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The moon watched her every night.
She looked up and searched with her eyes.
He  was sure she was looking at him.
Even could hear her talking .
Talking in such a sweet voice
Told him she was lonely
if he had seen her love
That’s when he knew
He was falling in love
Falling in love with  big sad eyes.
Shy moon
hid behind the clouds.

Shell ✨🐚
The magic of the moon
amid the dross treasures
can be
whereby they are repurposed
Β Β 
just think of those many
items you've tossed in the
not giving a thought as
to how they could

gems are discovered neath
the piles of
and collectors bring them
back to life with a
A poem written in response to BTW's challenge.
Beautiful old book
Let me caress your cover
Journey to the mind

itellectual property
is a valuable commodity

which is why
kind of property
so they can
enrich themselves

they who create it
must ensure
they've got a legal
which shows that it  
is an original
to be pirated
Let there be so much light inside of you that you can walk the darkest of paths.

Shell ✨🐚
 Apr 2021 Safana
Norman Crane
 Apr 2021 Safana
Norman Crane
I saw us again in Galway,
And again it felt as if you weren't dead,
You were young,
And I was younger than today,
You had your journalist's notebook and pen,
And so many things to say,
You looked ahead,
I melted away,
Past the crowd of gathering wolves,
Through the cinnamon rain,
To the narrow road winding through the hills,
Like a fleeing possum's tail,
Never still,
A pulsing membrane,
A hospital bed,
A naked, dying flame,
The road you chose to take,
Red with sweet precipitation and pain,
I still remember when you told me you were ill,
I want to die, you said,
What I wouldn't give to know once more your head,
Where your thoughts used to play,
The way your body swayed,
When you saw life's ugliness but refused to look away,
For your spirit I yen,
Faintly remembered by the markings of your pen,
In notebooks in an attic,
Living words floating above dead eyes,
Shrouded by the spice of time,
I desire to wipe it away,
But I'm so terrified of what I might find,
In dreams, I still see your face,
What if in wakefulness, I find an emptiness in its place
 Apr 2021 Safana
 Apr 2021 Safana
Because of wound, I learned to be strong...
Because of wound, I learned to be able to forgive...
Because of wound, I learned to love pain and imperfection...
Every pain gives a lesson...
And every lesson change a person...
Whatever comes, let it come...
What stays, let it stay...
What goes, let it go....
The world in all her beauty
Still humans forget their duty
To look after this precious earth.
Respect and cherish
What He created with so much worth..
So devine and heavenly
Treat our earth with dignity
To save our  human race!

Shell ✨🐚
Today is earth day!! Let’s treasure the treasures of our worthy earth!!
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