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391 · Jul 2019
Aditya kumar Jul 2019
The roads have answers to everything
The stuffs which you explore
Or the one which you left behind
They know everything
You just need to remind

The speed have no limits
They are boundless
The faster you go
The sooner you reach
Follow the signs
Which have some meaning
You will remember
The way they teach

You will find many paths
Some will be rough
Some might be smooth
The fact is
They make you fool
By showing the easier way
Which makes u cool

If your way is clear
If they don't have any obstacles
If they are silkier
Then you are in the wrong way
But if it is full of fear
You are searching something new
Walking on the knife
Then you are in the right way
My dear

You need to fall
Before your rise
The harder you dive
The deeper you find

Searching for destination
Never ends
Nothing is permanent in this world
Smooth will be rough
Water will be ice
Wood will catch fire
Easy will be tough
You cant stop anything
Because you are nothing

You cant stop the sun to rise
You cant Change the flow of river
You cant hate a lover
But dear beloved
You can change the paths
Which you follow

The learning
Which belongs to them
Are now your own
The brakes which comes from them
Are now in your hands
Don't follow the roads
Discover them at your own
The roads have answers to everything....
320 · Jan 2020
Aditya kumar Jan 2020
Where are you going?
Can i ask you something?
How have you been?
Sorry i wasn't there
When you were trapped within
When you were suffering
From your darkest fear
Scribbling the past
Along with your tears.

Sorry i wasn't sure
About you and your pain
That your blood
Still suffer those tapered veins,
My touches has now turned into scars
I know you were born
And named as a star.

I deliberately imprinted my thoughts
Into your mind
So that one day
You could be mine
I waited,
Waited for a while
Waited for you
To come back into my life,
Still waiting
To heal your pain
Peace your brain
Trust me
I can make your again.
310 · Jul 2019
Aditya kumar Jul 2019
I feel alone
In the sea of emotions
I feel alone
Being surrounded by categories
Various Variations and varieties
In the world of worries
I feel alone

Traveling like a corpse
Without any objective
Diving deep
In the ocean of thoughts
To get a one
Which be held by me
Imprisoned by them
Still alone
No one to hold my hands
And pull me out
Of the sea
Which drown me down

I found a star
Sparkling in the dark
In her eyes
I found a scar
Scar of fear
Encounter of darkness
Making her eyes heaven
On earth
Emptied by the soul
But overflowed by love
Darked upto core
But dazzling the life of others
In the joy of giving birth to a smile
On the face of me

But still
I feel alone
299 · Jul 2019
Aditya kumar Jul 2019
I lost you
I lost your trust
Everything which was our
Which belonged to us
Yes! I lost you!!

The feeling of love
The passion of being loved
I lost it
Lost the ability of self affinity
Thoughts of future
Paths of life
And way to success
I lost it all

I knew
The fear of losing you
The unpleasant emotion
Which was never expected
But it has to come
And today is the day
The dooms day
Definitely its the part II

The envelope of love
Has its own limits
One day it will burst
It served as a cover to my suffering
It healed me
Yes love affect your inner strength
Sometimes it breaks you hard
And then
It itself helps you
To heal
To heal the wound
Which you never asked for
Ofcourse!! No-one did

Love is not painful
When I'm obsessed with you
It pains when I'm obsessed with me
In the corner of the emptiness
I'm mixing my past to my present
It prisoned me for years
Today my heart hurts
In remembrance of the love
Of you
Yes i lost

I, lost you!!

— The End —