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Aug 2020 · 21
The Moon
SiouxF Aug 2020
The Moon
In your full regalia
Shining oh so bright,
Peering through the shimmering clouds
Reflecting off the calm smooth waters
With hopes, possibilities and dreams
For all those who dare
For all those who care
Aug 2020 · 1.0k
Calling My Name
SiouxF Aug 2020
The woods are calling
Calling my name
Come to us
Be with us
Be one with us

So I packed up my tent and my Ghillie Stove
Put my hiking boots on
And made my way
Into the deep dark woods
The magnificent majestic ancient woods
Full of beech, oak and hornbeam

I felt at peace once again
Amongst my friends
The tree spirits
And wood nymphs.
The realisation of just how at home I feel in the woods, and now I’ve missed it so
Aug 2020 · 149
The Poet
SiouxF Aug 2020
Write a poem, he said,
It will do you good, he said.
I know not how, said I,
Where to start, what to say, what about, said I.

Think of something, someone, somewhen, he said,
Sit with pen and expectant paper,
Allow words to unveil themselves
From deep inside you.
So that I did, did I.

My first night
Experienced a storm in the woods, did I,
All magical and mystical.
Standing in the rain,
With a flash of lightening,
a crash high above.
Sensing tension in the air,
Feeling murmur in the earth,
Caught in the moment
Not scared was I.

Moved to tears of joy,
I was entranced,

I grabbed my expectant pen and paper
To capture the moment.
Words flowed from nowhere
Summing up
What I saw,
What I heard,
How I felt.
Something wondrous,
Something incredulous.
Something extraordinary.

I was finding my voice,
was I.
Aug 2020 · 180
Where, What, Who
SiouxF Aug 2020
Where have I come from?
Where am I headed?
What am I doing here?
Does it feed my soul’s desire?
Who am I?
Am I who I want to be?
Am I who I’m destined to be?

Into the woods
Seeking solace and R&R,
Away from civilisation,
And the dreaded mobile phone.
Off grid, switched off and outnumbered by trees,
Explore who I am, what I’m doing, where I’m heading.
At 50
Time to take stock,
Reappraise and reapply,
And fulfil my soul’s path.

How do you do that?
When you don’t know what it is
When you don’t know who you are
When you’ve never truly been you.
Always wanting desperately to fit in,
but never seeming able.
Afraid of being judged,
yet judging too.
Never taking action
for consequential fear.
Drifting through life,
No surprise.

5 nights in the woods
Just me and my tent.
Walking all day,
Staring in the fire all night.
Sitting in peace and quiet amongst coppice, hornbeam and oak
Seeking answers
With none forthcoming.
Other than taking time out.
And dreaming of
Living the #vanlife
Going where the mood takes me.
No rush, no worries, no cares,
Just me and my camper van
Freedom and

Travelling on the road,
Meeting kindness of strangers,
Comfy dress down
No airs and graces,
Deep conversations,
Move on.
Being the nomadic free spirit,
that’s me.

But is it an escape?
A way to stay disconnected?
A way to not face up to feelings
Of anger and shame?
Or will it be the making of me?
The discovery of me?
The adventurer in me?
Now I’m _starting_ to ask questions, to look inwards, and delve into myself, my purpose, my why, while spending 5 days off grid in the woods, just after my 50th birthday (end July 2020). Querying, seeking, asking questions - all the necessary tools required of the great explorer.
Aug 2020 · 74
Horror (aged 12)
SiouxF Aug 2020
I walked into the house,
A timid mouse scurried away,
I heard the ticking of a clock,
The door slammed shut behind me,
All was quiet.
I stepped into the darkened room,
Eerie, dismal, frightening.
The patter of footsteps,
The blood-curdling scream,
My blood turned cold.
The thumping in my heart,
A thing creeping up closer behind me,
His bones rattling,
The push and stumble,
Nearer and nearer,
Bigger and bigger

Then the morning,
And waking up.
I wrote this recently discovered poem aged 12. It’s the only poem I wrote/have from childhood and I thought I would share here, as part of sharing my poetic journey (that by the way, is only two weeks old today!) I have now written 54 poems already! Who knew I had so many words in me vying to be heard...?
Aug 2020 · 116
Coldrum Stones
SiouxF Aug 2020
Long since hence these stones be here,
We know not who, what, when or why,
But ancient they sure be,
with their
Power, symbolism and magic
For offer
to all those
with gift to see.

