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  Feb 2016 Sierra Brown
I want to inject music into my bloodstream,
Maybe then
I'll feel a beat come through my heart for once.
Listening to a cover  of Twenty One Pilots' "Stressed Out".
  Feb 2016 Sierra Brown
Bow to
the greatest thief that ever thieved.
I can steal opportunity from
with ease.

Bow to
the greatest liar that ever lived
I can kid
if I so please.

Bow to
the greatest killer that ever breathed.
I can leave
my dreams
  Feb 2016 Sierra Brown
Sydney Carter
Come to me, my darling,
with your pen and your paper,
so I can show you the true lines of a woman.
Trace my contours and follow my curves,
to all the places that you adore,
until your southern borders rise to meet mine.

Can your hand capture the motions we make?
Like silhouettes of swelling grace?
Abandon your ink, and sink into me,
like the universe crashing inside of the sea.
Rock me like waves, bend me like sin,
whisper your pleasure into my skin.

Come to me, my darling,
come into me.
  Jan 2016 Sierra Brown
You pointed to the bottle as if to cue me to drink it, as we watched cartoons in a daze.
I would take a sip and then pass it to you.
I can remember that kissing that bottle felt a lot like kissing you.
It stung and tasted a lot like poison, but I kept coming back for more.
  Dec 2015 Sierra Brown
James M Vines
When your journey is too much, just hold on to my hand. When you have grown weary, let me help you stand. When life tempest blow you off course, let me be your guide. When you have a mountain to climb, I will be by your side. In all things I will give you friendship and find you when you are lost. I will ever keep you in my prayers no matter what the cost. Through adversity and joy, through the thick and the thin. I will support you and be there until the end. So until we part ways and move to the next life. Remember you can ever call me friend, until death does our friendship divide.
  Dec 2015 Sierra Brown
uzzi obinna
Stars can only be seen in darkness,
A wealthy foundation has nothing to do with greatness,
Love is not completely selfless,
The journey to heaven is not painless.

Nothing is is actually valueless,
the boldest isn't completely fearless,
death doesn't always mean one is breathless,
And Judges are often truthless.

Denial might be an act of pureness,
Rejection a show of kindness,
Speaking up attimes can be senseless,
And a hug does not always represent oneness.

A soldiers retreat doesn't always mean weakness,
An enemy's surrender might be smartness,
A woman's smile may not be happiness,
A child's determination might be born out of emptiness.

Marraige vows are usually baseless,
We are alive because our hearts are restless,
Scientists are mostly clueless,
Psycologists usually feel helpless.

Caring for the poor might be termed madness,
But many wealthy are now homeless,
And even if we're not treated with fairness,
You and i are definitely priceless.
Wrote this ds evening as i took a stroll in a neighbourhood nd watched people who didnt knw dat a stranger came around and was watching their evry move jst to put smtn down on paper.
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