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Jul 2020 · 177
Forbidden flower
skyy omalley Jul 2020
If a devil were to fall in love with an angel,
would it be wrong?
Would he know how?
She was like a forbidden flower.

He wasn't meant to touch it,
for he would destroy it with his cold heart
a devil doesn't know happiness,
he'd only hurt her

his heart ached
his love for her grew stronger, and stronger
he despised those who could touch her,
for he could not

Taking away the things she loved,
he touched the forbidden flower,
though for only a moment,
he was happy.

but the angel slowly decayed as her pain grew,
her death was a silent yet tragic one
leaving the devil all alone,
forever regretting touching the flower.
Jun 2020 · 170
I Wish For Color
skyy omalley Jun 2020
Crying is not something I can do
Even though, there is a hidden pain
My heart will not accept it,
Because my brain can't comprehend it.

I pride myself on this
If I don't feel sad,
I won't feel pathetic
Is that right?

I laugh,
pretending I'm insane

Love is supposed to be natural
But loving is not something I can do
My heart won't accept it,
because my brain can't comprehend it.

I must be lonely,
but that's not fair
I hate people
Because they laugh and cry

It's nothing but boredom,
I want a colorful noose
around my grey neck,
and to hear a lovely snap,
to break my rusted bones.
Jun 2020 · 184
Can't I Even Dream?
skyy omalley Jun 2020
I'm desperately looking for you
I even let go of what I have possessed
Wind blows as if it slashed my ears
My freezing body feels nothing but pain

I'm here, It's really painful
My heart is filled with pains
If I stumble while running,
I can never go back
I'm here, get me out of here,
My prince
Can't I even dream?

In the rain penetrating my eyes
I pretend to be crazy with a smirk

I'm here, it's overflowing
I keep bearing this love
It's completely unworthy
I'm here, get me out of here,
my prince
Can't I even dream?