Ignore the disrespect
from the treasure seekers and tourists,
Instead sit,
And stare,
And soak up the
ancient magic and wisdom
From this mystical place.
Rising up from the ground  
Wrapping you lovingly in its sweet embrace.

Note the brightly coloured tree in pride of place.
Tie a coloured ribbon round your body ill,
Then round the branch of the hornbeam tree,
For it will disappear before the next full moon,
Many a truth be told.

Gaze out at North Downs view,
Reminiscent of pilgrims past,
For many a footprint upon footprint lay there,
With many a tale told,
And yet to be told.
It took me a long time to post this, my fourth poem, because it feels really ******, impersonal and unfinished. I never received critique from my mentor, but as it was restricting me not being able to post on here, (as I have committed to sharing my poetry journey), I thought I would just go ahead and share, warts and all. Please be kind! ;-)
Aug 2020 · 309
SiouxF Aug 2020
I wonder where,
Where I call home.
I’m uncomfortable with others,
With their ersatz shallow ways,
Except those few sweet few.
I prefer most my own company
Away from the many,
The contradictions, the confusion, the overload of senses.
Its so much easier that way.
No worry.  
Be myself,
Without fear
Of treading on eggshells
Lest I put my foot in it,
once again,
Saying wrong things,
Being judged,
Being criticised.
Just for being.

But I’m lonely too,
That lack of connection,
To others
and myself.
I pretend.
I keep busy.
I have no time to feel.
I pass absently
And joylessly
through a life
Of empty
With a heavy weight upon my back.
Tis sad.
Tis a waste.
Till a fall from sweet grace.
From what we are sent here to do.
Spread love.
Be love.
Love all.
Love you.
Love me.
This is an ok poem, not great I feel, though it’s sentiments were true at that time. However, being new to poetry I committed to share my journey with you fellow poets and explorers of the truth.
This was my third ever poem, and my first attempt into something more personal than the woods.
My first version was very unpersonalised. I didn’t want to “own” my thoughts and feelings. It’s slightly more personalised now, but still has a way to go. I am leaving it here as is as I feel it’s a starting point as to what comes later..... It is imperfect. And that’s ok Now there’s an admission!
Aug 2020 · 35
Oh to rest...
SiouxF Aug 2020
Oh to rest my weary head,
in my freshly laundered bed,
Haste to the land of dreams I mourn,
And pray for sweetness in the dawn.
This was my first attempt at putting any sort of verse together!
It was a hint that I wanted to finish a WhatsApp conversation and go to bed!
Aug 2020 · 357
The Woods
SiouxF Aug 2020
Swaying in the soft gentle breeze,
succulent green leaves glisten and glow,
catching the sun's golden rays, filtering
through the coppiced canopy above,
reflecting off droplets from heaven;
Bringing the verdant vibrant woods to life.

There's many a story these woods could tell,
If only trees could talk;
Long in the night they'd stand and share,
of the songbird’s sweet call for loves lost,
the snowy owl's nocturnal adventures,
the *****’s screams of ecstasy, or pain.

And let us not forget, the forest fairies fair,
coming out to play on such a glorious morn.
Sunbathing atop a toadstool fly agaric,
Admiring the glistening golden spider's web,
Downing the nectar from a rain soaked leaf.
Washing dainty toes in the morning dew.

But don’t expect to see one.
For they are as timid as the fawn,
yet as brave as the lion.
As delicate as lace,
yet as strong as silk.
But they are there, rest assured.
Keeping the magic of the woods alive,  
protecting the spirits of the trees,
and allowing the secrets of the woods to live on,
For evermore
This is the second poem I’ve written. I wrote it the morning after the storm the night before, which inspired my first poem. I was inspired and lifted by the sun filtering through the trees and reflecting off the glistening vibrant green leaves
Aug 2020 · 835
SiouxF Aug 2020
Pitch black.
Black as night.
Blacker than black.
All is silent.
the worse.

The wind whistling,
winding itself
the trees,
A flash
of lightening.
A piercing
Dead above.

Then just as abruptly as it arrived, its gone.
Leaving the rain behind.
on the tent canvas.

Dawn comes.
Birds sing.
Fresh morning dew.
All's well in the world once more.

Til the next time....
I wrote this while wild-ish camping and just loved the energy of the storm on my first night. This is my first ever attempt at a poem - as an adult!

— The End —