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 Oct 2015 Sals
David Hall
 Oct 2015 Sals
David Hall
You may never touch the stars,
        but your life will be infinitely better
if you reach for them anyway.
If only your arms
Held me true again
Our lips and
bodies entwined~
If we could remember
language once shared.
Find our rhythm divine

Yet we have climbed
these ravaged cliffs
Heartbreak Chasm
A fragile bridge
of diminished connect
Crossed only in my dreams

Older now
in this state of suspense
To watch our love fall away~
A tender time for both of us
This loss of each
Precious day

Copyright © 2015 Christi Michaels.
All Rights Reserved
ThankYou all so much for reading
The Daily. I appreciate your
stopping by to say Hello!!!

This is about the loss of a long term,
once intimate, emotionally
committed and "forever"  relationship.
 Oct 2015 Sals
Sarah Oh
Her emotions run dry
She's out of tears to cry
The sky looks grey
As if it's got something to say

She longs for his love
Consumed by desire and lust
Even when ashes turn to dust
He's the only thing she thinks of
 Oct 2015 Sals
Christina Rossetti
Dear Lord, let me recount to Thee
Some of the great things thou hast done
    For me, even me
    Thy little one.

It was not I that cared for Thee,--
But Thou didst set Thy heart upon
    Me, even me
    Thy little one.

And therefore was it sweet to Thee
To leave Thy Majesty and Throne,
    And grow like me
    A Little One,

A swaddled Baby on the knee
Of a dear Mother of Thine own,
    Quite weak like me
    Thy little one.

Thou didst assume my misery,
And reap the harvest I had sown,
    Comforting me
    Thy little one.

Jerusalem and Galilee,--
Thy love embraced not those alone,
    But also me
    Thy little one.

Thy unblemished Body on the Tree
Was bared and broken to atone
    For me, for me
    Thy little one.

Thou lovedst me upon the Tree,--
Still me, hid by the ponderous stone,--
    Me always,--me
    Thy little one.

And love of me arose with Thee
When death and hell lay overthrown:
    Thou lovedst me
    Thy little one.

And love of me went up with Thee
To sit upon Thy Father's Throne:
    Thou lovest me
    Thy little one.

Lord, as Thou me, so would I Thee
Love in pure love's communion,
    For Thou lov'st me
    Thy little one:

Which love of me brings back with Thee
To Judgment when the Trump is blown,
    Still loving me
    Thy little one.
 Oct 2014 Sals
 Oct 2014 Sals
Cold and beaten up
with a black eye
Bruises cover my entire body
as I watch time fly
He hit me again
with that dreaded belt
Tied me to a chair
and watched my insides melt
Red, pink and purple bruises
on my pale skin
He never gets enough
He is hollow from within.
 Jul 2014 Sals
800 times
 Jul 2014 Sals
I have slept in my bed 800 times
799 times I have slept in between sheets alone, without you
And yet that 735th night
Is what haunts me on night 801
Without you.
I need to get a new bed
And new sheets
And new skin
That you have not touched me in.
 Jul 2014 Sals
 Jul 2014 Sals
i put on my earphones
and turn my music on
playing all the sad songs
that remind me of you
and i cry until i cannot
i wish you'd just return
and love me once again
 Jul 2014 Sals
Call me poetry
 Jul 2014 Sals
Call me a smoker
If you can read my poetry and get high on it
Call me the messenger
If you believe my poetry is talking to you
Call me a rapper
if you can create lyrics out of me
Call me a preacher
If you believe my Scriptures made you believe in God once more
Call me a taker
if you read my poetry a thousand times from different beings

Call me a pretender
If my poetry is just one of those many fictions you've read
call me a killer
if my poetry made you lose hope in love
call me a stranger
if you don't know me but we can still cling
call me a liar
if you just hate me and my poetry
call me a sister
if my poetry lived in one of your moments

Call me an executioner
if I told you that "bitter" truth you always knew but escaped
Call me a brother
if you know deep inside we are one
call me ?
If I showed you who Romeo is
Call me diary
if you read my poetry and remembered that you were here once upon a time

Call me a stalker
if my poetry is always talking about your ex
call me a friend
If my poetry told you that you love him/her very much and that's the scary part
call me a believer
if my poetry said something about judgment day
Call me a poet
if you believe am getting better at expressing myself,your world and the moment

If your reading this right now and you believe poetry is what brought us together.*call me Carter
being real
 Jul 2014 Sals
Peter Cullen
Sinking low beneath the waves
Lost in underwater caves.
Passages that lead us there,
never read, cause no one cared.
Cities underneath the sea,
once a home to you and me.
Now monuments, of how we failed.
Memories, as we set sail.
Set our course against the stars,
were we born to go that far?
Memories as we set sail.
Monuments of how we failed.
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