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 Apr 2018 NewFoundPoet
Falling, the water envelopes me,
I am in the middle of all,
silence, darkness,
life, death,
warm, cold,
waves crashing against,
eroding, washing away,
slowly but surely.
the tides, like marionettes of the moon
endlessly flowing,
rising up to fill,
draining away to empty.
Waves like an army,
conquering all,
I am standing on a beach
watching the waves
to never cease
the windswept caves
the hole-ridden rocks,
created by destruction
calm, chaos,
there is no difference but,
the Sea
#calm #chaos #balance
When goodnight
No longer means goodbye
And I can sleep
Inside your arms

When the world
No longer tries to keep us apart
And we are
Safe from harm

When our tears
No longer fall like the rain
And the sun smiles
Down from her dome

When we live
No longer separately in life
That is when
I will be home
 Apr 2018 NewFoundPoet
Walking on the badlands
secluded darkest part if this planet
My heart melts, as I relay this dreaded tale

She crawls with a dwindling hope
Her worn out feet couldn't carry her any longer
HELP ME, she says
With a fainting voice, low parched and raspy  
that's dying from existence.
but the society dares not to blink
From the mare that stares with great fright

She drags her feeble legs
Holding on to chair next to her
While attempting to stand up
Trading her life for mercy
RESPECT ME, she yells
Am I not a human being
for without my womb
Would any if you exist.
A man paused
and paradoxically stared at her
with unquenched thought  of great irate
"what is this thing doing here?"
A glimpse of what women of today go through.

Hold back the tears
Hide your fears
Keep up that smile
its all going to be fine

Curl into a ball
Safe under the covers
Shield your ears
Close your eyes

The world is scary
The world is dark
But the world is also beautiful
No. Stop. Its an illusion

Don't trust anybody
They will surely leave

Fight for them
But they don't want me
let them go
But then I'm all alone

Surrounded by lies
These people play their games
Loose yourself in the moment
And for a second you can be happy

Take off that blindfold
And you see who's truly there
There's nobody around
Just you
within your own pit of despair

I'm lonely
They all pretend
Its all false, its all fake
Its true isint it?

You dwell in your self pity
You push people away
You dont show your true emotions
Then you still expect them to stay?

So in the end
Who else is fake?
Who else is playing pretend?
Cause surely you can see now
Your just like them
What kind of life is this?
 Apr 2018 NewFoundPoet
they are searching for recognition in the fear of the night.
“look into my eyes.
     do you see my desperation,
my need for hope and love?”
     they ask, grabbing at everything they can
to pull themselves back up onto something they can call stable.
     each level of their being is cracked,
breaking down slowly until only rubble and wishes are left.
     one by one,
their friends leave,
     their pieces of laughter trailing behind
like the wants that are so often forgotten by them
     until only the two are left, side by side.
their trust is so deep, so old
     that even the mountains cannot understand the foundations laying there.
they hold hands, looking into the night, fearless.
     “we will conquer this fear,
this loneliness,
     this anger,
and we will triumph in the end.
     We shall live a dauntless life,
an adventurous time.
     Together forever.”
Strong and beautiful.
Who am I?
 Apr 2018 NewFoundPoet
As though every day it is a ball,
you are the most exquisite,
your luscious curls shine
black in the moonlight,
your pure skin glowing,
your heart of gold.
Though you look this way,
I see you,
Your scared, dilated eyes,
your face, never to smile again,
your lips radiating lies,
spreading like air into space,
penetrating your heart.
The truth lies forgotten,
a paper in the wind.

Dropped only
by You
lies can blind even the lier from the truth.
She said she can't love me back,
She was already broken,
She said she likes me
But, her heart has already be taken.

Hearing this my heart crys a bit,
And a tear roals down my cheek,
My heart was ponding rapidly,
It felt like a Boulder in my chest.

I was thinking why would he do that,
Cause I have never seen a girl like that,
Such a beauty inside and outside,
Holding her hand is not less then pride.

Some part of me was happy to know this,
And some part of me didn't want to know this.
Somewhere I was thinking this shouldn't have happened to her,
And I was praying to god to give her what's best for her.
Her happiness is more important to me then my desire to be with her.
She says she can't love me, and it hurts.
I can never love someone beside her.
Cause there are many fishes in the pond but, she is a MERMAID
Will the sun ever
shine over my head,
Or the clouds will
always be there,
For, I am now tired
From everything
And now I hope
For nothing.
I lost my will
Somewhere in my
And I don't know
If I ever will found it again.
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