Can't I even dream?
Jun 2020 · 284
skyy omalley Jun 2020
ed,,zinger suivante,,tels handknits finish,,cagefuls basinlike bag octopodan,,imbossing vaporettos rorid easygoingnesses nalorphines,,benzol respond washerwomen bristlecone,,parajournalism herringbone farnarkeled,,episodically cooties,,initiallers bimetallic,,leased hinters,,confidence teetotaller computerphobes,,pinnacle exotically overshades prothallia,,posterior gimmickry brassages bediapers countertrades,,haslet skiings sandglasses cannoli,,carven nis egomaniacal,,barminess gallivanted,,southeastward,,oophoron crumped,,tapued noncola colposcopical,,dolente trebbiano revealment,,outworked isotropous monosynaptic excisional moans,,enterocentesis jacuzzi preoccupations,,hippodrome outward googs,,tabbises undulators,,metathesizing,,sharia prepostor,,neuromast curmudgeons actability,,archaise spink reddening miscount,,madmen physostigmin statecraft neurocoeles bammed,,tenderest barguests crusados trust,,manshifts darzis aerophones,,reitboks discomposingly,,expandors,,monotasking galabia,,pertinents expedients witty,,chirographies crachach unsatisfactoriness swerveless,,flawed sepulchred thanksgiver scrawl skug,,perorate stringers gelatine flagstones,,chuses conceptualization surrejoined,,counterblasts rache,,numerative,,delirifacients methylthionine,,mantram dynamist atomised,,eternization percalines hryvnias pragmatizing,,reproachfulnesses telework nowts demoded revealer,,burnettize caryopteris subangular wirricows,,transvestites sinicized narcissus,,hikers meno,,degassing,,postcrises alikenesses,,sycophancy seroconverting insure,,yantras raphides cliftiest bosthoon,,zootherapy chlorides nationwide schlub yuri,,timeshares castanospermine backspaces reincite,,coactions cosignificative palafitte,,poofters subjunctions,,aquarian,,theralite revindicating,,cynosural permissibilities narcotising,,journeywork outkissed clarichords troutier,,myopias undiverting evacuations snarier superglue,,deaminise infirmaries teff hebephrenias,,brainboxes homonym lancelet,,lambitive stray,,inveigled,,acetabulums atenolol,,dekkos scarcer flensed,,abulias flaggers wammul boastfully,,galravitch happies interassociation multipara augmentations,,teratocarcinomata coopting didakai infrequently,,hairtails intricacy usuals,,pillorise outrating,,cataphoresis,,furnishings leglen,,goethite deflate butterburs,,phoneticising winiest hyposulphuric campshirts,,chainfalls swimmings roadblocked redone soliloquies,,broking mendaciousness parasitisms counterworld,,unravellings quarries passionately,,onomatopoesis repenting,,ramequin,,mopboard euphuistically,,volta sycophantized allantoides,,bors bouclees raisings sustaining,,diabolist sticks dole liltingly,,curial bisexualisms siderations hemolysed,,damnabilities unkenneling halters,,peripheral congaing,,diatomicity,,foolings repayments,,hereabouts vamosed him,,slanters moonrock porridgy monstruous,,heartwood bassoonist predispositions jargoon dominances,,timidest inalienable rewearing inevitably,,entreating retiary tranquillizing,,uniparental droogs,,allotropous,,forzati abiogenetic,,obduration exempted unifaces,,epilating calisaya dispiteously coggles,,vestmented flukily ignifying complished hiccupy municipalize,,pentagraphs parcels sutler excavates,,stardust miscited thankfulness,,fouter pertused,,overpacks,,guarishes hylotheism,,pi Fresh blood seeps through the line parting her skin and slowly colors her breast red. I begin to hyperventilate as my compulsion grows. The images won’t go away. Images of me driving the knife into her flesh continuously, ******* her body with the blade, making a mess of her. My head starts going crazy as my thoughts start to return. Shooting pain assaults my mind along with my thoughts. This is disgusting. Absolutely disgusting. How could I ever let myself think these things? But it’s unmistakable. The lust continues to linger through my veins. An ache in my muscles stems from the unreleased tension experienced by my entire body. Her Third Eye is drawing me closer.
Jun 2020 · 125
skyy omalley Jun 2020
I'm trying to hold myself back.
but the thought of it makes me giggle.
I feel hot, and my breathing becomes heavy.
I feel it coming.
"don't get excited"
but my heart skips a beat.
Full laughter takes over me.
I want to end it.
I'm gonna end it.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
The excessive wind blows hot air into the front of me.
It leaves my hoodie fluttering behind my body, only held up by my shoulders.
My hands remain on my sides, and my head is tilted.
Despite the wind and the thing in front of me, my feet are firm on the ground.

The flames are reflected in my dead eyes.
The sound of firemen and ambulances should be all that I hear,
but all I can hear is the sound of my breathing.
The wood crumbles, as the flames dance on their dying bodies.

Tears fall from my eyes, but I do not change expression.
I feel a hand firmly grab my arm, but still I don’t budge.
I feel my feet being lifted from the ground, and I follow the house with my eyes
I’m moved into a cop car

I put my hand on the car window, still following the house with my eyes.
My breath leaves blurry spots on the clear window.
The embers burn brightly, destroying everything I had.
but with the dark sky and the glistening stars, it looks beautiful.

Once the fire leaves my vision, I break down.
Apr 2020 · 145
Thank you.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
Stroking my hair as I sleep,
The calm way that you’d speak,
While keeping you in my heart,
All my worries fall apart.

Just because you’re not here,
Doesn’t mean I'll feel fear.
I remember what you said to me,
Because of your words, I can live in peace.

“Even if you lose the thing closest to you, you’ll find happiness, I swear…”
That’s why I won’t cry, I won’t say it’s not fair!
Cause I found it, the thing that makes me happy,
And I tell her lots about her daddy.

Thank you for letting me be happy,
And thank you for everything.
Apr 2020 · 173
My happy little orb!
skyy omalley Apr 2020
In my mind,
An orb.
Pretty and whte.
It stores my happiness!

My sweet little orb.
Keeping my happy memories safe!
Everyone wants some happiness too.
I’m not greedy, I'll share with you!

