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I’ve only ever written words of heartbreak and heartache when it comes to us
The never ending tale of unrequited love
That finally found its end in your warm embrace and gentle kiss

My lonely nights are occupied
I no longer wish for dreams cause reality is so much better

I hope that one day this gets a happy ending
But you left before I’d finished writing
Hunched up in silent tears
Reliving each day I had with you
Before you changed your mind
Six months ago I started a journey
One to win you over
Twice you called me by my size
Left me crying, made me feel worthless

Six months ago I started a journey
One to help you fall in love with me
My body has evaporated to half it’s size
Do you see me now, I done this for you

Six months ago I started a journey
One to capture your heart
I’m still traveling to reach my goal
Your eyes glinting, you’re falling for me now

Six months ago I started a journey
One for there to be an us
Don’t wait for me at the finish line
You didn’t see me as a person then
I’m too good for you now
I know we've never been "together."
I know you said to move on.
I tried to be fine with wading this weather,
But the love in my heart still tells me it's wrong.

Now, I'm not saying I'm resentful,
But you did treat me like I was special.
Lately has been so uneventful.
And I'm starting to think this isn't a game...

I get a little jealous when you look at other girls.
I know we're not together, but... You are my whole world.
I get a little jealous when you talk about them too.
It's because we're not together, but...
You told me that you liked me... You told me that you do.

Now, I'm not trying to be weird, but call me, I'd give you my time.
Actually, I'd give you everything, cuz I just want you to be mine.
When I got too lonely, I'd just stare at your photos--
Soundless replacements for you, who knows.

You said I'm obsessive—come on now, don't play.
You like it when I'm open, you preferred me this way.
You said we'd be great together, don't think I forgot.
I cherish every sweet thing you said, so my heart doesn't rot.

Now I've deleted all of your things, cuz I can't bear to see your face.
My prized possessions... I should've given you space.
Why wouldn't you make me yours, like you wanted to?
Now we're apart, now we'll both just be blue.
And now I regret this—now I really do.
True, I'm a little weird, but we're both crazy.
I know what you're afraid of; I know it isn't me.
I just miss you
I just want to scream at you
Why can’t you see me for all that I am
Why did you leave me in the spotlight alone
The anger turns to sadness
Rivers erode my cheeks
I saw you for the first time in months
I was fine until then
But you looked at me in the same way
As the first time we met
Those big brown eyes
That shy crooked smile
How could I not fall for you all over again
No words were spoken
The lump in my throat tightened its grip
My vocal chords silently gasped it’s final hum
My heart fell to the floor right in front of you
And you did not notice
My practiced smile the perfect disguise
But my eyes still give away the ending
I feel like I should be sadder,
But instead I feel pity
Not for me, but for you.
I immerse myself
In every pin pricked emotion you made me feel
I realise it’s not me that’s lost anything
It’s you who has lost
Forever goodbyes come at anytime
This isn’t one that I’ll be saddened by
When the person you loved the most is ripped away
How do you cope?
How do you get back to normal?
When they were the one you convinced yourself you were going to marry
How do you deal with your heart beating in your throat?
The daily battle to fight back tears that keep streaming
You wish for a genie and pray for a god
Anything to take you back to when things were good
When he was yours
You paint a face so no one knows your pain
A smile through gritted teeth
You hope time will heal quickly
You hope time will bring him back
You long for one last conversation
Even if it’s just to bring closure
My best friend I love you
I wish I never lost you
Loss friendships relationships heartache heartbreak love
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