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 May 2019 No name
I gave you my heart
My trust, my love
And you took it
And more.

You took it for granted
You took it for a given
You took it for a ride
And when it suited you,
You left it behind,
Thinking you could double back
And pick it up later.

This time when you came looking for it
It was too far gone.
 May 2016 No name
 May 2016 No name
If I don't cry, maybe I won't feel it.
If I hold back the tears, maybe the pain will go away.
If I hold my face into my knees...
Maybe I'll forget about you and me.

Maybe if my skin rips apart I'll forget that your lips are works of art.
If the water turns red and I slip beneath...
Maybe I'll forget about you in my sheets.

Maybe if I burn the photos..
Erase every memory of you there is..
I'll stop hearing your voice inside my head.

Maybe if I think it was a dream all along..
I'll stop singing your name in every song.

Maybe if I screamed out loud...
It would be true.

Maybe one day...
I'll forget I was ever in love with you.
 May 2016 No name
Don't fall in love with your friends.

Don't catch eyes with them across a party.
Don't notice how bright their smile shines.
Don't listen to the deafening beautiful sound of their laughter.

When you're drunk and alone, don't say,
"Can I lay my head on your lap?"
Don't notice the gentle way they touch your hair.
Don't admire the way they moved to the floor after you fell asleep.

Don't let the warm embrace go to your head.
When they kiss you,
Don't obsess over the perfection of their lips.
You need to know, he will never kiss you that way again.

When you cry together,
Don't believe it's understanding.
Just know you both are weak.

When you meet again,
Don't let your heart flutter.
Don't stare at them like they are the most beautiful thing in the world.

Don't fall in love with your friends.
You need to know you'll never be anything more than that.
But I fell in love still.
 May 2016 No name
A Window
 May 2016 No name
Everyone looks right through me.
Every day they notice me.
But no one really sees me.

They touch me gently when I'm warm.
I'm a breath of fresh air.
They open me up with delight
When I promise a good day.

But when the sky turns grey,
They all turn away...
They can't handle the truth of my cold insides,
And so, they shut me closed.

I'm so easy to see through.
You think you can see right into the world.
But once you've noticed my cracks and smudges,
The outside never really looks the same...

Does it?
 May 2016 No name
How To Love
 May 2016 No name
There's a million ways to love a soul.
And I'm done holding back, just so you know.

Because I love so many people in this day to day life.
I can't hold it back, just to be someone's wife.

There's the way I love you.
I want to have our home.
I want to go on adventures.
Never leave you alone.
Make silly faces.
Caress your hair.
Make goofy videos.
Cuddle our pets.
Maybe a baby...
Fancy that.

There's the way I love you.
Always messages a few a times a year.
Happy birthday. Merry Christmas.
How are you my dear?
How is the wife? How are the babies?
I found your letter.
Man, we were crazy.

There's the way I love you.
You taught me so much.
A better way to think.
A better way to touch.
How important it is to value myself.
And how to let go.
That's why I love you so.

And there's the way I love you.
The unapologetic ways.
In which you take my hand
But make everyone the same.
The way you say,
"I just want to see you"
And even though it's temporary,
You make time seem brand new.

There are too many ways to love a person.
How you can be so sure what is real?
Which one is forever?
Which one would should we feel?

But I wouldn't be me, with out all of this painful action.

I want a world that's not afraid to love.
Not sure why I wrote this one
 Mar 2016 No name
Ana S
 Mar 2016 No name
Ana S
Hmm... Funny how depression rots your sole.
Funny how your young but you feel old.
It has its arms around me.
It's the only one who really can see.
Into my mind digging deep.
Talking to me, soothing me to sleep.
Reminding me of lines that used to be on my arms.
Reminding me of all the people who did harm.
Made me feel unloved.
Made me feel unwanted.
I needed you.
What did you do?
Walked out on me like everyone else.
Yeah the one girl said a chance was worth taking.
But why take chances when I'm the end you are breaking.
Well the last girl left me for dead.
Atleast said the voices in my head.
A little crazy?
I'd say a lot.
I can make it all go away with a single shot.
A bullet through my brain.
I guess dying in lititure relieves some of the pain.
I still cry every night.
Stopped cutting because someone said it wasn't right.
My wrists still bleed.
Only more internally.
It's only a blood I can see.
Nobody else really cared.
So here I am crying again scared.
Scared of tomarow.
Falling back into the sorrow.
My best friend slash obsession.
My friend named depression.
There you go...
 Mar 2016 No name
It's like i'm superman and you're my kryptonite
But it's like we both don't know how to end this fight...
My life without you is pointless wich means i can give it any meaning i want...
I won't lose my faith in god, but i don't believe in jesus
I gave you my heart, i just didn't expect to get it back in pieces
See my biggest mistake wasn't falling for you, it was thinking that you could fall for me too
I'm not afraid of losing her
Cause she was never mine
I don't know how to prove it to her
That i'll love her till the end of time
I'm not afraid to tell her i love her
Cause i really believe she knows
But every word she says to me
Feels like she's throwing stones
It's already too late cause the friendship is over
And it breaks my heart
I just could never find a way to show her
How i really feel about her
How i really do love her
It's pathetic that i'm writing this
My heart is David and she's Goliath
It's stupid that i'm fighting this
Cause i just can't win
That's the way it is
And that's the way it's always been
Too tired to hold on
Too in love to let go
Too tired of being strong
Too proud to let it show
 Mar 2016 No name
The Dedpoet
Everyone has an answer,
But there are too many questions.
Not to be deluded by hope,
But inspired by it.
To know that we are not alone
But by choice,
Which in of itself is the greatest gift/curse
We have all endured.
And the lesser of two evils
Is still wicked,
But the integrity of man is murky
Without witnesses.
And we are the dream inside the reality,
      We sever the humanity
Because a person is not dangerous,
      People are.

It is an ugly thing to think
That we cannot deliver ourselves
From our own ghosts that
Sing the same song.
      But the true atrocities
Are that love in this universe
Is not necessarily a universal thing.
So I say reflect the beauty around you,
The moment's truth and that is real,
That which loves you in return,
The child in their purest joy,
That which is close,
All the littlest things.
And that is a dream realised,
Love that,

Or drown in the gallows of man's
Darkened life.
 Mar 2016 No name
You turn the water on.
You pour in the neglected bubble bath liquid, you pour in a lot.
You are expecting much from this bottle as you empty it of its contents. You step into the tub and lay down.
Then you see; your toes stick out of the water, the water gets cold too fast, there are no toys to distract you from the awkward silence between you and the bubbles you were expecting to ease your pain, to set your mind free.
You curse the bubbles, stand up and pull the drain, not bothering to watch the soapy water swirl into nothingness.
You turn the shower on and rinse off.
You get out and wrap a towel around you and put on your sinful clothes.
You walk away from the bathroom.
It’s then that you realize your skin is baby soft, the bubbles had done something for you after all.
You forgot to thank them before you pulled that plug, sending them to their doom.
It wasn't their fault.
You are the one that grew, that left them in the back of your cupboard. You're ashamed for only about a minute before you return to your daily routine, only to get ***** once again.
broke the poem up because a few people suggested it
 Mar 2016 No name
Bones powell
My first love, I had thought she has came from heaven above, but it wasn't true..
For she had lied to me.....for she had blinded me with this false hope that I could be happy with another person, these feelings churning in my stomach, left my thoughts tossing and turning in my head, meaningless fights, sleepless nights....for all had come to an end with two words..."we're done"
Bad break up myan
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