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Sep 2019 · 311
Tai Roberts Sep 2019
Life is just a series of colours,
Dripping off the ends of rainbows,
Into pools of darkened water.
Sep 2019 · 1.1k
A Graveyard of Stars
Tai Roberts Sep 2019
The night sky,
Is simply just,
A graveyard of stars.

Corpses of light,
That live on eternally,
Even after their death.

A universe away,
They call out,
Into a hopeless infinity.

Because there is no one left,
To hear their,
Silent and desolate screams.
Sep 2019 · 355
Live by the Stars
Tai Roberts Sep 2019
Some of us live by the stars,
Obsessed with an unknown infinity.
For whatever judgement is set on Earth,
Is dispelled into the night.
Sep 2019 · 583
We Are Like Stars
Tai Roberts Sep 2019
We are like stars,
Distant and dying.
The wind, how it howls,
Dancing and crying.

For we now exist,
And scream in the rain,
Only to find,
We have faded again.

Years have now passed,
Timeless and more.
Our stories have passed,
Into fictional lore.

And at last we can cease,
Our light falls away.
And although our souls leave,
Our stardust will stay.
Space things
Aug 2019 · 399
Tai Roberts Aug 2019
They say that we are made of stardust,
Sixteen billion years of history and beauty.
Our atoms have arrived here from the far reaches of a distant universe,
Of a place that I will never know.
When I die, maybe I'm not saying a last farewell.
Maybe I'm going home
A 50 word poetry challenge
Aug 2019 · 162
Tai Roberts Aug 2019
All it takes is a word,
To end the existence of a person.

Something that comes so naturally,
Has the power to destroy so much.

I wonder how something so beautiful,
Can be the cause of so much destruction.

But only Sometimes.
Jul 2019 · 378
The Forbidden War
Tai Roberts Jul 2019
Look into my eyes.
A storm that no one can see,
An internal battle of good and bad,
And everything in between.

They eat up all the lies,
Not wanting the gifts of truth,
Can you still call someone a friend,
After they slit your throat?

The lost weight doesn't bother them,
A metaphorical approach,
The measurement of time against future,
Of blood against bones.

You have stereotypes of need,
Of how people will behave,
The only battle that matters
Is the war being fought tonight.

The glass is always empty,
But sometimes nearly full,
The poison slips from the tongues of men,
Such deceit set into the child's mind.

Ashes fall from red fires,
Tears dry into the dust,
Finally this world will disappear,
Leaving me in despair.

The loosely thrown compliments,
Melt into the bones of the dead,
And I hope that they hate me enough,
To let my mind fly free.

I yearn to be of freedom,
Of a soul that's not yet broken,
But I fear that it is too late for that,
And that my fate will be destroyed.
Philosophical late night thoughts.
May 2019 · 611
Tai Roberts May 2019
I always wonder,
Why do we have to mess everything up?
Intelligence is the most beautiful and most terrible thing,
Because without intelligence we would be nothing,
And with it, we are the cause of destruction.

I always wonder,
Do we have another chance?
If we could change our ways, would we?
Or would we choose to carry out our lives with acts of cruelty?
Because as far as I can see,
It's easier to ignore the things that stand in plain sight.

I always wonder,
Are any of us innocent?
We don't blame the water when it kills something,
But we blame our kind for returning the favour.
Is that because we can feel pain?
Feel the burden of existence?

Now I wonder,
Is redemption even possible?
Because at the end of the world,
There won't be a second chance to offer us comfort,
And we will cease to exist,
With a stain on our infinite legacy.
A short poem on change, chances and legacies.
May 2019 · 390
Survival of the Fittest
Tai Roberts May 2019
There is a world out there,
A world that I’m not invited to take part in.
Because I don’t think that society is ever going to forgive the crime that I have committed.
The crime of existing. Of surviving in this cruel, desolate environment.
Because life is a game -
You either win by passing each and every level,
Or you die trying to succeed.
This is a poem about how life will try and end you. Only the strongest survive.
Apr 2019 · 223
Of Metaphors and Time
Tai Roberts Apr 2019
Just an abstract concept stuck in the beings of reality.
The cause of everything or something. Of pain and healing.
They say it mends all wounds, but what is it really?
Four letters in the English language used to describe the motions of the universe.
Because for there to be nothing there has to be something, right?

The curse and the blessing of life.
It signals the gentle light of the beginning and the crushing darkness of the end.
We wait for answers, but they are already present.
Humans are just not intelligent enough to comprehend them.
One day we will wake up to find that everything is gone. But was it ever really here?

A single word that is said too much but not enough.
Letters of mixed meanings and dying memories.
Of fading and remembering.
Of hate and love.
Because we have never felt anything until we experience the true suffering of our existence.

Of infinite years and more.
Because our minds are made of the entire universe in a single body of cells.
We say that pain is the real reason for suffering,
But they are just chemical messages being sent from our brains.
We are coming to our demise even before we are aware of our waking.

Because the end will come before our beginnings
And we are just trapped in the endless circle of life and death.
When we return to the endless spread of stars,
We may be the start of a new form of life.
And we may cause the very end of our worlds.

But all that will happen with time.

— The End —