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 Oct 2015 Haruhi
Tamera Pierce
I'm sorry that your young life
was interrupted by mine
"just a kid"
3 words to break my heart

but as you grew older
and your excuse became invalid
I was still insignificant
forgetting me
like a French fry at the bottom of the bag

for years
I tired to call out for you,
to reach you,
I became soggy,
when all I wanted was for you to need me

as time continued on
you ignored me still
my love and need grew cold
your lies got old
and I quit missing my father
the one that I never got to know

All I wanted
was to end my pain's appetite
the be wanted
but it's not all your fault
stranger too
forgetting me
just as you do
but maybe
if you would have loved me
held me
before I became so bitter
if you hadn't forgotten me
like that one, tiny French fry
in the bottom of the bag
just maybe
I could have been the very best French fry that
you've ever had.
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
Nancy Delgado
waiting is my morning cup of coffee and ink is splattered on my bedsheets yet,
there aren't many enough words to explain waiting

a feeling of wanting to tear your own skin to a meditation of glancing towards the stars above.
the in-betweens are mere sites of canvases that, for the most part,
have been created by man's foolishness dressed as a genius luxury yet i try not to give them a second thought for their fancies flee and my contentment tells of an Eternal.

push me in if You have too- may i fall into the river of unending mercy at once-
but may it be You who brings me, may it always be You who sickens me with love and yet, refreshes me with warmth.
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
Hunter Gage
She Doesn't know how I feel about her,
Her smile, her laugh, her eyes
it all blows me away
When I look at her,
it leaves me in awe on how one human being,
can be so mesmerizing
taking me and engulfing me
into a moment of beauty and wonder

She Doesn't know I sneek peeks at her
just to see her bright smile,
She Doesn’t know I adore her
from the way she crinkles her nose
to the way she laughs at stupid little things
She Doesn't know I thank god for her presence every day
because every little thing she does brightens up my day
She Doesn't know she's part of the reason I enjoy life so much
She Doesn't know I think about her when i'm alone and gloomy
She Doesn’t know the reason behind my smile,
when I look at her
She Doesn't know I constantly sit and think
aspiring to find
someone as amazing as her to call my own
She Doesn’t know how i feel about her,

…….simply because I can't find a way to tell her
hes good at what he does
bad news covered in attraction
hes a magnet with a strong force
steer clear or he'll swallow you whole
no matter how smart you believe yourself to be
he is so invested in erasing all you've learned from your past mistakes
and he knows exactly how to grab ahold of you and turn the tables
leaving you with confusion and self blame,
and an image of him you'll never want to fade
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
Kate MacDonald
I'd rather chase a dream and fall than let my dreams watch me fall
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
I will remember how you kissed me*
is just a line from a song that I've
been listening to for hours wondering
if you've been listening too I wish you
wouldn't have made me miss you like
this- it's not normal for me to want to
be wanted and looked at like I matter
to someone..
 Oct 2015 Haruhi
Day Artist
The leaves so colorful fall
Like my sunken hope
After the dead of winter
The blooms bring a renewed soul
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