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Oct 2018 · 341
This, is, so, hard...
Nathan Chittum Oct 2018
My heart hurts... and I feel burned... I feel USED! AND ABUSED! AND TORN!

I'm not mad at you but at me. I just.... want.... to flee....

**** you don't like rhymes, I'll stop. Why could not I have been ready for you when you were ready for me... I'm sorry.

I cried when I saw your book of scraps and pictures today. Never have I ever, felt, so, loved. I guess I thought it was a game. Time to stand up cause I lost, never have I ever.

Because you weren't a game but a person, that's been used and abused yet somehow stayed true despite the blue....**** there I got again. I do it cause it's easy. Unlike you, I just...
wish we could anew.
I'm not sorry I still love you
I'm not sorry I still love her and I'm not sorry it still hurts this bad. The worse thing is I don't know if that was the best love I've ever had or the best love I will ever have. The only thing I'll actually be sorry for is if she she's this and is conflicted after I promised to be easy. I just wish I could scream this for the gravity in which it's in me.
Nathan Chittum Sep 2018
Oh this music so sweet,
if not for the angelic courses then to drown out the self inflicted pain,
singing away all but the voices in my head.
Those hindering reason but not thought.
Sep 2018 · 228
If perfect had a name
Nathan Chittum Sep 2018
If perfect had a face it would be beautiful.
With eyes that were scared to love but changed as quickly as the colors in them.
With lips that kissed as soft as the heart underneath them.
Holding a smile that stretched for years, inviting, and waiting for the right person to come along.
If perfect had a personality it would be endearing. Always giving more than it receives.
Always finding a new way to make me happy.
Taking life's **** and creating a master peice. If perfect had a name it would be....
I'm truly blessed to have the people in my life that I do. Time is a ***** and my heart breaks as I realise the importance of it.
Jun 2018 · 171
Fuck brain here we go again
Nathan Chittum Jun 2018
I know I’m overthinking this but what part excatally am I overthinking.
May 2018 · 344
30 seconds
Nathan Chittum May 2018
What if you had 30 seconds? 30 seconds to prove that love and hope exists. How about 10 seconds? Maybe even 1.... Cause for some, that’s all they have. They have your smile on the way out of the grocery store to their 45 Caliber handgun waiting for them at home. They have your kind words during another **** day where the best solution seems to be a Carbon monoxide filled garage. They have an apology moments before the unthinkable happens. Greater love has no man than to lay his life down for his friends but greater hate has no man than to deney the existence  of love.
Apr 2018 · 320
Love her more
Nathan Chittum Apr 2018
As she crys in agony, waiting for the smallest glimpse of light in room with no windows, I pray she knows that she is loved.
As the pain of the world is greater than anything imaginable, and the Beast comes in for his final blow, I see her use her last breath to bless those around her, and I just pray she knows that she is loved.
As the final note is played, the people rush home, and her heart is left waiting for an encore, more empty then the vast concert hall, I just pray she knows that she is loved.
I stand  on the other side of the door, of the room with no windows,  frantically trying to unlock it. To hear the cry breaks my heart because I love her so.
I turn to the screams in the woods, running with everything I have, "if only I can **** the Beast!", I say, because I love her so.
Out of the woods I run. I hope it's not too late to srike up the band. This concert will be perfect. Composed of the most Heavenly instruments and accompanied by the most Angelic of choirs. Nothing less will do, because I love her so.
Perfect people are worth the time.
Apr 2018 · 236
Life, or whatever this.
Nathan Chittum Apr 2018
If only I knew life was going to be this hard.  Just give us a class please! Teach me that I'll still jump at a slaming door, hiding from my dad under the covers at 22. Tell me that it takes more than 3 lemons to make lemonade. Teacher show me love is way more important than math most days, but some days you still have to love math. Maybe it's good life doesn't offer a crash course. The pressure you get an A would be to overwhelming. I'd crash, of course.
Apr 2018 · 309
My inability to see
Nathan Chittum Apr 2018
The sun has never been higher. Reflecting brightly off everything it touches, like a house made of mirrors and glass. Or at least that's what they say.
It's all about perspective I say. Your sun may be bright but mine is no brighter in the most moonless light ever in existence. If only I would get up and open the blinds.
First one worth anything I guess. I'm not to good at this but I respect of poetry very much. Lots of love for my wonderful girlfriend for helping me open the blinds in my life lately

— The End —