; their throbbing throbbings are understood by the mothers of Executioner Time, no one can wash their destiny clean anymore! - A sudden chilling touch runs down your spine; shadow being a benefactor, you look with jealousy at the mother who gave her life to you too!
Celeb dives admire themselves in a descending-rising mirror for days, for whom the most important thing is a deceptive appearance! Mischievous, flirtatious chirping eyes are lit up, and love is also handed out so that they can achieve their goals with conscious-seductive flirtations! Between the touching lips of two geishas, a viagast aggastya cracked, the body of parchment eagerly asking for mercy; their deceptive lies are common! "A cavernous soul would yawn for a little boy's grace for a meaningful conversation instead of eternal ***!" Post-mortem emotions would still dictate the Order loudly as they struggle
Oct 2021 · 69
Children's games
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Swell, waving like a swell, a comic sail in our wind-saturated body is the privilege: Prosperity! Make-up, suddenly deliberate naivety between adult chirps Dreamland deception sets a fur trap! Anyone can be hit by an overbearing and light-hearted blow, yet the true Man is the one who is hurt! In the midst of everyday mother-daughter worries, the one who always looks at the future can think of the worries! He who hides, who does not breed usurers in a purposeful way from Life himself, whose unpaid debts remain!
Child-mothers sin with incubator-angels for their inaction, dreading to recognize in the open gates of the Universe the consequences and blood offense if the acute, hot macho guy does not hide in bed with them for the first night of immortality and shame! How many angel deposits are made for them, their parents' sins are also properly repaid: heirs to the throne are irresponsible, so they are born into the swamp!
Why don't Alamuszi try to make bronze-brown-stained, **** bombshell goddesses with anyone, when they know and feel that they may once be the most apt family fathers?! The trick that counts all the tricks of modern seducers is just what a narrow runway can advertise alone! - Sweating in the body armor is intentionally avoided s Prohibited! The universal distillation of oblivion may not be so easy! All the top best of stylists are there just to disguise the sacred truth:
sleepless eye-stars would prefer to sleep rather than the vigilant desire of dazzling spotlights! - The juicy fruit offered on a tray is carried by the mother's breast and yet by a death-scared little girl
Oct 2021 · 78
Orange glow
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Their chalices are wide open in the balsamic sunset of the roses! Two black crescents in the eyes of vigilant searching eyes! He stops in nun white and stretches out his arms in Eve's costume while daydreaming about the reloadable Universe! The fork of our emotions with cross-branches only decomposes into cell molecules of common multiples at once! Our flowing stream merges into One Fate! The instinct of desire builds a delta on the tiny jewel continent of your navel; the eternal romance of your kisses!
We know: our proliferating empire can only be complete together! - That's how we run to our own donor mouth! Our budding words choked on our throats also sound like our moans in a series of immortal annihilations! This is how the One-gaze guards and takes care of themselves: the breast milk of our sins is still plentiful, and there could be only one common sin: our love was a breathtaking heartbeat in the eternal moments! The hesitant and half-faced faces of both of us: a childish, mischievous defiant majesty!
Bombshell Lady gazes also suggest little girly angels! With a swaying symmetry, the double bed of water ripples beneath us, and our redemptive gaze meticulously runs through the treasures of our pearls! We gift each other with our immortal emotions as we sin forgivably at every moment! - The midnight-dark undulating waterfall of his hair is a Promise woven from fidelity; together we are showered by the superhuman sure Goodness shower curtain! Sacred Peace tastes honey in our common sweating chamber! - Immortal romance s orange glow in the transparent light of our eyes…
Oct 2021 · 71
Everyday burden
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Restlessness can hardly afford a march of raging hearts! Our vows have even absorbed what can be saved at all with his words of allegiance! Why does modesty breathe when it takes shape?! Unaware of his own abilities, distorted, jerking himself down into a jerky barn without the ideal of chivalry in phlegmatic mg; blind-eyed human wreckage sniffs out remaining human brains like a sherbet and there can be no meaningful intelligence collection on the forehead eaten! Depleting, bad kind of drunkenness is rampant in the empty Congo depths of angels, and conscious vulnerability is already a self-deepening chasm!
All window-eyes are blinded! A feeling of conscious vulnerability infiltrates our skins! Diseases pinned to the executioner's peak Celeb heads bloom; a superstitious, flirtatious look flirting with invisible tango between broom-eyed eyes! Pigeon-autumn strands fall into silently beaten, welded skulls! As housekeeping skulls, one of the girilla brains barks for Man to wear off his current chick! Up there, even a big, lurking World is rotting! The most ostentatious monkey: multi-sided and complex stadiums have been installed by the wealthy oligarch machinery!
The middle way to dream-promised well-being is leaking from more and more wounds from constantly renewing, scalding surfaces! The meager bread-making of a livelihood is marred by half a dozen gourmet-living, septic tanks, who can boldly live even on the back of the ice, if they please! - In the dimly crouching afterlife, the bloodthirsty moonlight rumbles like a sharp-killer knife and takes its selfish victims - like a Congo ghost clock that sends messages with demons! Beyond the tranquility, one can barely touch the shore…
Oct 2021 · 121
Congo otherworld skulls
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
There are roaring nonsense in the dugout cavities of Congolese skulls; cultural barriers are also deliberately dismantled by the puffing tabloid media! In the luminous sense, slowed-down, otherworldly loads reverse all the way down to the playback of low-cost stages! As an unfaithful companion, everyone was sniffed by infected, phlegmatic indifference! It is becoming increasingly difficult to paddle from the prison darkness of a closed blockade to the liberation workshops of literature! Shows sparking about the monotonous, jerky goodness of the show, and thirty minutes is enough to say, "How are you feeling?" - to get around the issue!
Grinning silly, chirping idiot kittens are already entangled in the barely livable everyday life, and if a cultural bankruptcy guard shows up, they will kick back into the Stone Age without silence! This is how a consumer, multicultural mass society becomes a self-digesting rust graveyard that is always skillful, small-style pimps pocketing the infected benefits! "Who else would faithfully serve in ivory towers produces a forgotten, lasting idea to throw away, and everyone is dizzy by the disgust of their remaining chivalrous good manners!"
It is seldom possible to create the idea of pallorizing the etiquette of tangled behaviors in slums that are sloppier than eggshells, and those who have believed to the death that Man can remain this current money-loving extremist.
Oct 2021 · 97
Prostituted virgin
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Many times he loves himself, maybe that’s why he couldn’t really learn to compare! Excited by juicy, unusual avant-garde evenings; when Papageno balances a wide lake and dreams of a Parrot tool! The porcelain face is all accidental, but its eliminable, repairable flaws aboard the crackling planks are as appealing as the everyday genre boundaries of self-love! It can only be in its own element if it is different at all costs!
At the suggestion of lightweight, affordable careers, the luxuriously unusual appearances that soon set in motion follow a sure-paved path of caressing blindly, congratulating them on the even bigger buck sneezes of millions of ***-licking choirs! As a delightful, redeeming good news, there is a cheap pink icing on this earth, and with its stiletto heels, it will run over itself! It offers a palatable pleasure on her superstitious blood-red lips, but only on stage!
