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Jul 2021 · 746
Sevki Jul 2021
I think the entire world's addicted to a type of sadness we see in broken mirrors.
Feb 2020 · 187
Sevki Feb 2020
The notions of normal and weird in relation to human interaction are lies we do not realise, even though they are obvious real lies.

Without action, we are all bystanders who dream to humanize society, yet our human eyes conform to a society set upon a foundation of human lies.
Dec 2019 · 644
Sevki Dec 2019
Family is like a one way mirror.

You were minding your own business,
it never reflects.

But it shatters.

It hurts. You put all the broken pieces together again.

It's not the same.

Your eyes bleed, but you still smile.

Because you are grateful for the pieces you still have.
Jul 2019 · 766
Sevki Jul 2019
With educated minds our silver linings profess~
Jun 2019 · 878
Wicked Eyes & Wicked Hearts
Sevki Jun 2019
Gran-mama always said;
No privacy and no solace is to be found.
In all corners, all-seeing wicked eyes surround.
Wicked hearts all around the merry go round.

But my dear,
I'll always pray...
To die in your stead.
For it is not sacrifice but love.
I love thee...
In living flesh, till days of new old.
Ten feet under soil, I will still toil.
Loving you now and eternity unbound,

to keep you safe and sound.
Sevki May 2019
always & forever~
May 2019 · 511
Absence with the mind
Sevki May 2019
Absence, alone.
Sitting alone.
Unread texts.

One... Two... Three!
My mind starts racing,
first comes the doubts.

Then embraced by the self-hate.
Regret and judge, discord upon myself.
To yonder back from whence I came.

Recollect the sacrifices that were made.
Reforge my old self again.
Drugs, Alcohol, ***, Depression, Anxiety, the Addiction.

Is purity not meant for me?
A few hours of mere absence I dread.
Perhaps corrupt I must be?

Lose the white light, wholesome, selfless and true.
Embrace the darkness, selfishly and torment be due.
Oh my dear god, cleanse me of such disposition,

end me please~
May 2019 · 292
Sevki May 2019
Thy heart of stone has lost its flame.
Embracing all the bitter and cold.
Set our fates in stone, **** the crossing star.

A dreadful, shifting sorrow, that we both face.

You float as I sink into the abyss.
Drowning at my lungs, erosion at my chest.
ebb and flow lulls me, drifting me to sleep.

The nightmares begin once again.

Yearning for your warm embrace.
Render thy stone open
and ignite the flame.

Thy Heart of stone
cannot yield alone.
Harvest is due.
the cold
like a bard song~
Apr 2019 · 168
My Back Hurts
Sevki Apr 2019
My back hurts.
Words impaling the skin,
like knives.

I look over my shoulder.
Greeted by the friendliest of smiles.
My dear friend.

I smiled back.
#BehindYourBack #Sad #FakeFriend
Apr 2019 · 15.4k
Sevki Apr 2019
My Mind the prison.
My Heart and Soul prisoner.

The chains,
Anxiety and Depression.

My Body the canvas,
Mindful of my Oppression.
Apr 2019 · 501
Sevki Apr 2019
Since when did emptiness…
Feel like an anchor.
Plunging into the deepest and darkest depths
of water.

I do not fear the water.
Only the anchor that we call emptiness.
Mar 2019 · 501
Sevki Mar 2019
Quite saddening really...
It is all in the title,
for thou thought it shan't be so vital,
to think about the ending for it leaves us feeling suicidal.

Why is but one of us mindful,
succumbing to brutal words as if your mouth were a pistol.

Perhaps it was the workings of the Devil?
corruption has twisted something so fruitful,
leaving it stained with evil.

We were more than friends, with no ends.
Us vs the world and never offend.
With no doubt on depend,
all yearend.
I miss my "best"-friEnd.
It was a bittersweet ending~
Mar 2019 · 1.7k
Sevki Mar 2019
Will it ever stop?
The words ricocheting in my head.
The pain.
My migraine.

It doesn't stop.
words rushing in the mind,
is like adrenaline at the heart.

I beg you to stop.
I plead for mercy,
For thou hast not unlocked lips,
raised a hand nor pestered with gods will.

Yet I barely stand,
merely a generic man.
Perhaps this is gods plan?
There it goes again...
Am I mad?

Why thou mind,
poison all that nurtures it?
It is unfortunate that our hearts cannot yield without it.
Overthinking is such a burden.
Mar 2018 · 686
I know and yet I don't.
Sevki Mar 2018
I know. You talk behind my back.
I know. You put on a fake guise when our eyes collide.
I know. You laugh watching a fellow struggle.
I know. You mock my empty pockets.
I know. I'm flawed, cause I know... I'm human.
I know. That a perfect nature is a flawed one.
I know.
And yet... I act as if I don't.

— The End —