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2.4k · Aug 2019
Down by the Watermelon Patch
Dayna Aug 2019
Down by the watermelon patch, where the wild watermelon grew, only my brother and I ever knew. Knew where the watermelon patch was, knew where it grew. In the woods far beyond, where the wolves lived too.
1.3k · Aug 2019
Dayna Aug 2019
In the city, it smelled good. the smell of smoke, smelled good. The smell of smog, smelled good, the Mexican food, smelled good, the smell of the heat, smelled good, and pinched my nose too.... But the petrichor smelled best. Because when it rained, it smelled like concrete. The concrete smelled good.
574 · Aug 2019
Dayna Aug 2019
My first ever love, my first ever heart throb. She was beauty in every way, and grand in every place. Never have I felt my face before I met the Sea. Never have I felt my chest before I met the Sea. Never have I ever felt my wings before I met the sea, I could feel them hang on my back since I met the Sea. And I loved her so much, I went out to sea, with a crew, and I Captain. We stole, killed, sang and ate. And we did it all, because every man that stood on my boat, loved. Oh loved the Sea. Every man on my boat, head over heels, for the sea.
428 · Aug 2019
My island
Dayna Aug 2019
I want to live on an island, all alone. In a nice yellow house, with some vines on the windows. And i'd relax for the rest of my life, and wander around my island. I'd be the only soul. No one to bother me, no one to talk to me. No one to impress, no one watching me. No one to laugh at me, no one to tease me. No one to ever love me. And not once would I ever, attempt to leave that island. Even if that meant, I'd be all alone. As long as I wasn't. Lonely.
360 · Aug 2019
Sloth is my friend
Dayna Aug 2019
Why would any man wish to carry ambition? Motivation? Drive? When he can come lay here by my side. And only worry about the falling leaves from the trees outside. He can hide under the covers, and be as warm as he likes. Don't worry about the future, don't worry about the past, don't worry about the present. Just Lie here and rest. Rest, and dream, dream about all your life could have been. Dream about the ideal life, and live in it. All without the work. Isn't it better? Up in your head? aren't your dreams living better? Lets live together. In your head.
249 · Aug 2019
Sunflower Child
Dayna Aug 2019
Together we shall, my sunflower child. No nightmare will come to thee... I'll save some moonlight, I'll stay up all night, come blow the pieces away with me. My darling my sweet, let's fall asleep, and make forgettable memories.
212 · Aug 2019
Against Me
Dayna Aug 2019
Fighting against me, is like fighting against nature itself.
Prepare for thunder, prepare for drought. Prepare for waves to drag you, to drown. Prepare for earthquakes to take you down.

— The End —