As a new, succulent, bright star, the momentary, comet-lights of success linger; and if you come across a beautifying lie everywhere, you can easily imagine yourself as talented! He is still constantly expected to show Eve's bombing body with selfish exhibitionism from night to night — he can deliberately give up real happiness that can be found; guiltily, he is already smoothing his marching-thick makeup into an ashy baby's mouth, listening to his self-indulgent mood to splatter his reputation on the unnecessary drive-hunt of the tabloid media! You would love to be disgusted by yourself!
His design is now, even at the peak of his career, flying his airship to an ever-increasing momentum; enjoys being able to take advantage of everyone! "That's the reality of selling yourself like a *******-****** every day!
Oct 2021 · 78
Reality and cosmetics
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Lost faith, sensationalist world! Crowds of people are running around in a loser mess! Dirt people and five-minute smudges are poured on torso V.I.P. parties to their comfortable throat, and group bachanalia is not out of the question either! Where did his selfish Cassandrasah go to testify to cobweb prophets who wanted to testify?! In a shrouded self-defense, the Living One who burns himself as an internal cataclysm - perhaps he has not even grown up! Tearful vulnerability always surprises; my whim was left with the late tax! "Glass beads are screaming from prodigal eyes, and they take a crooked multitude of moments that tears can't lie!"
In their puffy, overflowing pride, self-educated terror staggers! A surrendered canary-kitten-gaze to small-style compliments soon vomits! It can hardly be a blind flight between free-living mass-consumer-eden consumers! Nor can a savior of life remain more up-to-date and wiser! "The truths of eyes gleaming among wasted body possessions can lie at any time!" The Expropriated Lives of Copied Worldly Stars; short-circuited circuits, drum death alarm!
A pathetic ballad of small external lives is going on in the cyber-dominated generations: Ipad, Machintosh, laptop techniques among mutually dulling idiot shows, how could a surviving man find culture?! "The beauty of the complete resemblance is that fame can ******* itself at any time - pale-path figures trampling its rich authors to the immortal Universe!" - a conscientious conscience struggles with witnessing conscience! - With faithful cosmetics, the cacti slaps of Being can be removed at any time, but they cannot be washed off
Oct 2021 · 73
Color-lost fog knights
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
A student crown witness can hardly be found in the field of mystery grains! As an obstacle builder, he builds massive ramparts around himself - it is almost a total inability to decipher his thinking! A knocking heel above it is a black piano keyboard mystery, while the Realm of the Soul is a eloquent but unbreakable shell! Everything can turn in the triangle of total bankruptcy in your career! Among the set badges of majesty, the stamp of the untouchables flourishes: as a bacterium, it occupies any host body, and examining selfish truth truths, the fever curve of their bold lies immediately emerges!
The opposite pair of carelessness or murderous interest thus seems to reconcile and enslave the honor that has become a pile of rubble! - Every visceral wish dies! Shadow Duty Could Be Even Retaining Morality! Simultaneously exhaust and anesthetize insidious suspicions; it is surprisingly similar to a mature routine and cannot tolerate showcase objectivity! They are always amazed at the poisonous facts of trickery who intend to showcase their exhibitionist personalities!
The silly era of ambitious contours is still going on, and even a silly summer can be all about being alerted to money-winning money by festival-goers! The deep stagnant water is already quite cloudy in gorilla brains! With the veiled moments of impotence, the bigger biceps ex-titanium boasts many times over! - This is how a certificate of poverty is issued on the facts of intrigues! The solarium artificial body of colorless fog knights is browned slowly, crumbly flame! Naked arguments can be seen in the crowded kittens melting in the muscle arms of Al-Romeo Adonis; bathed in immoderate consumption of testosterone, primate baths deliberately forget normal, human life! Who is robust is not yet sure to be the Emperor of Life too!
Oct 2021 · 111
Free fall is prohibited
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I deliberately get out of the camp of unsolicited, brain-playing, phlegmatic song trees, chroniclers who want to prevail at all costs! If I have been guilty so far, it is that I trusted some, deserving many, to see if the provable help will come with good friendship! From the horrors of cheap scandals, I’m going to the wall and I’m unable to comprehend why there are only outcasts in donkey ladder careers?! I deliberately avoid deliberate outbursts and the danger of phenomenal exotic women! In civil spheres, the path of hardly deserved assertions is practically more bumpy!
Infertile misunderstandings can lead to phenomenal baby dolls left behind by childish homesickness after new challenges! Even the tabloid media is increasingly serving the American way of life with buffet methods in a syrupy way! In whose image glowing embers are puffy phlegm-****, as a synonym for ordered tahu; as a comedian false-witness, he grins or fools with a grinning-silly witness — since he hardly understands anything else! - We are already confronted with the irrefutable: the Heroes are either extinct or lost!
Already counting conspirators should be laughed at; push scrambled eggs into a nasty-jampec head, let them smell! Why is it true for honest players that shame awaits at the end of every game ?! They selfishly make false trophies for themselves from rumors of losers! The younger donkey generation will soon be taken over by the cheap stars who live their institutionalized social life! - It is better if everyone learns that laurel gassers are constantly on the laurel! The "I have nothing to do" track is becoming more and more popular! Free fall has been banned!
Oct 2021 · 70
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Increasingly infecting handcuffs-whipping, self-determination, despot nonsense! The maps of the bachanalias raging among the ****** youth are already dwindling! Many muscular gorillas are spotted in gyms all day long and have stimulating testosterone bombs for breakfast! Sympathetic, dipotry cube-brain thinkers can’t even kick a ball on the side of beautifully slender bikini fairies! Intentional guilt can strike in self-deprived hearts if imperial macho gymnastics biceps would rather eat them!
All their futile efforts are draconian rules! This is why it has been a friendship for some time! It would have to be still arguing to quarrel with fog-eating views no matter how many blizzards are floated on innocents; between lizard faces and main roots, the Guardians are still vigilant! It takes courage to differentiate too! Incense burners virib in apostolic gurgling sun oils! Why does it exist that followers of action are always taught to be afraid?!
No one could have learned to build enough from the fog thoughts of  Nobody! "Where can the innocent defender of concentrated toughness run?" - Snapped moment: the most flattering brain-shrunken idiots are running shows in their pounded vests! An uplifting triad is also Babel's chaos only! What can a leather epidermis and rib basket cover?! After the depths of Bozot, she is groping early in her youth! The shameless Nemesis always wins and goes on the ****** of V.I.P parties! - The Who is trying to stay is preparing to leave the field.
Oct 2021 · 85
Lack of self-confidence
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I would like to jump over my own shadow so that not only can I follow you as a faithful friend, but also have the courage to reconcile with the childish part of my being; there are never-ever, simplified rules for shadowlessness! As a newborn with vigilant interest, it would be good to look around lean indeed; how many times has sober hope bypassed our conscious presence? Always just promising impartiality in return! Maybe the magic of the rose-fingered dawn isn't enough to ignite the Soul?! And yet many would do better to cling to the hypocrisy of their dreams while rejoicing in the new ideas of discovery!
Even at the zero level of lust for action proves who was booked as a scapegoat! Is the American idea of life already a sinful pleasure? Every **** can be a landslide, and the never-faith phlegmatism of a careerist will! This is how the only career silhouette floats before our eyes: trampling even those who can! He who accepts the life of the envelope deliberately cuts a tree under himself and lets go of his dreams! He reluctantly jumps into a self-created abyss! - The naive couples of chocolate jumping into nymphic wells one after the other will imagine that the big world is built for them alone: childish fall again and again!
