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My story ends of sparkle,
Hands, winding me in fable
The dark lines of her lashing eyes
Are burning rings, shear ice,
Covering the lost ponds of spring,
To see her in the ripening fields
Is to know the myriad colours
Of flowers, wild with loneliness,
She is always numbering the days,
Always on parade, hair, with out end,
Tresses trailing the wind.
 May 2014 Michael Amery
Those three words feel like a swarm of bees buzzing in my mouth and making it hard to think, I'm scared you can hear them stinging my lips and tongue,  I'm afraid to open my mouth and say those three words to you because I don't want you to get stung, so I will swallow them down and let them sting my insides  all the way to my bones where they can make a home inside my skin.
 May 2014 Michael Amery
It was tumble day,
Everyone derailed from the pathway,
Compassion crackdown
Candor breakdown,
Sharpen weapon dance around,
Blaze with blood swell and hound,
Everyone tight-lipped, morose and
buried in the ground!

Everyone break up,
Neighbor lash out on neighbor's face  
Slug of identity
build the way to kindness crackdown!
Here, instead of human
Only the crows are crawling around!
It is relay pathetic, when  one group of people killing others in the name safe guarding identity. Who's identity? What identity? When unable to understand their own identity as human!
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