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Destructive thoughts within our minds can keep us in despair...
Those doubts and insecurities are not worth the pain they bare.
It's sad to carry baggage that causes grief and shame...
And in time we come to realize we have ourselves to blame
When fear is strong and strength is dead
When mental anguish grows in you
When the battle is long, the struggle is rough
Never regret not giving enough
Because every time you try to excel whether you succeed or,
more likely, fail each attempt you make is a single push up not much by itself,
but they eventually add up You will survive if you don't quit
Victory is there, if you reach for it
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
What my reality is
Is not a dream come true
It's a flowing tide of incidents
With people true to who they believe they are supposed to be

What my reality is
Is a mess of circumstance
And an unrivaled openness
That oft scares those afraid of who they are

What my reality is
Is the nightmare that my truth
Leaves me lonely surrounded by those I love

What my reality is
No longer concerns you
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
Blood soaked hands in the land where I am forgotten
          -   The ugly amongst the fallen.
I am the coward amongst the monster.
      My plea for strength didn’t matter,
        for every challenge I get weaker.
More scared than I was, so I hide fast.

As I flee, never did I enjoy any glee.
Freedom is not free.
In this land I bleed with my creed.
Stupid me!
Yet I don’t mind, I am just one of the foolish kind.

*© Pax
being the ugly, being the lose end, sore loser... dark poetry.
                  and dripping,
      the shower
and stand,
             as i covet

beauty and magnificence.

ardent desire,
               raises goosebumps
   my skin,
             as lust
                    lights the fires.

         rake over me
                      and i am left

we come
         together, with    
              mouths full of greed,
lips of desire,
             skin so tender....

that the touch
              of fingertips,
                   scorches and sears.

but burn, we must
             and burn, we will.

as we ravenously, take our fill

                      ­              desire.

this is our .....
      love's funeral pyre.
                      from which
the phoenix,
        each day arises...
             ...more incandescant.
to await...
          with longing
               fervent and asmolder
the next match's
                   striking to love's
                           lusterous fire.
three word exercise:
covet, greed, lust.
a bedtime story*

In the distance stands a lighthouse
seeing all with cyclops eye
once a beacon, now a hollow,
dead in misted moonlit sky.

Proudly once she ruled the headland,
warning all of crag and shoal
trusted friend to salt scoured sea dogs,
smugglers caught within her glow.

Beauty lived as Keepers mistress
'till one day her love did bloom
walking clifftops with her lover
brought her ending, far too soon.

Bloodied, torn by cliff face ragged
screaming for the life she craved,
Beauty held her rounded belly
As fury deep hit waters grave.

Beauty stands alone in darkness
there above the tempest sea
bloated souls of those who perished
now her only company.

 When the moon is high above us
wrapped in rags and witching stare
Beauty stands atop the catwalk
weeds 'a winding through her hair.
My Grandad always told the best bedtime stories about his hometown, he used to love to scare us before bed then smile as he turned out the lights.
 Jul 2014 Michael Amery
I do not have a ****** heart..
It's been ****** with,
And torn apart..
My heart is a *******,
Getting payed with love-filled lies.
My ****** body isn't yet caught up.
I gave all that was inside of me,
Trying to protect what I was born with,
My cleanliness, my virginity,
My purity..
My ****** body is white, pure, clean.
But my heart is black, broken, dead..
Waiting to be revived.
So please, revive my heart..
But don't take my body..
. *** .
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