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 Apr 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
He was a warrior
As were the rest
But of his skill with swords
He beat the best
And he would gladly charge into battle anytime
For the glory
Of the kingdom,
He was a friend of mine
And always he shall be
Even though his words have gone
He still fights beside me
Because this fallen Knight is a legend
To be told of
Again and again,
He was a fighter
And a lover
A soldier
And a brother
Who stared at enemy lines outnumbered
And held his sword
Up high

He vowed to me
The king
That he would fight by my side

Let us not forget him
Let us celebrate his name
 Apr 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
 Apr 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
you want to know
why he's depressed.
he made a shell distant from his sobriety
and lost touch with any sense of piety.

Tis' a pity, tis' a pity, he becomes
a poor fool, passes away prior to full potential
knows only money and *** to be essential,
and knows nothing on how to deal with the consequential.

fell in love too early
only to know it's too late.
no promises to rectify,
no vows to testify,
only his broken brain left to crucify.

a battered body broken down in battle
with the world around him
and the war within him.
love is thy kryptonite,
drugs are thy dynamite,
left to implode
in the world he created.

he lays in his head, he lies in his head,
he has died in his head,
and thus makes this death.

he lives in everyone's life,
knows not one of his own,
only knows the boundaries of his zone.

Tis' not one of comfort, only discomfort
this man is me.
this man is me.

see my red blood leak on the ledger,
my life flow away like a lost feather,
hang me loose on the tether.
to see sunrise again after tonight?

no please,
 Mar 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
 Mar 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
She never truly loved me
I was her safety her plan B
The nice guy she can fall back on
My heart belongs to her but her heart was never mine
Will I ever learn to love the way I did or am I forever broken
Tip toe quietly on yout feet
Don't you dare you miss a beat
Make around the floor-set traps
Wide awake as the rest of the world naps
Creak the door open just a slight
Enough to sneak away into the night
Ignore the clatter of bottles and breaths
Soon enough they'll be just deaths
Climb the barrier that separates care
For that courage resides somewhere
Tip toe quietly on your feet
Don't you dare you skip a beat
 Mar 2016 ShuckFacedGirl
I would love someone to send me a letter
Be it cyber or by post
It could be typed or handwritten
With a Dear and Yours Truly
I’d frame it up on my wall
So I could read it at the start of my day
And before I would lie down to sleep
To recall their words when I’m stressed or lonely
Remembering that someone is thinking about me
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