There may be a relentless little chance of a normally agreed life today! As a mad machinist, we are being chased into a haven of demanding suicides who have been called cowards! Already every enchanting look is a chessboard pattern: it changes your face according to serviceable cheat interests! - The cubes have long been rotating; an insidious flirtation with a perfect haze is still listening, waiting to strike.
Oct 2021 · 48
How to lose ourselves?
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Wrap up in the thought of everyday departure! You may know: shelter is rare if you can provide you with posterity! Your sinful city will not allow a rightful liberation where you could never have been truly free! Your usual commentary and platinum-fattened text is always laughed at by light-hearted lazy worms! V.I.P.-volunteer parties are holding themselves with a chick-catcher, scout-commando on the shore of Lake Balaton duck swimmer! "You were a cowardly pull that you took the initiative in your life and you could hardly notice that they wanted to speak to you!"
With your face you grimace a constant boyish sadness and play arbitrarily, because your existence is still an entrenched escape! Only a few affordable, wandering phones can connect you to this ****** outside world right now! Your support can only be childish repentance now; while you, as members of your family, will slowly, bitterly become bitter! In his perfect nihiled years, however, you would have done better if you were squeezing the ducks of your immortal Beloved! The freedom of the thinker in the atrium of a gendarmerie perth has long since expired!
Even diva-vampires don't taste cup-glasses, they just pick them up and squeal them! After the surprise, the season of the landing branch can always come! In his own way, everyone is already teeming with selfish catastrophes of intoxication; barely picked up annual figures fall out one after another! Party service runs everywhere, but if they don’t bloom Judas ’money freezes soon! "Overnight promises of steaming bodies will soon be demanded by muscle gorillas!" The self-infection of party-swallowing parties is so total-complete.
Oct 2021 · 77
Dun identification
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Because in all the insidious cases, it is a home-based canteen of soul-killing, mind-boggling, headache cats! Ordinary alcohol - s gossip clouds billowing at jaccudzi parties filling the court fools! The dog-flash game of dog comedies is followed by more and more popular fun! The vulnerable man is already prostituting himself! There is also a shadow over the ****** ***** gates of the Universe; diligent *** fleas fatten greedy greedy and insatiable elephants!
Lurking-polite idle boys can always stay on the go! he jerks into an unspeakable deep stack who wakes up to a sobering daze without the love of Loyalty! Ordas-whimsical merriment-pleasures are combined with incredible creativity! - The legitimate V.I.P. sense of life is concreted into the public consciousness as an unbreakable shell! Appearance The shores of America are still moving further and further away from a hundred-year lag prospect! They perform a complete power outage in tangled brains! The whole ruction always starts with a selfish leech attachment!
Can everyone just become a cheap toy in the hands of bad guys?! Slave-fought billion-dollar ******* dives play with each other as uninitiated silk chipendale boys! Their player veins are getting hotter and more unquenchable! Wild cats rattling on command and ringing their chains can easily become tamed kittens! In their Haddelhadd memories you can hardly find anyone who could show understanding empathy for little boy sadness! - The kneaded addict does not voluntarily consume performance-enhancing steroids; in stripped-down animalized instincts it is becoming increasingly difficult to find the True and Sincere happiness of this tiny existence
Oct 2021 · 85
Infected Time
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Carat-deep heat destroys contagious; whistling in the trenches of empty playgrounds and a weedy woman Instead of cheerfully cheering, rich child-thugs, vulnerability teaches each other to survive! There is already a feeling of hostility in a state of consciousness, hidden in conscious uncertainty! We are all standing in a whirlwind lane and we are either ******* or doing enough tricks! We study grimacing faces at the edges of skulls! Today, Hon is still a caressing dream of a waiter, a seeming America, where cheap inflationary forints are also gaining power!
The limbs, which have been severely plasticized, turn into syrups with an expired warranty, and nowhere to get the words of sincere-friendly gestures! This current ***** misery is appetizing; you can't help bear no one's suffering anymore! Sunlit solarium faces glide into a melting target on the donkey ladder of envy; the rusty arrow trembles in vulnerable hearts! This current swimming pool looks like a huge, gaping pit in Kettle-Country! - Among ******* demigods and goddesses freaking in bikinis, what can skinny meatball boys do?!
The traditional feeling of life also smells of cooking oil, and you have no idea that the compromising details will remain unfaithful in themselves! An unmistakable hallmark is the scent of every busy worker! How much new oriental culture and obscene ******* will the tolerant of the party and festival ether! "Prophets can therefore cultivate on paper the traditions of standing in the wilderness!" "You can only know the original sin, but for me it is enough for a whole pathetic life!" You had plenty of time to get *****! The question is: How do you want to look cleaner again?!
Oct 2021 · 79
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I feel like it's my turn, and it's forced to the limits! Stupidity as an apocalyptic seasickness on the cheap canned canvases of raging shows! Why can everyone just be trained for objective observation?! Like a forgotten piece of stone here, we are swirling towards the vortex on the ladder of our vulnerability with helpless hands! As an arbitrary passenger stranger, I lay silent in the depths of teary eyes, in the last soft handshakes there could have been something humanly valuable worth waiting for liquidation!
Single-split rails, even steel ropes, become ideal suicide resting places! Stigma wounds can still only throb in the depths of my hidden heart! As a denier, I have already languished in ongoing casting auditions! Left behind by their nickname I have always had a harder time prospering! In grotesque hierarchies set on tops, even the foundations can be intentionally damaged! And he who grew up in the hinterland because of his selfish fears cannot open up to more renewable opportunities! Deterioration is already reported daily by some current Celeb couriers! The guaranteed, promised Quality idiot begins to perish as an effect; they can bark in the ancient Nihil they bezzeg!
Jaccudzis, Dolce's sense of controversy is overwhelmed by bomber-bikini fairies, while the omniscient intellect is churning in chewing gum instead of their hazel-sized little brains! The last zac era has been knocking on the door for a long time! Who doesn't think about it, the very first hairline crack ran through them: now we should only toast to silent prophets: "Be vigilant!" - Possibilities and touches are a bachanal madness, a small-style human essence that can be played between interests
Oct 2021 · 68
Back and forth
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
The order of power has long been established in the world! The One should have been protected from the dangers lurking in it; in the depths of his soul he is still quite stubborn, defenseless! As an exposed, orphaned child, all his pathetic pain was already felt inside: the stigma slogans of serial humiliations, terrorsita threats, as well as the permission of the majority to be ******! His dream sediment, his filthy gossip, would keep him awake, and yet he would always wake him up!
Troubled forgetful killer-accomplices also betrayed their Comrade Loyalty, and in the crossfire of trusting gazes there was always a series of body anxiety and self-confidence shrinkage! The same hardly forgettable complicity can be found in joke-telling; there is also a festive, ceremonial intimacy among the humiliating beatings, and with their sacrifices bleeding during murderous-joking awakenings, they grinned on their lips with a hyena grin on their lips! "I'll change my little fingers three times before I cling to them!" I would still be stuck in a chubby wall stuck in a mousetrap if I left it still!
