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  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Hey guys

I have found several Daily Poems from this site being shared externally with no acknowledgement to the rightful owner :(

Head over here....

and if you find your original work there then I highly encourage you ask this person to either a) link the poem back to your original or b) remove them from his site. He claims to be a poet and is misleading people by not putting original names/original links to the works he is posting!

Go through them carefully as the titles of the poems have been changed.

Please share this because I have read at least 3 poems from this site from 3 different people over there with no acknowledgement to the original author!

Update ~ Sept 6th 2014 ~ You are NOT going to believe this. I found Shane Linville on Facebook and you will never guess who is one of his favourites! Chris G Vaillancourt! That's right, the very same well known plagiarist from days gone by at HP. He was such an insidious piece of work

*******! Not the way I'd like to see my name next to a Daily Poem but getting the awareness out there is a nice thing too :)
Update... To those listed below with stolen poetry who can't access the link to the blog because its been made private you can still contact word press to advise them and they can check the blog to make sure it's been removed. His name is Shane Linville! I'm just sorry I didn't have time to go through everything he had posted :(
The link above contains the following stolen poetry (that I know so far)
Indifference by Purple Orchid is posted as Her Soul
The Bells of Civilizations Ring by Sjr1000 is posted as World of Disease
Morning Light by Silas is posted as Morning Light (no name change but no link to the original)
I am Stone by imadeitallup (no name change but no link to the original)
A Fool for You by MYstro mAdden posted as Your Love
These a just a few... If you know any of the above poets... please share with them
Shanijua Sep 2014
I am so happy. Don't you her me as I "laugh out loud?"
I have a headache from smiling all day.
I love people so much, look at them as they pick up and throw my things.
They are super adorable. I just adore you.
I am so happy.
I am.
I am so..
  Sep 2014 Shanijua
Yesterday a question got me thinking
I never got an answer, I'm hoping I will by the end of this poem

" How do you explain color to a blind man "
How do you explain how red and blue makes purple?
How do you explain how red and yellow makes orange?
How do you explain that the sky is of different shades of turquoise, blue, purple, red, depending on it's mood?
How do you explain the clarity of the clouds on a hot day?
How do you explain the greyness on the clouds, on a gloomy Sunday?
How do you explain the transparent color of the raindrops?
How do you explain the glossy finish on the sea water?
How do you explain the greenness of a forest?
Or the deep red blood that flows in your veins?
How do you do it, to a person who sees nothing, but black;
In a world so cruel?

" How do you explain sound to a deaf man"
How will I explain the beauty of a piano piece?
How will I explain the serenity of the da capo in a violin piece?
How will I explain the stress releasing qualities of drums being slammed?
How will I explain the tears of a newborn baby?
How will I explain the laughter of a newly married woman?
How will I explain the swish of the droplets colliding like bullets on the surface of a waterfall?
How will I explain the glass-like water cascading down the lake?
How will I explain all this, to a man;
Who lives in utter silence.

Maybe that is why I read,
*Do not mock a pain you have not endured.
I still never got the answer.
Shanijua Aug 2014
I am not the pristine thing you have made me out to be.
I have sinned, do you disown me?
I am full of lust. Still I remain untouched, that does not mean I want to be.
I have seen things you wouldn't want me to. The human body does not remain a mystery to me.
Yet I can write of love and the making of it as if I am not in fact a
Shanijua Aug 2014
Music is peaceful, a combination of beats and melodies, yet I can not live without it. I am sorry that it consumes my life, for these bands are the only thing I have. I apologize for the lyrics and hums that escape my tongue every second of the day. Please forgive me, music is like alcohol and I am the alcoholic. I know how to recite hundreds of songs, but I can not remember how to keep our friendship. Do not be mad at me; Tyler and Joshua have helped me so much. Their music gave me this smile that lays on my lips, not you.
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