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Jan 2021 · 1.4k
The Terrible Captain
Shannon Jan 2021
I'll tell you a story, listen to me
About a man who sailed on the high seas
This man talked me onto his great big boat
I hoped on the waves and crashes it floats
Oh Won't you come on this trip with me please?
The captain told me, I thought about it

He agreed to pay me if I did it.
You don't know how happy you have made me!
I can have a good crewmate over these seas!
Now, do you know how to use this sail boat?
There is a round object that seems to float.
Oh, If you know how to sail, tell me please.

Captain didn't like how i couldn't sail a boat,
Well then, i wonder how well you can float.
'cause I am the captain you want to please.
So you better learn how to sail in it.
Or else you will have to entertain me.
By walking the plank into the vast sea.

The captain said to me one day, not pleased,
Have you learned the ropes, how to use it
It would be a great surprise to give me
I thought you'd be more useful on the sea
But now I see you're useless on a boat
Perhaps you're useful for a root beer float?

He ordered me to make a rootbeer float
And no he did not ask with a nice, "please"
More like "I'm the Captain, I command it.
Now bring me my root beer, bring it to me!
I need something to distract from the sea."
That was the words  the captain of the boat.

Turns out I am not cut out for the sea
I should never have gotten on that boat
Instead, i should've gone on a parade float.
But the man got me on by asking please!
Frankly, I'm getting sick and tired of it.
Says the tiny crewmate, that would be me!

In the end, we sailed the seas, all of it.
Just me, and the captain I had to please
I'm done with this boat, I'll see if he floats
This is my first time trying a Sestina, Tell me what you think!  on't hold back, I am an aspiring Poet.
Jan 2021 · 335
Why Does The Snow Fall?
Shannon Jan 2021
I look out tat the snow in awe,
How can it be both lovely and blah?
Why does the snow fall?
Why does it come at all?
If only to melt in the spring thaw.
Inspired by looking out the window.
Jan 2021 · 1.0k
A Prank Gone Wrong
Shannon Jan 2021
One very sunny day,
I went outside to play with friends,
Playing games with no ends,
We ran down roads with bends skipping,
Each one of us tripping,
Falling and a-slipping with joy,
Coming up with a ploy,
To catch that dreadful boy with glee,
Prank him like he did me,
"Lets tie him to a tree," Fran said,
"We'll leave him there in dread!"
How punishing for Fred, how bad,
That would not leave me glad!
"That would make me quite sad," I frowned,
"But we cannot back down!"
Then we all looked around for plans
"Lets tie his shoes to cans!"
"He'll make so much noise, and he'll blush"
Said Verutica Klush.
"We'll do that, we must rush to him,"
That plan is not to grim,
So we sent Mary Kim for shoes,
And Patrishia for glues,
Starting to work in crews as fair,
All got in on the dare,
To join cans he will wear to boots
Hearing many hollers and hoots,
At his door we placed boots with cans,
He wasn't fooled by our plans,
You just must understand one thing
And oh, the dumbness stings
We didn't hide the strings to the cans
Sorry, for not posting in a while, been quite busy, I'm trying out a new form, Luc Bat, tell me what you think! I wrote it for a class, so feedback is appreciated
Shannon Oct 2020
Four friends together for dinner,
Made speeches while the night grew thinner,
First was, “I’d like to make a toast,
To the man who needs friends the most.”

The second went with a smile,
And said, “Let’s scorn people so vile,
That decide to brag, tease and boast,
To the man who needs friends the most.”

The third stood, his face full of food,
And said, though his manners were crude,
“Let us dedicate this fine roast,
To the man who needs friends the most.”

“We’re all good people are we not?
Unless there’s something I’ve forgot,
Let’s announce ourselves,” said the host,
“To the man who needs friends the most.”
This is my favourite of all my non limericks I wrote, its an anti-bullying poem, but it can mean anything you like       who do you agree with?  put it in your comment
Shannon Oct 2020
They set up the guillotine,
Everyone gazed at the queen,
and before losing her head,
She looked up and said,

"How have I wronged you?
Why is my time due?
Killing is bad; It makes me sad,

Seeing this country, go down the drain,
It gives me pain,
You're better than this!"
Here's the twist,

That's all the executioner heard,
before the crowd stirred,
and took over the scene,
Climbing up, to free their queen.
Marie Antoinette Inspired, free verse, what do you think?  WC: 75
Oct 2020 · 250
If Irony Had a Name
Shannon Oct 2020
I came across an odd little town,
with odd names for odd people,
and I wanted to show you, so I wrote them down.

Destiny doesn't believe in fate,
Hazel hates green and brown,
Hope's always in a negative state.

Ocean's afraid of the water,
Ivy has no league,
Clay hates every potter.

Pepper hates every spice,
Magenta hates pink,
Candy isn't sweet or nice.

Chase is very slow,
Journey hates exploring,
Cash's money is low.

Charity is very selfish,
Marshall never follows the law,
Sincere's stories always embellish.

Faith doesn't trust no one,
Melody cant carry a tune,
Victor has never won.

Ginger never snaps,
Patience can hardly sit still,
Scout always falls into traps.

Honesty always lies,
Spring never jumps,
Hunter can't even hurt flies.

Justice isn't fair,
Teddy is afraid of bears,
Sky hates flying in the air.

Joy is always sad,
Robin could never steal,
Jubilee is always mad.

Lily hates all the flowers,
Violet hates purple,
Aqua never showers.

Mary doesn't want a wedding,
Winter hates the snow,
Misty hates a foggy setting.

Peace always starts the fights,
Sandy hates the beach
Sunny only comes out during nights.

Promise never keeps her word,
Star hates the night.
Raven hates every bird.

Reign hates royalty,
Scarlet hates red.
Trinity hates the number three.

So what is in a name,
if you can't act like it means,
are you really to blame.
If your name is up there, don't be offended, i just thought, how funny would it be if you were named something that is your exact opposite.
wc before edit 193
wc after edit 235
Oct 2020 · 908
The Monster in my Closet
Shannon Oct 2020
What’s that creak-crack in the house?
Was it a person or a mouse?
What’s that shadow on the floor?
That Monster through my closet door?

The fear of it I must contain.
It’s started to drive me insane.
I can’t take it anymore!
That monster through my closet door.

I can’t stay here home alone,
It starts to chill me to the bone,
It’s making me a total bore,
That monster through my closet door

The closet keeps making loud pings,
It keeps me from doing routine things,
I now keep clothes in a drawer,
That monster through my closet door!

— The End —