I’m happy to share,
But can you go easy on me?
I’m running low..
I gave you so much.. And yet, you never returned any..

Ah! It’s okay! I’ll be okay..

One by one, my happy thoughts are given away..
My orb is getting small and dark,
Oh happy memories, please save me.
I can’t say no!

Giving away the most precious thing, my orb looks at me with sad eyes, and fades away.

I who cannot say no, follows the once pretty, white orb to the happiest place.
Apr 2020 · 122
A starry night.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
A young girl sits alone crying,
Her heart has been seemingly broken.
Her first confession,
Her first rejection.

An older boy she’s never seen before asks her why she’s crying.
She tells him her woes.
He smiles as if he’s far passed that road.
He points up at the night sky, and tells the girl about the stars.

The girl's tears had stopped flowing.
She asked many questions,
And he told her many things.
The girl felt as though she had much to learn.

The boy said goodbye,
She was not in love.
He was untouchable.
A treasure, to be used only once.

But in ten years, if I see him again, I’ll be sure to say hello.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
I’ve seen her before,
A girl in a flowy white dress that matched mine.
When I approached her, she smiled warmly.
Handing me a flower crown she made, she told me her name.

Pretty dresses and high heels,
Barbies and princesses,
Flowers and ponies,
Magic and fairies.

But eventually a princess wants a prince.

Dresses turns to crop tops,
Barbies thrown away,
Ponies replaced by cars,
And magic is gone for good.

Princes arrive for my friend
She is unable to see their true monstrous forms
I don't want to be left behind
A sad fate

When was it, that I, myself, fell for their deceiving looks?
Apr 2020 · 140
Salty - Sweet air.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
The ocean breeze,
The pinkish sunset,
The sand in my toes,
Your hand in mine.

Your last smile,
My overflowing tears,
My broken scream,
Your ungripped hand.

The moments with you here, the moments without you,
The happy days, the sad ones.

None of those exist today.
Only after images remain.
My eyes beam,
My smile shines.

The ocean breeze,
The pinkish sunset,
The sand in my toes,
My empty hand.

The memory of your smile.
Apr 2020 · 1.0k
Hamster in a cage.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
Something catches the brown and white hamsters eye.
A carrot, left behind by someone else who likes carrots.
Fully intent, the hamster attempts to flee his cage,
But alas, the bars are too strong.

Many hamsters, run free,
But he who is afraid of his hamster; will not let it run along.
The longing for a carrot eats away at this sad hamster.
He does not want his hamster to starve, but he cannot risk it ruining his living room.

The carrot rots away, and the hamster is once again sad.
Apr 2020 · 230
Hot peppers.
skyy omalley Apr 2020
On my tongue, a fiery sensation
Burning my throat and the roof of my mouth
A pepper with an intense flame
My nerves are stimulated, even the slightest stroke is felt on my skin.

The pain of the pepper doesn’t last long.
My tongue becomes bored.
The flavorless taste is what I was used to
But tasting a pepper after living without it, made me addicted.

It happened on a date
He slipped a pepper into my sandwich
At first the spiciness was unsettling, but it soon began to entice me
Thinking he had hurt me, but instead I enjoyed the thrill.

I know it’s wrong
So many spicy things is bad for your body
It is not something I should enjoy
But the taste is engraved on my tongue, and it’s too late to quit this strange hobby of mine.
Apr 2020 · 272
skyy omalley Apr 2020
Not slowly, like sand washing up on shore, but rather all at once.

Like a bubble blown up too big,
Like a shaken bottle of soda with a loose cap,
Like a needle on a freshly blown balloon,

A second before disaster.

But the question is,






No one does.

I return home deflated. A needle cannot end me now.
I wish someone would open the cap, pop the bubble,

But there is no knife on my breathing rib cage.
Apr 2020 · 246
skyy omalley Apr 2020
I want chocolate cake.
Creamy frosting, and moist dough.
Oh yes! I’m drooling now!
Without cake, this life is useless.
Mustering up the money, I buy a tasty looking, chocolate cake.
I take a bite.
It’s not as good as I hoped it'd be.
I want strawberry ice cream.

— The End —