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 Dec 2014 Richelle
Where could i go
If life gives me thousand foes
Like temper,jealous and selfishness.
Where could i go
If i couldn't move these foes
So, Let me go
And push them with a row
To bring back life into brightness.
 Dec 2014 Richelle
His Jacket
 Dec 2014 Richelle
He gave me his
and it smelled like
him and smoke
and I knew why
but I wore it anyway.

The day he
it was cold outside so
I wore his jacket
wiped my nose on the sleeves.

We got the call from the
psych ward
three days later and I couldn't
see him
hold him
so I buried my face in his jacket
even though it smelled like smoke
and I knew why.

I kept it
stuffed in the corner between
the wall and my bed
so on the nights when I
missed him too much to sleep
I could wrap myself in it
even though
it didn't smell like him anymore.

When he came back
a month later
and I saw him in
a crowded hallway
he looked at me and
when he noticed I was wearing
his jacket
and he
hugged me
so it smelled like him again.

I still
wear his jacket
when I can't sleep at night.
Me and you, we fall like rain
              We spin, we crash, and we cascade.
You and I, we burn like flames
              We dance, entwine, a masquerade.

Pulling each other deep within the most sacred spaces
              We invade.

With a single look, one secret touch
             right before our lips just brush.

You are mine and I am lost in the feeling of your fingertips
tracing up and down my spine.
 Oct 2014 Richelle
 Oct 2014 Richelle
tell me...

will tomorrow bring,
     all the things
i'm longing...
    stowed upon its elusive wings,
tirelessly beating
    and fighting
to show what's dangling
and hanging...
          ready for the picking...

such time so it could begin its need for unloading,
                                      and dropping,
its gleaming
on those who are deserving,
        in no way lacking
so they could be at the receiving
end of this pressurising,
                      of dwindling

carel­ess thoughts conceived only to
           my deranged ramblings...
incessant mutterings of a shattering

           bending backwards, almost breaking,
the chance of ever fully

hopin­g and praying
   for a sentence that's pending
dawn's approval...

   the rising
of the sun...
            ways for thriving
                  gates for soaring
                                                dreams, unlocking

the heightening
                     anxieties of grieving
                                                        ­ hearts.

constantly whispering
                               utterances, promising
good will, happiness
                              and titillating
                                                     ­ sanity.

we're thinking...
     the earth is spinning,
         the moon is setting,
     so the sun must be rising

             tell me,

                                *is it coming?
My heart
Has no love
You cant destroy what was never there

Your heart
Has love
You make me laugh
You make me sick
Love is nothing but a camouflage of what resembles ragging in

My smile was taken long ago
I am to dark to care
I thought I'd tell you
My heart is a mist of darkness
Just incase you didn't know

You'll always forget me
Even with a dark heart
Even with no love
I'll always beg
Beg for you to
forget me not

I cannot love you
For I have no love
So please pack your bags and leave
But don't let me know
I'll sip my alcohol and slit my throat
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