The touching series of chatter-stumbles is repeated several times a day; my little track bothering is already pathetically disappointing at the same time! Where do they have preservable, eternal Friendships who could once be counted on?! Selfish error rates have already skyrocketed! It is still easier to smile on the side of all-time superiority than to make suggestions for changes! - You can consciously suspect traps who are seduced by the underworldly smell of gigs: nowhere's whims can be defended even more easily if the methods provided are taught! Someone upstairs is still having a great time…
Oct 2021 · 78
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Effortless tevelusta Man is true, but full of total fears! In his rain cloud eyes, all the collected Pearls of Truth are full of pain! On a child-adult left-handed estate who coughs forever, even himself is a gentle little track! Hissing is a heat bulge if it needs to be taken seriously and you can't get anything! Name-no wills the power of the law can no longer help! You are always forced to flatten, but rarely enjoy the silence of harmony! The truths of proud ladies of messianic extent should be sworn in! Systematic fatigue is already happening in Life!
Friendly guardianship can be enjoyed in supreme maternal lap by the prodigal flatteners in puffed silence; the backwind can hardly be! Who could push further - this time they have been resting underground for a long time! His brain, accustomed to determined abstinence, still understands and tolerates the grievances of sins well. The cacti formula of our conditions adds up many times over! The minute people of the Celeb Jerks hidden into tomorrow will slap you soberly! The bad System soon collapses tomorrow; it's worth nothing to save you from it!
From thinkers pushed back into an ivory tower, columns lurking for prey are swirling! - You can hardly want to level off in the killer-phlegm tones of alparity these days! Immersed at the bottom of sensationalist-haired multitudes, they try to dive into the side of the Pythianite Papuan Genes, a silicone miracle of their Angels! "You can no longer believe in the immortal love of the Universe!" Who keeps the correctness of ancient cones for themselves until the nails are torn, they are also afraid of the possibilities of change!
My thoughts may still keep the suspicion abundantly awake, who who intentionally curled the strands of my hair may have wanted a camp of raging idiots for themselves! End-length I don’t have a cane run for prosperity continues: A welfare consumer society also produces its own free-selling bull-dog
Oct 2021 · 78
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
In an unbridled consumption, on sweaty ******, our self-prostituting consumer society is buzzing: the hazel brains are walking idle around their own axis: their IQ is also a nasty double zero! This swarming leadership does not have to hand out sweatballs from sweating stahavonists! Fixed tabloid media has always had its fixed points! I deliberately prefer to avoid the V.I.P. light circuits of interrogation lamps: limited exhibitionism has never attracted me!
My chivalrous virtuus — no matter how much I wanted to — runs out soon; it would be good to settle into the kissing paradise of the Universe once out of temporary stagnant loneliness! Hippie pop cultures were to be re-written in the Echo era, but they would have been good for dating purposes! The honeycomb has been pulled out too many times in front of my nose! "I'd bet if I still had a chance at the permanent delusion!" I never asked for roller coaster sled adventures of uncertain origin! All channels and stations already have free sensations for half a tooth! Even our true emotions have just been degraded into magic wax formulas!
Who, as a free-thinker, would like to prepare the Guards to testify will be withdrawn from universal circulation early on: noble battlefields have also turned into pathetic rage! Hammer squeaky people were compressed by the hateful mass idea! Whoever watches the events of the galaxy up close will sooner or later deliberately burn himself! You're already deliberately betting yourself out betting on cheap gladiators! The breeding anecdote treasure sinks into a slick obscene text; homesickness for sincere romance is now just a by-product of the imagination! - The Nosti boy, who was deliberately forgotten in this century, chews on his past! And it stays more like a freshman at home!
Oct 2021 · 83
Hazard Allowance
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Maybe the Central I have long lost from my horizon? The pounding of superstitious kisses was locked in cold heart chambers by a careerist-fear, and it would have been good to cross the borders of the border crossing with a common will! We only deceived ourselves for time or hours; I can hardly take my mischievous case! I could only be big-saying because I was really scared of infected lies! - The seamless threads were tangled between our budding fingers! "My donkey ladder was broken halfway and I couldn't crawl up and down!"
The achievements of modern psychiatry cannot reassure them in their problem solving and it cannot be just a clear, common practice just stripped scratched scars, which can break up again! Filled with a tear-jerking desire for peace, I wanted to start the relief process once, and then I could watch big ones! My bald headdress hairstyle was not appreciated by anyone; wash your hands of the never-before-hairdresser who I am grimacing with grace flirting with little boy reflections! - Stay awake: Reserve and busy so I can be in a losing game! Human teasers have always had the Iron Tooth of Time!
Those who are more edible than me are already destroying and humiliating each other: already scribbling in a line in my Deadline Diary, munching in the insect world, instead of being diligent, naive ant-breaking crickets! "In time, as a hermit, I somehow enter the world: my humanity would still be obliged to maintain secrecy!" - In my vulnerable soul, selfish, withdrawal symptoms are already showing! I know: as a patient witness, they stopped paying all kinds of danger supplements for my humanity!
Oct 2021 · 61
Within a given framework
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
The man of today is resourceful if he shortens the long-promising day with a furfang! You know, it licks in a drift, but with a pale self-tanning cream it evokes the luxury of being available in a small country! It was and will be old, heartbreaking, intoxicating nostalgia, if you can imagine making its fences out of sausage for everyone! His blood boils up quickly and if you don't take care of yourself, he collapses tachycardically in the air-conditioned solitude of gyms and falls to the ground! Amazon fairy blues smile, posing above him: the shoulder species of their displeasure are immediately rearranged too!
Life-lie collections are inaugurated in careers also deliberately seduced! Being is the battleground for everyone; every little style of revenge comes from an instinct of balance! "Many people who didn't sell themselves spend the night in the rejection salon!" Accidental splinters settle in teary eyes or unpleasant itchy pimples on the backs! The Alien left by man is being thrown out everywhere! Everyone is playing and selfishly polishing their own well-being! "Whoever is attacked by sincerity of sincerity is perhaps even self-critical, and is almost always blind when they meet the True One!"
Shrewd, careeristic ants already cross each other's paths, if anything is said about their prevalence! It will be the nebula flower that develops under the bulbs, deliberately culminating in the contagious gloom of time! Sleeping rose in a glass coffin with a very hard-chewed cheekbone, and first of all, it asks everyone for a mandatory income! His heart-fidelity pretty much no longer binds anyone! Confessing the Truth in self-defense and staying in the Land of Goodness Nobody is always the hardest! - In an motionless, *****-gray mirror of water, an orphaned little child stares at us in his fears.
Oct 2021 · 57
From around here
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Washed, pathetic molds are definitely washed cleanly jerkwater utility principle: the syrupy-luxury survival-desire for prosperity! They would try to furnish a second welfare state at their own risk: their market considerations are being recorded at the expense of their profitable greed! Their terrible engine of money and testosterone has taken them again?! Sudden upheaval has become every motive, and a believing promise is every ready-made move! They would not require silly, brain-shrinking, dull consciousness; smooth crawlers softened body of the peak! Turbocharged worms preach self-realization. It used to be a ruin when business partners arm is shackled!
