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Im so glad
The troubles
Don't last
So, so glad
Troubles don't
Last forever
If it's
An offering
You know
I'll bring it
Cause you so worthy
So, so worthy
Of all praise
My life for you
I'm gonna live it
Every ounce I get.
Somebody has to be
the last goodbye,
the last goodbye kiss.
The last time someone leaves,
the last time someone never comes back.

Someone has to be the one
that turns and walks away,
maybe looking back
that final time, before
looking forever away

Someone has to be
the last taillights disappearing
into the night

Someone has to be that last, last one,
before that finally forever last one
kisses you forever.
The lump in the throat,
Face scrunching,
Narrowing the face,
Of pain
Of love and loss
Giving Grace a chance to roll down unimpeded.
Many say, "It is just words and rhymes"
Words that don't speak
Words with no meaning

Truth is, the words do speak
but only with your inner-self
That's the reason poetry is healing
Connect with your inner voice once more so it could get you the good news from poetry
 Sep 2 PuellaGratiae
Journal entries,
and random thoughts,
mindless sketches,
ones and noughts

I drag my pen
across the page,
a display of mind
that shall never age.
i opened my window
and the wind blew in
turning over a page
telling me
that it was time
to start a new chapter
Poetry is a verbal engagement, that tells a story in a rhythmic arrangement.

Poetry is a form of linguistical art,
that evokes your sentiments,
right from the start.

The beauty of a poem lies in its meanings,
and the true emotions that the poet is feeling.

Some poems when read may sound to you dull,
but to many others,
they do ring a bell.

Our tastes may differ,
from one to another,
but a good solid poem,
can bring us together.

For every poet has a different style,
the clever one,
will stand out from a mile.
What made
us so beautiful
Is that we
were never
likely to happen,
And here we are;
to be oblivious
To the obvious
love waves
Bouncing back
and forth
our hearts
This thing
Is a never
ending start...
Where the moments
we are meant to share,
Are carelessly
forced apart.
Seems like forever ago
A dream adherent to the past

Though, not completely out of mind

Anxiety has drowned out the white noise, made everything go too fast.
What was a vast array of the world, only remains a sliver

To attempt a dance with that dream could not be so
Yet the urge to take its hand never fails,

Never ceases to make my courage seem pitiful, my self righteousness thinner.
And so it remains

A dream adherent to the past
Seems like forever ago..
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