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I can't help but wonder
if I will always belong to my emotions.

How long will I be
a prisoner of my depression?
and at the mercy of my anxiety?
How many days will my thoughts
scream behind clenched teeth
and ring deep in my ears?

When will freedom come?
Will I ever know peace?

This war raging within my skull
seems to be killing me.
 Sep 2015 Micheal T Gregory
Your kiss,
That I always miss.
Your taste,
That I cannot waste.

A Place ...
To where we first kissed.
Oh love! How I missed,
Your sweet strawberry taste.
the spiral takes place
in your heart
in your soul
and on your face

it'll knock you down
spit you out
twist your mind
and linger about

the spiral, what pain
the journey, the spaces
all these empty places
they leave you insane

unexpected interests
(un)desired love
unrelenting emotions
used to feeling numb

the affect is collateral
the hurting are told
handing out pieces
not meant to be sold

the spiral takes place
in your soul
and on the faces of the people
who see the pain you hold.

© Melissa Carlson 2015
We conquer foul play caused by past discrepancies
Somewhere along the chart, hearts sink into the sand
Scars caused by burned skin never change their shape
Even when nursed back to health, they still hold the same print.
The pleasure that you speak of is too far in the distance,
All moves are read with a cautious eye
Feelings cannot be talked off the overhanging ledge
The fire of pain cannot be put out inside.

Roads do not just lay out paths before us,
They form partings of what was once a unified land.
Promised deliveries are only distractions
So the forbidden can again be secretly admired.
Why does the bond have to be evolved?
Why does it have to mean coexist as the separate?
We all live lives so solitary and curious
Where there is always a bit left on the side.

Hopeless and heartless is what we are left with
The more we go on the less we can hold onto in pride.
Call the delivery man for food, love and friendship
When we are done we tell him to go on and drive.
All feels like an existence in a video game
Where all the lights are made to be blinding
Same pages may exist but
How they are read is never beloved again.
I was walking down the sidewalks one day
with a euphoric smile on my face.
I look up
I look down
I look left and right.


And I wondered-
Where are all the people who
reached to the stars
letting their minds loose to
the far ends of the galaxies

Where are all the people who
sang with their hearts
letting their body dance to
the songs of their inner-self

Where are all the people who
sailed the seas of life
conquering storm after storm to
get to the land of hope


Because all I see ---

Are people who
have their heads hung low
with their hands reaching
towards the ground

all I see

are people who have lost
the muchness in their eyes
their eyes open,
but not seeing.

Here they are.

not looking
not reaching
not dancing
not sailing

Not Living!

These people
Walking on the sidewalks
With their pace picking up speed

faster and faster
as if they were running.

I say,
Slow down!

Stop not seeing
Life for what it is!
full of wonders and wanderers!

Stop not looking
For hope, and for joy!
Because if we keep looking
Only then would we discover.

Stop not reaching
For greater heights!
Because there are still more stars
to hold.

Stop not dancing
for if you listen closely
you would hear the sounds of life
making music for what it is.

Stop not sailing
Because across the vast ocean of life
There maybe storms, and tsunamis
but at the end might we find the land of treasures

Stop not Living!
because there is nothing more unfortunate
than to see a man who lives life in death.
Wrote this awhile back for my fellow commuters. There is more to this than I was able to write, but I hope (Whoever is reading this) this poem will give you guys a different kind of perspective.

— The End —