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 Sep 2016 May Asher
Prathipa Nair
Those moments with him
Holding hands of warmth
Standing akin swans
To swim in the river of love
His Solicitude with me
Holding hearts of love
Becoming a couple
To live in the river of life
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
My heart pounds like thunder.
Your eyes shine like lightning.
We crash together.
There’s a storm inside of me.

The sound is muffled,
The flashes slowing.
We’re diminishing now.
You brewed a hurricane inside of me.

The birds are out,
Chirping, whirling.
The sun is shining.
It’s over.

And you’re nowhere to be found.

- kmh
Not my best, but I think I'm getting over him.
Before I learned to play with fire
I stood amongst it's ashes
The smoke, it danced into the sky
And embers floated flawlessly
When the flames grew into fire
I was not afraid
When the flames grew into fire
I knew I'd be okay
2016 © Jazzelle Monae
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Something seems off
Like i'm being deceived
Though my eyes can only see
What i'm wanted to perceive
It's such a nagging feeling
Because I trust what I see
But now that is
To a certain degree
There's something here
I'm not supposed to know
Something i'm shielded from
I haven't found any clues though
 Sep 2016 May Asher
This hurts a lot
A clot
In the life of one
It's brought
Not caught
And seen
In the expression of face
But gives a loss
For words

And we all have meaning
At least we assume it to
But what would happen
If that were proven untrue?
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
My future is done
It's in the past,
It never happened
And now there can be
A flatline
Happiness no more
I might as well be dead
But knowing this life
I'll live forever...
 Sep 2016 May Asher
With no hope
I'm gone
My humanity is lost
I can never return
I might as well be dead
For not a single person
Will know me as I was
Because I messed up
And there's not a shred of hope
And what used to be life
Has caused my death
Sadness and regret
Those are the last two feelings
I'll ever have
The love for one
Frozen at gunpoint
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