In Saturday's willingness, nudely balances geometry as a pendulum with a superstitious, panther-body, **** hipster, and as a new stranger, he tenses himself like a bow-nerve at any time! With increasing libido, it is no longer certain that many people know what to do! *****-heated rags The John have already consecrated all the Czechs, on new rumbling parquets they start the cocoons of raging rhythms! The tricky coffee-fairy-blue glances can hardly be worn by those who are still hoping and seeking true Love! - Gluttonous V.I.P.- sparkling strains stretch their octopus claws! It was given to only a few so that they could be enlightened before the precipice slopes! Little virgins dressed in paws dress themselves in public!
You know, they can only achieve something if they can gain an instant royalty-free reputation with any cheap, **** tools, even risking their lasting protection here! "It's because of my brothers' wall that it's never possible to get out again!" Weekend bustling ****** are all already going into the sinks! Where could the romantic beauties stay?! If someone notices a leak, it’s better not to joke with it!
Oct 2021 · 70
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
My auditory canals are sensitively irritated by the obscene-jerky flower tongue; cyber-youth hangs on the phlegmatic lips and always creates! Every talk, flick style is another crime against iris cultures! Titch childhood is sprouting from consumer societies! The Pan Péter complex is cherished by cautious parents! Who is curious about romantic beauty miseries around a composed poem?!
This is how betrayal is deliberately lurking in undermined, hooked eyes! Those who have been stabbing the stacks for a long time and their prosperity in time will be preoccupied with the gloomy tabloid media: brain-splattering, dubious existence on fragmentary sentences! Do not use your passive vocabulary at most if you make new contacts! Anyone who is sure to tremble will never have to think of tricks! And Exotic Beauties will also be tangled, squeezable lemons if the beauty industry group massively grinds them ahead of time! They will be exiles in brilliant promiscuity who could never listen to the words of their anxious mother!
Every waste is a sincere tear of household waste! Many southern-rich, hard-bodied lemon bodies are rocking under the guise of jaccud! Who infected with truth serum can see exactly what is going on here?! "Who has fallen into the hands of savages many times to assess his possible mouse paths!" In a growing pushed-darkness, everyone is already defenseless! Self-candidates are always forced to hold back! With my clown grin mentioned, I can only serve those who give heart! The constant burden of the main loss is now hitting freethinkers more and more
Oct 2021 · 88
Luck or washing
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
A valid domino principle is already fully valid in all cases! Good luck washing, all chirping taps are a good treat, a shaping that pushes each other into the back! The minute reputation of brilliance is never rushed by the fall of the Individual! It seems like a ten-minute, self-contained pall of a job interview repeated to the point of boredom! Dancer-comedian will hang your clown lace at an angle more easily if you know even the dog is not curious about his sensation! Who they like to see as an obsessive failure, a loser even from humanity - it could easily be that he wears every moral prime!
You did not intentionally commit the retaliatory principal sin! The classic case of overinsurance only applies to him! There’s always just the smell of ammonia from the sharper scandal smelling in the infected V.I.P air! My little boy chatter would be taken down immediately by the absolute adults! The nail-biting tactics of creative women lurk deep in their counting souls; more second fiddlers have never been needed just in this misguided time!
With a slender, superstitious body, he snakes from guy to guy until he gains the privileges of a carefree luxury lifestyle! Incorporated sources of error have always been easier to blame! The rider of exotic evenings is already every jampec fool: easy, overnight adventures forever knowing everything! The germs of immortal romance are dwindling! Why do Don Quixote's chubby face have the unwilling slap first? They go through a whole life as an orphaned victim! Only a few could know the Stars from the sky to lie down
Oct 2021 · 67
Swinging inposition
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
There's nothing to start with the air drilling! He was an astonished idiot; he stood open and gnashing his teeth in a confetti shower of romantic foolish festive evenings! A tender tire might have liked a chubby, good-natured skull! There could have been no proactive shift for him; he would have settled for a friendly conversation - only the correctness of konok-dac hindered his attempts! Among naughty, curious smiles, it could be harder and harder to stop his hesitant knight's place!
Guardian freedom - you know - is still more power! Creative culture has always been a reins in the eyes of highly valued committees! - You weren't looking for a insured loss! Many times it was just that! All rules of the game are precisely-known to either suicides or autists! Public Dangerous Truths are more likely to be fired, while the slouching machine belt holds during its civil battles! Your wolf blindness can remain beneficial to itself on its own to draw courage! In many cases, your station is always: Vulnerable Nobody's Land!
The intrusive curiosity of intruders can’t be enough enough when a shoveled husband or a swarming Latin macho lover arrives and begins to interrogate! There could be only one compass left: His humanity! With trembling knees, the dimly stopped in the obscure cover next to the decorative lodge, and his disguise grimace trembled! On your skin taken to the fair, who knows who else will draw luck and fate ?! - You cannot still express your selfish Dissent with a calm heart; Unquenchable dead end for culture! In the depths of his bitten sentences, a boyish muttering echoes still echoes…
Oct 2021 · 78
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
As he found, a prodigal child, out of the words of absolute adults rarely when he listened; as a parasite many take advantage of my naivety! Emigrant strangers are immediately struck by the basic smell of big city killer indifference! As a cuckoo's egg, it even hides behind easy-to-solve puzzles! Modern-trendy women fall into the throes of old goats in sloppy thirties! With their loose reins policy, they can catch anyone and casually break their babbling hearts at any time! Between weekend talks, jaccudzi parties who can't get to know themselves, the formula is getting more and more varied!
Sneaking behind low-cost careers hardly repels the secret of thirsty originality for success: spare loves are increasingly being used for just that! Proper, vertebrate posture is already broken, grotesque mirrors warn in vain! Only rarely can a human Star be born out of chaos! They are transformed into observers condemned to inaction, who would have owed confession to their Beloved!
Celeb Dives play a killer patience game and you can easily fall out of the net if your trusting relationships aren’t cosmetic! - Deep-lasting pulsations of relationships were rarely born out of whimsy raging in seclusion! The chat service of freshly collagenized and stunned young women depends on the minutes and not on the moments! Instead of the triumph of will, all the ******* are swinging towards bribing instincts! Falling from never-expected heights can be even greater! - Why should we avoid hot porridge dead tired several times?! Already, everyone is getting crazy, minutes of infidelity
Oct 2021 · 68
Ruptcy proceedings
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Anyone who has become a caress and has satiated for many years now looks down on his luxury citadel: self-tanning, solarium kittens can already easily lose their basic colors! The dreamy lifestyle and the stylish jaccudzi fall apart into its parts! The prostitution of Being a ******* can no longer be traced; even at events, a stone-rich snarling shell can be witnessed by those staring at the screen! Distinguished, twinkling accomplice-masonry smiles at wedding moments; one is barely twenty-two, while the other is already seventy-five! Between two hot quarrels, a giggling, grinning charm-grin! Prolonged myocardial fever, near infarction after promising!
They embrace each other like the newly initiated, while in the depths of their souls a superficial blush breaks their superstitious petals! The price of any phenomenal glow is real Betrayal! Why whirl if someone longs for a normal life on the side of the happiness found? Under the roof is the well-assembled dowry! Dads of large families broke out of the gate-closing panic because they longed for the adrenaline-boosting nectars of common forbidden fruits!
