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I want to whisk you away
Hold her hand like it's the only thing anchoring you to this planet
Let her wear your jacket (she likes the way it smells)
Tell her she's beautiful
Not hot.
Not ****.
Lot's of girls love themselves from the shoulders on down
Don't make the same mistake
Serenade her with corny declarations of love
I wish I lived in your socks, so I could be with you every step of the way
When life gets hard for her
Do you have a band-aid? Because I think I scraped my knee falling in love with you
When believing you love her gets hard for her
You should be a baker, because your buns are perfect
When looking in the mirror gets hard for her
Let's play Titanic: You be the iceberg, and I'll go down
When you get hard for her
Kiss her on the forehead (but only if you're tall enough to do so easily)
Worship her personality in front of friends
Worship her mind in front of parents
Worship her body in private
Worship her body in public when no one's looking
Never let her go to bed without hearing *I love you

Tie her shoe for her
Wrap your arms around her when she cries
Don't be her Prince Charming
Don't be her Knight in Shining Armor
Be her best-friend, boyfriend, and bed-buddy
Don't be a baby: let her take pictures of you
Remember- every touch makes her heart race
Make her heart race
**Then whisk her away
He was the most
He was my best-friend
My boyfriend
My brother
My lover
My home
He was...
Lost in himself
Stuck in himself
Incarcerated in the darkest pits of addiction
He was always trying to be someone that he wasn't
He was the rose that sprung from the concrete of his fractured heart
He was the torn-up, worn-out, too-small, wrinkled-up, mystery-stained t-shirt that you never wanted to give up because it held too many memories.
I guess that that's what it was
He held too many memories
Too many memories
Too many memories
And that's all that's left now
Too many memories
'                                              You Can always tell
                                            When His heart is going astray.
                                        You'll losE his compassion when he talks.
                                 You'll notice A hint of guilt in his walk.
                                        The time Together will feel hallow.
                       Your gut will start Eting away at your thoughts.
                       Maybe it's just youR self consciousness showing through.
It's hard to believe that when he Stops replying "I love you".
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