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Shanijua Feb 2015
The clock strikes eight o'clock and the realization sets in. The birds have stopped their singing, the sun has ceased it's shining, and the wind is not blowing.
There is nothing but my thoughts and I. The world is still, not a cloud in sight. I am a prisoner taken by night.
Succeeding in forcing my thoughts out of my mind in the day, they hit me like  a ton of bricks.
I am a prisoner.  They lock me in my room when all I want to do is sit and watch the stars. They force me to give into the shadows, to sit by myself and think.
I am not allowed to write, for my hands are tied behind my back and they have broken my pencils in to. Forever do I long to be freed, to be who I am, a free spirit. I do not wish to be captivated by normalcy any longer.
They feel it in their fingertips and in their toes.
I was meant for so much more.
My heart yearns to be free, to feel what it wants without critisim.
My thoughts ache to be written.
Shanijua Feb 2015
I have found a new love, and there they
sit in the darkest hour of skies. They never stop
twinkling in their place in the atmosphere.
They are a promise after a long day
that I will know beauty again when I get home.
They make me smile for I have never known a
thing more pleasant than a star.
Maybe that is why I will never be satisfied with life.
There is no future I could ever want when
here, right now, there are my stars in the sky.
Shanijua Jan 2015
You used to be good,
yet now poison filled lies
escape from your tongue.
Their bitter edge has left open cuts and
scars imprinted on your lips.
Forever will you be immortalized
in the scratches gave to me upon my back and
the hell fire you breathed upon my
Isn't it a shame, dear, You let me
die in hell while I thought you
were my own personal heaven?
  Jan 2015 Shanijua
Haley Elizabeth
My throat is closing
My eyes are blurring
My mind is racing
My hands are shaking
My chest is burning
My stomachs dropping
My mascaras smearing
My heart is breaking
My soul is dying
Though I keep screaming
And I keep crying
they never notice
Shanijua Jan 2015
I am not a daisy yet your words cut me down.
Neither am I a rusty bucket, yet my eyes pour out.
My throat is pained with the words that refuse to come through, can't you see?
I am broken, and here I cry out in need of help.
Help me, I lied, I am not okay. I am not fine.
Life is a daily struggle, a horrible one of mine.
I need someone, it used to be you, don't you remember?
Now I have no one. No one indeed.
My hands have not ceased their shaking, my heart, quickly palpitating.
What is this called? This place I am alone in? Hell? Purgatory?
My soul is damaged, please leave me be.
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