The warfare of Propaganda-blonde underworld bombers is already plagued by the wallet and the red carpet! Everyone circulates like an exile and everyone is eagerly surprised by a special adventurer, his career appetite: the satiated woman is always hungry even on the bed of Procrustean beds! The joy of life of the Cassandras is already on schedule! You can make a bargain with a light heart for cooling latrines, company-wicked villains! “Imaginary hysterics imitate a deliberate nose fall in their mouthful of nail shoes so that the tabloid press can write about them for days.
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Our pitiful pit sins, which are beginning to spawn, should be immersed in sobering, snow-white light! I should definitely condense the emotions of amok runs into broken parts of moments! I deliberately stray from the already massive, pop-culture collection of butterflies, and when no one can count on it, I return to the throbbing petals of lady-hearts as a Hermit who sees childish wishes! My towel, which is temporarily spread out, replaces the soft pillow under my neck! "Sleepless Lethe-sleep would require a whisper in the shadow of troubled nights," my aging shingles have all been wiped out! In vain would I ask the shadows lurking under eaves, encouragingly, who is his son-calf?!
Many already give themselves up lightly just so they can be at the forefront of sniffing gravity! Prohibition trees advertise an easy-to-implement luxury standard; fertility and prosperity! "You can never find peace among the remnants of someone who was born restless!" Everyone is already counted with officially configured digital devices! Surely scanners would search in vain to find a place they wouldn't find anyway! In my old and new age, everyone has an entrance, but I should knock! Only my orphaned heartbeat could remain; I have always lacked the underworld calm of my petty creature!
I didn't spy on fresh chicken meat with a spy invention! The little boy's danger of falling was written on my half-naked face! I have learned to reveal myself’s personal self is never free because there is always a constant risk of major injuries! For more delicious laurels, the jerky gingerbreads of *** generations will even go to your lap! In their insidious board game, the protein of their betraying teeth kills killerly! Where can the Dear be, who will hold my hands left alone?!
Oct 2021 · 72
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
Unlimited opportunities can only be given to exceptional selections: free-thinkers need border peripheries! Their vigilance is still evidenced! The greedy, bribed world is becoming a fake Sign! Today, blind luck escapes everyone who once spoke a word and deed! More determined Celebecies always live with a guessable suspicion lawsuit! Passwords inflated over the law are also reduced to stupid legal collections! You can hardly smoke tamed ghosts today! Palm-operated, solarium sofas definitely require satisfaction! - Could it be that his stay has not yet revealed the protein of his teeth and who could not have been deceived by false prophetic words ?!
Who couldn’t legally sniff out a constantly festivaling, summer bankruptcy?! The squeaking of mice here is not yet a palace revolution! They practice silly cents for the graces of petty liars! The whole structure s Ladies grinning smile has been rotting for a long time! No trace is visible on the outside; every hairline crack looks familiar! Serve each other with big vests handles happy-unhappy! Deep in the depths of dark souls, a snarling-clicking snag swallows itself full of nets of lies!
I have nothing to do with intrusive yuckes and cheap Papagenas! They may have become accustomed to the custodians as volunteer messengers! Unofficial Colossians and kittens lick at season-ending golden galas; in the crossfire of Jupiter lanterns and dazzling spotlights spinning in a dance hall, there can rarely be an eccentric front man who would not proclaim his treadable truth! His honesty was deliberately omitted from the list of invitees.
Oct 2021 · 61
Massive circle article
Norbert Tasev Oct 2021
I tried everything! An emergency exit from this daredevil-barracks is rarely created for free-thinkers! The melancholy, sanda-smile of dictatorial wills roaring over our heads is handing out: a stadium, a plot, a church! Beaten, roaring roaring, even the verbal word of orphaned prophets for the Truth! Our well-founded misconceptions are not unfounded recently! In hazelnuts, deliberately shrunken brains, it is rare if you can still create a vigilant intellect!
I see mass misery eagerly despised by sensations and fame; public funds also change the current owner under unclear circumstances! I was already overwhelmed with the hope that every day could only be better and more optimistic! Unemployment is contagious because guarding minds have yet to boldly report with swirling languages that they are totally fed up with the current standard of living! - Bribery is becoming more and more common in everyone!
This Hyena-smiled, starving Age is creating its straw puppets one after another! A number of powerful lords have built tabloid plazas on the shores of Lake Balaton: the promise of amusement parks is also more of an obstacle course! As a herring, avoid massive tumors until sunny! The ring of the distressed is getting tighter! You can be disturbed by all your field strengths with every bribe application and gratitude money: Disturbance enthusiastically applauding denomination s common people! Bad blood and puffy derring-do give birth to bagpipe weeds in soul-seeking souls!
Stroking ***-licking is hard for me! Raising your head in the camp of morals is rare, if allowed! The suicidal railway track intended for junk is also being turned into a doormat - it may be just right for a junkyard
Sep 2021 · 66
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Leeches and gnats are already spitting ***-licking, hazelnut-brained skulls! Everyone is constantly found easy on the buzzing pharmacy scales and everyone is fleeing from the insured liability! Hardworking mixers can do it - they can hardly catch submissive mice as their voices! Competing with assorted slang passwords, they scold the moles that are churning out of culture! Today, only the maid's ladder can be walked in this pathetic compromise! Voluntarily further annoying spatial relationship; death jumps without stretched net!
Jacquud's Dream Life Advance as a Leading Motif: New-Rich Eastern Europeanized, tohonya Way! Persistent gunpowder smell, unnecessary aggression raging around me! My conscious, cowardly cowardice puts me to the test, and because I know: the flames of the intellect are fading in brain-sized brains that are already inherited with eternal obsessions! In a lukewarm, homely environment, webs of intentional forgetfulness can also enter that way! - Invited small-death, gracious killer moments are played by a suicide candidate trying as a dog!
Moments into the Darkness of Doom in my dreams! The long-awaited sentinel-strass is always wrong! Anyone can cross the living paths! For there is always a crooked barrier of oblique intent; "You have to prosper at all costs!" - Compliance and step - by - step turbocharged everyone! Every exotically seductive Smile of the Universe, flirtatious gaze, is degraded to a projected sensory disappointment! And they still want to feed a deliberately waiting for a roast pigeon like a well-fed child “some”! I can resist your wish - even out of morality! In green-molded, jerky manners, chivalrous politeness can be in vain
Sep 2021 · 67
Guests for export
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Sleeping intoxication like a cataract encapsulates a man's eyes: human prostitution behind me and in front of me! This sand-******* interest-Age is already destroying the rest of humanity! I know very well: the worm-rasp is working more and more modestly in everyone; chew and trample everyone for your goals! Accidental weddings are always a disaster! It is enough to have only one sick fruit in the bottom-flattening world and the contents of the basket are rotting!
Manhoods swollen with testosterones, like constantly inflated balloons, would rarely take pictures of perishable reality! Even small-style idiots are inaugurated as a worthy hero of tabloid rumors in assault! Yet the hazelnut-brain intellect reveals recovery! Everyone is already stuck in the gates and he wants to thrive with his hard-working two hands: sloth-scale consom women flock like herrings, chirping among the more moneyful! A tiny object of public laughter!
Robber jaws filled with snaps cocktails are already set up, and kangaroos are almost insanely common! Continue to stand stubborn eb-thought! Competing bug nests serve the well-run handle to each other only to be more effective! Lively One-Dilemma: Luxury lifestyles and privileges only for some?! The crowded camp of those waking up to cat lips will kick divinely out of the harness for the last time before going to work! "Perhaps it would have been better to lurk in the solitude of homes than to waste an informant?!"
