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 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
Anais Vionet
Memories can become blurry, over time,
like underdeveloped photographs,
or incomplete, like sunlight through blinds.

Our lives move ever forward,
like the inflexible patterns of stars.

Once fevered and immediate events
recede, with frightening, doppler effect,
as remembered yesterdays,
become forgotten yesterdays.

New Haven was abuzz. The hotels were booked and moving trucks had taken every free parking space for miles. Last Sunday was freshmen move-in day and 1,554 freshmen moved into their Yale residences. It’s one of our favorite days of the year. The hubbub of freshmen moving, lunching, shopping and later, seeing off their departing parents, created a delicious emotional chaos that we watched unfold, like a Greek chorus.

The movie ‘Love Actually’ begins and ends with montages of people greeting friends, family and loved ones at Heathrow airport - it’s emotional and heartwarming. Move-in days are a lot like that - with their gordian knots of beginnings and endings. My parents were nervous and emotional on my freshman move-in day - as was I - but we all tried, desperately, not to show it.

Welcome to New Haven freshmen, everything’s beautiful, but you’ll get too busy to enjoy it much.

We upperclassmen move in tomorrow.
Ukraine is doughty little David
Russia is Goliath
His slingshot is a flying drone
And he needs bigger pebbles.

Poland offered flying rocks
Big enough to knock things down
And even up the playing field
With boulders of destruction.

David needed just one stone
Zellenskyy may need several
It’s hoped that when Goliath falls
He misses the red button.
Step by step...slowly we turn...
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
Satsih Verma
Unmasking to remain
human. Listen, listen to my bane.
I am neither living, nor dead.

I am left with what I am not.
after you walked away with Agni.
My footfalls resound in water.

I am taking care of
lovebirds. They miss you when calls
don't come and food runs short.
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
Zara rain
If content is king,
clarity is queen.
Are you brave enough
to rule the world?
Passions in the corporate corridors
 Aug 2023 Pagan Paul
Zara rain
He is mad.
Ridiculous and so unlovable.
A posing knight
who can no longer
show brilliance of sincere feathers.
The empty drums he plays
rattle hollow and out of cue.
What do you do
with lost boys?
Youth corrupted
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