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568 · May 2018
Why it happens
Sam May 2018
Sometimes it just happens
For no reason
I never expect it
But suddenly I feel it deep inside
I can't breathe or think
I can't cry or smile
I just feel numb
And it's almost worse than feeling sad
567 · May 2018
Your smile
Sam May 2018
Your smile is unlike anything I've ever seen
It glows even in your darkest times
Nothing comes close to comparing to it
And I don't know what I would do without your smile in my life
Without you in my life
490 · Apr 2018
Your love
Sam Apr 2018
Your love makes me feel not invisible
Your love makes me happy
Your love makes me want to be a better person
Your love makes me believe in love again

Your love is like a river
Endlessly flowing towards an ocean
Your love lights a fire inside of me
That never goes out
Your love runs through my veins
And keeps me alive
Your love strikes like lightning
It's pure and raw, and anyone would be lucky to have you

Your love is all I need
362 · May 2018
Sam May 2018
I wasn't expecting to fall for you
But one day you looked at me and I forget how to think
I looked into your eyes and saw everything I ever wanted
And that's when I knew
I would love you for a long time
255 · Apr 2018
I'm fine
Sam Apr 2018
I'm fine I say
I promise I'm fine
But little do you know
I'm not at all fine
I don't want to be here
I don't want to wake up
I don't want to go out
I don't want to talk to people
I don't want to be on this planet anymore
I want to die
But I won't tell you that
God no
You don't care
You don't even want to hear it
So I'll tell you over and over
No matter how much pain I'm in
That I'm fine
I promise
I'm fine
252 · Apr 2018
Sam Apr 2018
I remember the first time I met you
It was sunny and warm
The sky was blue
And I was happy for a reason I couldn't explain
I now realize I was happy because I had met you
And in my soul I knew
I had found someone who would make me happy for a long time
248 · Apr 2018
The simple things
Sam Apr 2018
I've always loved the simple things
Holding hands, kissing, cuddling
At first you weren't comfortable with those
You wouldn't let me hold your hand if there was anyone else
And I was worried
It had happened before
I started to think you didn't like me
But then you changed
Like when winter suddenly becoming spring
You came out of your shell and showed me who you really are
It was like a switch went off and you wanted to show me you actually cared
I was skeptical at first
But after the nights where I had cried until I fell asleep with you on the phone
And the days we spent cuddling and just being with each other
I began to believe you when you told me you loved me
And it's all because of the simple things
I love the simple things
244 · Apr 2018
Loving again
Sam Apr 2018
You made love an option
When I no longer believed it was
180 · Dec 2018
One Year Later
Sam Dec 2018
It's been over a year now that we've been dating
The best year of my life
The first few months were difficult
But we've grown together
Grown into a couple who still argues and disagrees
Has bad days and days where we don't want to be alive
But we make it through together
And I wouldn't want it any other way
I'm happy it's been a year
And I hope for many more years to come
142 · Dec 2019
Catching Feelings
Sam Dec 2019
I haven't even known you that long and now you're all I think about
We met by chance and ever since my life has been a rollercoaster of feelings
It's not like I like you or anything
I just know that I'm starting to feel something for you and that scares me
We're friends and I don't want things to be weird because I really like being friends with you
But seeing you ignites something inside me
A fire I haven't felt in a long time

You make me want to be a better person, and a better musician
You push me to be the best version of myself

Even though you have him and he makes you happy
I know I could make you happy too
Sometime I think you know that
That I could make you feel things you never even imagined feeling

I know you see how I look at you and I see how you look at me
I just don't know what it means

I feel so dumb because you're younger and you like him
So what am I doing catching feelings for you when I know you'll never be mine
And maybe this is just me trying to feel something for someone
But I'm not really like that

There are a lot of things I like about you
You never let me bring myself down
You're there for me even when you don't have to be
You always cheer me on, no matter what I'm doing
I like how passionate you are
And how you get flustered when you say something embarassing
I like how you worry about me
And that's not even a fraction of what I like about you

I also like your eyes
They're such a nice shade of brown
I have always liked brown eyes and yours are especially wonderful
Looking into someone's eyes has always been one of my favourite things to do
And when you look at me and I see into your eyes
I see your whole life and I learn more about you than I could learn from hearing you talk for hours
I see your pain, and your hurt
But I also see your joy and your spark
I see the fire in your soul and I feel everything you feel

I also find your voice captivating
I could hear your voice from a mile away and recongnice it instantly
It's so real and innocent
It makes me forget all my problems, even for just a moment

I know you don't understand why you make me feel safe
It's because of your eyes and your voice
It's because I trust you
Because you make me feel warm
Like I'm curled up by a fire with hot chocolate

You got very embarrassed when you fell asleep after I called you
But I thought it was adorable
You looked so calm, like nothing could disturb you
So I let you sleep but I didn't end the call because I didn't want to be alone and even if you weren't awake
You made me feel happy and safe

I care about you
I know we're just friends and that's okay
I just want to be a part of your life
But I want you to know I'll always be here for you and that I care so deeply about you
I know you'll never see this but I hope one day you realize that I could make you happy, keep you safe, help you on your darkest day, and do everything I can to make sure you never forget how amazing you are
131 · Dec 2019
Thank You
Sam Dec 2019
I know we didn't end on the best terms
But I'm thankful for everything we has together
Thank you for loving me for 2 years
I hope you find someone who makes you truly happy
And I hope you grow and learn to love yourself
I know you will do great things
And you should know I'm always here for you if you need me
Thank you for everything we had and all the memories we made that I will look back on in 50 years and remember with a smile
Thank you

— The End —