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 Dec 2020 a name
But the boy told the girl,
“I will always protect you.”
And, for the first time,
She believed him.

The boy told the girl,
“You are special.”
And, for the first time,
She believed him.

The boy told the girl,
“Your soul is made of pure gold.”
And, for the first time,
She believed him.

The boy told the girl,
“I love you.”
And, for the first time,
She believed him.
 Dec 2020 a name
Anais Vionet
This is an age old story
it could be a country song.
Some may find it enchanting
while others say it’s wrong.

I like home automation
and the feeling of control
the response to simple voice
commands seems to satisfy my soul.

I got into it slowly
but it soon got out of hand
when on a cold black-Friday
I bought an automated man.

His physique wasn’t all that defined
and I wouldn’t have called him handsome
but soon I was trolling the aftermarket
for jail-broken enhancements.

He can’t take his eyes off me,
his omelettes are the best,
and when he puts his arms around me
- he never needs to rest.

My mom appreciates him,
his work ethic has her impressed.
She has no idea how handy he is
as he helps me get undressed.

My friends say, “Wow, you look HAPPY!”
I feel I’m blooming like a flower.
I anxiously wait for him to fully charge
and we have unscheduled hours.
this is a fantasy piece - no one’s selling "automated men" on Amazon - I checked
 Dec 2020 a name
Anais Vionet
They say they run in packs
with the mighty unicorn.
The stories bridge the boundary
between faith and Internet ****.

Oh, the elusive boyfriend.

I thought I’d hidden one in the closet,
but I rummaged top to bottom
then remembered - argh! -
I lost him last August!
Not only are boyfriends hard to find - in a pandemic - but what are you going to with one anyway??
 Dec 2020 a name
Anais Vionet
The earth is twirling,
oh, God, make it stop.
If it keeps on spinning,
I think I’ll throw up.

The way Earth orbits the sun,
it's dangerous and thoughtless.
Can we just knock it off?
It's making me nauseous.
oh, sure, like science can explain EVERYTHING
 Dec 2020 a name
Unpolished Ink
 Dec 2020 a name
Unpolished Ink
Dry ink in my head

I have no pen to write what must remain unsaid

caged words between my ears

imprisoned by frustrated tears of rage

that grow to fill a vast and empty page
 Dec 2020 a name
 Dec 2020 a name
i miss the echo,
of your voice,
calling my name,
filling my empty heart,
with a love i never had.
 Dec 2020 a name
Adria Solette
Fingers lock like
lips on weddings
white virginal dress
the last pretense of purity
before being someone

She is untamable and I think
she laughs more than she can
bear, air in her ribcage
squeezing a heart that sighs
with happiness

Remember this moment
because it will be one of the few
where you can almost
be in control,
to have her tangible
and not dancing off
into twilight,
leaving you alone

She is like the tides
you know when and where
she will return
but it is the absence that makes
you wish for a moment
that the moon would hide
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