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This family is shattered
This house is broken
This body is scarred
This head is scattered
Everything built back up on broken promises
So much pain
I know how to make it all go away
It's easier that way
That's all it'll take
I promised though
If it wasn't for you I'd have no problem
But I can't let you see them
I know it would hurt you
I'm sorry
I will always be sorry
I'm sorry I'm such a mess
I'm sorry I'm so ****** in the head
I'm sorry this scares me
I'm sorry I can't just accept love
I can't help but think you deserve so much better
I'm giving you everything I have but it's not enough
 Oct 2014 Richelle
I thought we were done.
You had become a stranger, a figment of my imagination.
But now you're back and you're weakening me.
I can't even find the strength to smile.
My girlfriend asks me to talk, but I can't without bursting into tears.
And for what?
I'm worn from the strain of pretending to be alright.
Step back.
Go bother someone else (but I'd rather you didn't).
Leave me alone.

With disdain,
You greeted me with your smile.
You greeted me with your kindness.

I started to really fall for you.

You blinded me with your love.
You blinded me with your care.

I started to really love you.

You pushed me on the bed.
You pushed me against the wall.

I started to really resent you.

You broke my arm once.
You broke my heart many times.

I started to really hurt inside.

You cut me with your words.
You cut me with your fist.

I don't want to bleed no more.
 Oct 2014 Richelle
Lone Wolf
 Oct 2014 Richelle
Lone Wolf
Music is poetry
Made to be listened to
Sounds in a lovely pattern
Flowing together to calm my nerves
A soothing rush of happiness
Or calmness,
Any emotion, I can pick a song
I can feel that emotion while it's on
And dearest, it's the best feeling in the world
To be lost in sweet melody
How I crave that hasty retreat
A moment away from harsh reality
Some time spent away from it all
Out of my mind, but in a good way
But in this matter I have no say
I have no music for the day
My ears won't have that coveted sound
Dearest, how I wish we could run away
My spotify payment is due, but I have no internet access to pay it because mom took internet away so I have no music. None. Not for three days and it's driving my insane. I've started singing in my head.
I kinda want to strangle her. Taking my music is an unacceptable ***** move.
 Oct 2014 Richelle
A piece of you
Reflecting back
The bitter words in your mouth
Too raw to speak
A poet is
Someone in pain
And someone in love
Someone who looks at the world
Through a kaleidoscope
Who takes a magnifying glass to each
And every
Word you say
And lets them imprint on their heart
A poet is
A star gazer
A dreamer
A chaser of
The improbable
But hopes anyway
A poet is
Tissue paper skin
A heart of glass
And a soul of titanium

A poet is
A sharp tongue
And a gentle kiss
She is a sob
He is a sigh
A poet is
The sun at midnight
Bright and
But cloaked in a darkness
They cannot shake
The brightest day
And the darkest night
A poet is
The human experience
A paradox
An oxymoron
So complicatedly

A poet is
A lover
Who refuses
To stop wearing their heart on their sleeve
No matter how much it bleeds
But rolls them up
So you can’t see
The blood stains

A poet
Is Poetry
Sixteen years old.
And still feeling like a child.
Will I ever grow up?
So I just turned 16 last week and I still feel 6 XD
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