The formalin vapor of comfortable boredom makes everyone lazy and hibernate! Nice digestion s sad vomiting rules over everything! Believe me all this! You have to pact with the nodding Johns otherwise there will be no claim! - Low-cost free lives can end soon! After grazing, the simple job rarely gets a siesta!
Sep 2021 · 48
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
A forgiving grin embedded in a smiling chubby face is nothing foreign: I would feel every heartbeat and gesture! Deep layers that testify beneath our faces settle because Beauty can come from within! We walk piously into the precarious Nirvana-Nothing without a compass! Pure human calculation flirting with whistling smiles and who has unlimited credit card usability can only be a hit! Honesty could even be more vulnerable than a decipherable keyword, which might even be worth clinging to! Do you perish yourself, who thinks you are wise and turns away from the possibilities that can be set?!
An upcoming exhibition often warns, "Get to know yourself and don't go back!" - The profitable silence swells among the writhing, panther-body exotic flower threads! - Smiling, the Witness of the Ladder still stops! Walking the highway of Tense Times; it often grieves over recallable minutes! In the channels of writhing souls, when the tricky holy stream of True Pearls breaks for itself, in all cases honesty trembles and confesses, which can even be believed!
Between torn fibers like a red-petal, the Heart breaks and bleeds in a throbbing thump when Love also becomes a traitor! Can an eternal thought-emotion wrestling with time still persist when everyone has become a sanda caress of interest relationships?! - Even tiny, graceful movements may have a rare artistic power; a pair of eyes begging among the struggling shadows would seek refuge, and in times of zero-empathy-tolerance trample the childish self out of the still-squatting darkness still silently squatting in darkness!
He will look wolf-eyed in the wake of a shipwreck-chased shipwreck in the wake of cobor winds.
Sep 2021 · 58
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Of the deep-bottomed, sanda underworld of our transience, which night-veiled, crooking pin belongs to the Eurides and the Jimpec Orpheus: who will follow us with sincere faith?! Who can swim against the unbridled reality if there can be no more consoling sunset ?! A soft and incessant supplication admits the orphan contemplative always; there will still be a lot of hesitantly winding stairs in the future that send a omen with a dull tap - so be on the lookout!
Time is spinning and time is running out! Over the dials, the pulsating pace of ancient rhythms and cries! It might be a good idea to cling to the crossfire of warning gazes! On the velvet path of memories, someone is always looking for someone! It is futile to rephrase and ask missed questions! Unfinished ax-sentences, love nods after flirtatious movements of run damage; a ghost-moon hovering over gloomy towers hovers and sends its cursed wraith lights! In dim light, the universe faces often go out!
Exclamation marks on stones light up in more and more superstitious eyes that are rarely if you can guess how to get to know each other! Dressed in immortality minute-deep, when two souls can recognize each other, they become one Love s Love! Your child's vision of hopes of hope: dungeon-riddling, vengeful Angels are still quoting in the night and at the unlimited bacchanalis of V.I.P. parties they all celebrate the budding nas of their bodies! The exciting net of gray eyes is already all around me and the candle flame of lies is roasting my brain! - It is seldom possible to command instinctive flesh if emotions are already involved.
Sep 2021 · 58
Silent caravan
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Passages sealed in my deaf ears drum! Tired-smiled, slit failures even bleed deep inside like Twilight, or an infected disease in the room s threatening! With an adult head, everyone is left orphaned! Cheat mouse path is rare if you can help! In the maze of blood vessels, the perceptible Universe slams in unison! Today, pop culture is scribbling pop culture history on lands faded with mud! Examples of idiocy to follow!
Witnesses and assassins are already silent on the murderers secretly distributed about the responsible crimes of the World! Bird divination shows otherwise when it can no longer be a free thought! They imagine domesticated beasts and little kings with their own court! And they utopian utopias about the way things work! The chirping voice of the disappointing Goddesses sounds clear in my Congolese heart, "How much are you earning?" - they ask already terribly and modestly and when my lips are strangled by unemployment: saying that in this present age free-minded people need nothing - chirping kittens are already worn off in an accelerated procedure!
The echo of lonely vibrations returns forever! Sunyin oson today the bribing gaze: drops of the Redeeming Light fall through his ***** cavity! Missing, fragrant minutes are rare if you can cling to someone who really misses Someone! All efforts have been aborted, as I once tried to help Man stay! My startled insides are still squeezed back by a vulnerable, eternal little kid out of a mother longing for it! My face enjoys superhuman sadness! My property mortality is also less and less a grace to me.
Sep 2021 · 53
Predicted pact
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Help is less and less coming from a knife-throwing hand backwards! Account for the perpetrator of the victim too! They are believing the freelancer with outlets! There are no longer organized forms in the breaking of seventious garments, but intentional, ugly flirtation prevails; in their murderous conquest, Alpine jokes are also immersed and then deliberately immersed! - Through dazzled sensationalist-eyed eyes, the Simplified Man also searches for obtainable Dreams! Tired and cared for its existence! Squeaky loves Gentle kiss, kind emotion becomes a moment in the stations of the Universe!
We are alluding to ourselves in the lunar moonlighting between our lies; collisions of intent rarely end in a romantic way! Any vacuum is already unbearable; if the treasure Dear flaming smile cannot welcome the flaming dawn! - Subordinate Fates disintegrate and evaporate! Traveling sorrows are reflected in testifying eyes; over-dramatized, brain-gesturing gestures still prevail on the stage of raging swings! Where might the playful smell of childhoods labeled innocent appear?!
Why does it exist that responsibility is being deliberately forgotten today? In a reprehensible, murderous look, insidious complicity flies and waits quietly: the benefits of trophy opportunities are worthy! You should win a kiss through petals and not for intent! In a period of foreseeable end-expectations, I would enjoy conscious, compassionate consolation: as mothers ’response to the heart-echoes of child-voices!
Sep 2021 · 60
Decomposition formula
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Even in invisible positions, a striking number of silent comrades swirl! The micro-periods of lives and orders have been overturned! It would be reassuring to examine the reasons for the love of loves with the enchanting loyalty of honesty! During the feminine deeds set to be generous, the paripas of sincere emotions also seemed uncontrollable! Users are also used; after admitted failures, there would be the possibility of restarts! Lightness is handling the computer crypt cold more and more nowadays!
Mandatory liability actions seemed more visible! In the period of sweeping the mats of understanding, perhaps everything has remained the same! "Fears that tremble in tears should have been taken more seriously!" A tightened smile has been set in the charity donations as well! The all-encompassing slap in the face has become untenable: the vile formula of self-tiring lies every second! From the selfish running of lives, it is essential to sway for unattainable goals! Salivating silence destroys the air of fuss! There were realizing insights! The vulnerable were immersed in feelings of unacceptable failures!
Empty people clenched the stomachs of their stomachs! Longing for conscious insecurity had already taken on inhuman proportions; the desire stopped unchanging! Livelihoods have been ruined by omitted, slowed-down show conversations, no real intent and truth can yet be revealed! Fewer and fewer know and understand just what it is: invisible to give up after unworthy falls! "In brainwashed colonies, the noisy noise is shrinking!"
