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 Sep 2016 May Asher
Not Now
 Sep 2016 May Asher
I can look back
At least
At the good things
And smile
I know I can't
Be mad
I just hate it
This way
Why does it have
To end?
Does it have to?
Not now
If I can help,
Not now
 Sep 2016 May Asher
What do I deserve?
Well obviously
Certainly that
Torturing myself
In unimaginable ways
Until I die of just too much pain?
More than that really
I deserve to lose the woman
That I love most in the world
That's the worst thing
That can happen to me
I deserve it
But i'd rather have to do
The other things
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Your soul,that choice
how could you steal my voice
The trust I folded from the beat of my heart
in my mind's eye,we'd never part
We gave each other our word
it was rooted deeply,never to possess flight of a bird
Never would I think of the word betray
blinded was I to the secrets of your true way
The promise we made with our soul
it was true,honest,lovely,concreted with my whole

Now I leer and gaze at someone that might be honest and true
but I am overwhelmingly careful,never to be that fool
My heart taking so long to heal
so afraid to allow myself to feel
will I ever give out trust in my once childlike manner
flying now is distrust and doubt,color change this is my banner
I want to trust again,but it is not easy.
 Sep 2016 May Asher
Paul Hansford
The chair she sat in had seen better days,
any resemblance to a burnished throne
pure fantasy, for half its springs were gone,
cover and stuffing on their separate ways
towards disintegration; in the maze
of wire and fluff inside it a half-done
crossword, peanuts, a sweet, a dried-up bone
the dog had lost. In fact, to turn a phrase,
burning, not burnishing, was what it needed;
all thought of restoration or repair
into a distant hope had long receded.
Once it had been a comfortable chair,
the children's cosy nook, almost a friend,
but things wear out. The bonfire was its end.
"The chair she sat in, like a burnished throne, / Glowed on the marble ... " - Eliot, The Waste Land

"The barge she sat in, like a burnish'd throne, / Burn'd on the water ... "  - Shakespeare, Antony and Cleopatra
 Sep 2016 May Asher
 Sep 2016 May Asher
As I stare at your bare flesh,
enticed by your fragrance.
Graving your ripe juices,
to cleanse my palate;
drenching my restless tongue,
with your sweet taste.
Leaving me to savor
your succulent nectar
your lustful fruit;
my heavenly savior.
How careful was I, when I took my way,
Each trifle under truest bars to ******,
That to my use it might unusèd stay
From hands of falsehood, in sure wards of trust!
But thou, to whom my jewels trifles are,
Most worthy comfort, now my greatest grief,
Thou best of dearest, and mine only care,
Art left the prey of every ****** thief.
Thee have I not locked up in any chest,
Save where thou art not—though I feel thou art—
Within the gentle closure of my breast,
From whence at pleasure thou mayst come and part;
    And even thence thou wilt be stol’n, I fear,
    For truth proves thievish for a prize so dear.
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