Sep 2021 · 74
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
An alarming and curious era of restless surprises is coming! Cultured Alpha males, pampered, solarium bomb-goddesses suffer from their self-indulgent exhibitionism and are thus already depressed and determined on the meaningless treadmill of the same existence! “Stretching, embarrassing loneliness came to us uninvited, like the exiled Stranger: human maturity could hardly tame jerks in a killer-phlegm manner!
A cultured minority was preparing for a serious speech to surprise itself: slowed down, deliberate reflections can no longer be trusted! The exploitable essence of conscious career building has kneaded a new mask from grimacing grimaces on the faces of chirping kittens! Instead of joining forces to finally get rid of the greedy longing - indifference — they let themselves be bribed to sell them out for a desire for a better life! Comfortable holding could rarely attack in indefinite states! Even the words of beauty are already circulating! and even heart-pounding lies to each other! They couldn't reach the wounded and delayed moment!
A dripping rain sparkles the offended eye as he looks into the memories of the transient! Many remain superficial on the surface with willful intent! In their tiny, tingling optic nerve, they would not be able to find the Essence and feel it with will! Chills in hibernation are also self-love and an exaggerated, deformed body image cult, which is preferred by nowadays! - You can already know from human eyes: they are cheating and they are cheating! - Our hopes are also reduced to lovely butterflies! It seems, in every matter of consideration, hyena-smiles rooted in the world, a phlegm-hatred, a killer-interest thought
Sep 2021 · 44
Completed theory
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Eye-injured-threatened ordas-lights give birth to a daily turbocharged reputation! There would just be no cocoa rhythm disturbance! In numb, hazel-brained brains, the flaming-minded intellect comes out like a diligent perch! Life is not easy! As he was left alone, a fluttering feather would soon pass away! The narcissistic personality disorder cracked in the cosmetic alleys of the cheekbones trotted up and down sincerely in love diganosis can rarely be read in embarrassingly caring V.I.P. faces shattered in mirrors! "Many times the most compromising, stinky consciousness begins to suffocate!"
A leaping moral norm strains each other when massive smearing on the ancient ****** of bacchanalies is playing with intoxicating passions! Exclamation-sound could rarely have been so sincere-wonderful! The silent clarity of *** instincts is more and more influential instead of really getting to know the other! The walls that speak the whispering sound of rooms are intentionally blocked! Winking, cynical commandments dance in the watch of friends! They cannot escape to any of the younger paradises; they collide with repellent walls of memory who have all been silenced!
His condensed rhythms are tied to the network of my veins by spicy guilt! It would be better to face everything! Lovers can become star-studded lovers of all ages! If they are not careful, liars can no longer spare each other! All Truth is relative, junk crap! - Sitting and flattening among little-small tyrants, **** and temper irritate his voice-imitating words! "Instead of romanticizing, the traitorous Moon is constantly swearing for revenge!" Elemental passion already prostitutes everything!
Sep 2021 · 65
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
The heart, always mocked as a half-coward, always ignited when he could encounter sincere emotions; with a self-consuming, unruly fervor, he could blaze instead of just talking! It has shaped the humanity of Man when even the ******-in brain seems to soon forget! The vacuum sits like an unforgettable, soft bunny alone and ponders over its flawed decisions! You don’t know how to keep a long-forgotten thought awake! - The conscious desire for fatherhood disintegrates into a dry desert; only ******* are still listening! A kilometer of silence guards Being, while a tear begins on the most beautiful petal!
In the hot sun, the twinkling, balmy ray shimmers once: like the tangible evidence of Goodness! Your progressive throbbing can cause lustful pleasures! Wild waves emerge from the Universe: in the geometric ocean of desire, a smaller island purrs in a half-nail lure! A safe haven for shipwrecked people is a thing of the past! - Sharks and predatory fish like winking patient killers enjoy caressing music! Monotony mourns over stabbing boredom; beautiful butterflies whisper deceptive promises into each other’s mouths!
Fear has been clouds on the wings of the sober traveler too! When can an airplane get snapping turbulence?! Who can wash the solidified tears of unification?! In the last moments, even Eternity is lonely! We swallow our tears even in our longings for love! With the unexpectedness of a ***** naked night, you can strike in any case! Like an evil goblin, grimace drawings drawn with fingers on your faces appear and then wear off again!
Sep 2021 · 72
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
Volatile is the greatest thing in Life, whether it’s cigarette smoke or a three-day Universe kiss! Beating heart muscles ran out of mood; every beat is stuck and slow because this rusnya World has drowned in cocoa! The stunted petals of flowers are caressed by selfish prostitution! Our dry emotions die in the silences of symphonies! The only antidote to gigolines curling women is the current cultural defiance! Prove human indispensability with unwavering faith! Present, in gorilla-brain bodies and in the hazelnut brain of bikini fairies, the taoed extent has increased!
The charm flirting with the gods would hardly affect anyone anymore! The "pig-headed lord" has become money again! "Whoever looks wolf-eyed at the monotonous fall must have been a little engaged to Death, and he has put an end to his own cowardice!" "As a man, he falls into the cavities of swirling ravines that he also has a responsibility!" It stretches like a delicate leech in the life-destroying annihilation! Their rotting, spread-legged, lustful-smart foreheads are all driving you towards the economical business! - Waving with suicidal laughter, none of them break towards new-normalcy!
Winking invites those who make a lot of mistakes to a coup! Clinging to the crumbling fence cages of finite democracies is the second ordinary citizen who dreams of America! A dazzled, deliberately deceived, imperial market: whoever has more relational influence can rightly override the diminutive things of life with arbitrary despot rights! "I should take care of the petals of stolen, sorted roses, not tear them off like wild beasts."
Sep 2021 · 46
A starving dream
Norbert Tasev Sep 2021
The afternoon dream, as a selfish, inner corridor, always connects the deep dissolution, the remorse that begins to take root! The hell-fatigues of daily cramps torment the formula of a writhing-throbbing body! On the catacomb pitfalls of awake consciousness, the man of Sisyphus easily falls! It is guarded by a hidden, childish creature that is also deliberately hidden by the shade of balsamic sunlight! As an eccentric passenger of a spiritual shuttle, Nirvana's flower gaze is strained by Man every day!
Slowly, you can only thrive in a world of tumbled tabloid shows! In declining days, it would have been better to weave butterflies from rainbow butterflies and preserve the Hearts of Loyalty as silk of throbbing petals! "In the colorful collection of button-pounding, wretched miserable, modest cabbage butterflies are drawn just like the traitors!" The mind, like a hot volcano, is constantly swallowing, grinding the weight of our thoughts to itself, as the waste **** is already accumulating in all of us!
Magma under construction is in danger of explosion! You've tensed to gnashing your teeth so far, when they're just tossing you with curse words and unworthy deeds! "We should be weightless in the air, even when others are chained!" Being, as a faulty, eternal restraint, devours itself in moderation! Weekly swallowing tolerance is already a nasty refraction: in the craters of your ears, silence drums at melancholy beats!
Your creature trembles, panting, while your rattling machine brain is already clicking! We explain the neck-breaking hairpin bends of our lives with the traps of our own traitor! A weak, hesitant toddler in a watchful pear light always took me aside
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